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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read the text. Analyze the situation yourself. Afterwards compare your opinion with the expert assessment.

  The vessel was preparing for departure and the mooring parties were standing by forward and aft. The master gave the order to let go all lines and the 2nd officer, who was at the forward mooring station, gave the order to let go both headlines. One of the Abs who was working in front of the mooring winch put the mooring line on a hook on the roller bollard instead of around the roller, which was the normal procedure. An OS was operating the mooring winch but he couldn’t see the AB who was handling the line because of the large mooring winch. For some unknown reason the 2nd officer gave the order to heave in both headlines while one of them was still attached to the shore bollard.It’s imperative that the person in charge of the mooring operation has complete situational awareness. The headline tightened very quickly and it came off the bollard hook and hit the AB hard in the waist. The AB was wearing correct PPE equipment (helmet, safety shoes, coverall and gloves) but this didn’t protect him against the snap from the mooring rope. The master believed that the main reason for the accident was because the mooting team wasn’t vigilant enough. Mooring accidents are unfortunately not uncommon but can usually be avoided if the mooring team follows correct procedures and work as a team with clearly defined duties. It is imperative that the mooring team involved is aware of risks which should be defined in the risk assessment.     WHAT? AB hit by mooring rope during departure 1 WHY? The mooring line was still on the shoreside bollard when the order to heave in was given by the 2nd officer, causing the line to snap and hit the AB in the waist. 2 WHY? AB had put the mooring line on the hook of the roller bollard instead of aroung the roller bollard. 3 WHY? The mooring party had poor situational awareness as no party member recognized the risk of the mooring line on the hook. 4 WHY? The mooring party didn’t follow the company’s risk assessment and mooring procedures. 5 WHY? The company hasn’t been able tp implement a safety culture onboard the vessel which follows risk assessment and procedures. Consequences: The AB received injuries to his back and is unlikely to be able to resume sea duties

Answer the questions.

1. What are the mooring parties involved in the procedure?

2. What orders were diven by the Master and the 2nd officer?

3. What mooring procedure is normal? Was it violated by the AB?

4. Why couldn’t an OS see the AB?

5. Can the 2nd officer’s orders cause the mooring accident?

6. Why was the AB hit by the mooring line?

7. Do you agree with the Master’s conclusion on accidents’s causes?

8. Did the team have the situational awareness?



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