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Translate these sentences from the History of Laser video into Russian.

· A beam of light needs eight minutes and nineteen seconds to reach the Earth.

· The man who paved the way was Albert Einstein.

· By pure logic Einstein proposed that there had to be an until then unknown type of light emission that would allow us to control the characteristics of light to a degree that was not dreamt possible before.

· Four years later in 1921 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his groundbreaking theories about light.

· One day Townes would study physics and his fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics enabled the construction of the very first masers and lasers.


Theodore Maimain
The laser was a groundbreaking technology that would find applications in every sector of modern life and activity. It was an invention that triggered innovations itself.

· People still did not quite know what Maiman's new invention could be used for: “an invention searching for an application” was the scornful opinion even in the technical press.

This Laser Timeline contains 8 factual mistakes. Can you find them all?

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions to fill in the missing information.

E.G. Who laid the scientific foundation for laser?

(It was) Einstein.


The scientific foundation for laser was laid by__________.

Astronauts on the Apollo 11 space mission in 1969 used a laser to measure _________________.

Despite some lasers being hotter than the surface of the sun, they can be used to cool atoms when combined with a magnetic field.

In 1974 lasers were used commercially for the first time in supermarket barcode scanners.

Laser “tweezers” can be used to manipulate _________. 

Laser tag was developed as a training program for the U.S. army in the 1970s.

You need ________ common laser pointers to move a coin.

The strength of early lasers was measured in “gillettes,” the amount of power required to burn through one Gilette razor blade.

The capacity of the world’s most powerful laser is equal to ______________.




The scientific foundation for laser was laid by__________.

The world’s most powerful laser has the power equivalent to that of a hydrogen bomb.

The strength of early lasers was measured in _________.

Laser “tweezers” can be employed to manipulate single atoms.

Lasers were used commercially for the first time in supermarket barcode scanners in ____ (year).

The Apollo 11 astronauts measured the distance between Earth and the moon using a laser in 1969.

____________ was developed as a training program for the U.S. army in the 1970s.

Lasers can be used to cool atoms when combined with _____________.

Lasers can be used to push an object! But you need at least 30 billion common laser pointers to move a coin.






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