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Main enrichment processes

Name the main enrichment processes? Describe the main characteristics.

The enrichment of field minerals is a set of processes for the primary processing of mineral raw materials, which has as its goal the separation of all valuable minerals from waste rock, as well as the mutual separation of valuable minerals.

Main enrichment processes

The processing operations to which the mining mass is subjected at the processing plant are subdivided into: -the main (the processing itself);
The preparatory processes are intended for the discovery or discovery of the grains of useful components (minerals) that make up the mineral, and dividing it into size classes that meet the technological requirements of subsequent enrichment processes. The preparatory processes include crushing, grinding, screening and classification.-preparatory
The main enrichment processes are designed to isolate one or more useful components from the initial mineral raw materials. The source material in the enrichment process is divided into appropriate products - concentrate (s), prom.products and final tailings. The enrichment processes use the differences of minerals of the useful component and waste rock in density, magnetic susceptibility, wettability, electrical conductivity, grain size, grain shape, chemical properties, etc.-auxiliary.
The final operations in the mineral processing schemes are intended, as a rule, to reduce the humidity to a standard level, as well as to regenerate the circulating waters of the processing plant. The main final operations are pulp thickening, dehydration and drying of enrichment products.

Preparative Screening, Crushing Shredding

Basic Processes Sorting, Gravity, Magnetic and electrical enrichment, Flotation

Radiometric enrichment , Drainage, Thickening, Filtration, Drying

Auxiliary processes Drainage, Thickening, Filtration, Drying


2) Describe the modern electrochemical methods of mineral processing.
Electrochemical methods based on anodic oxidation and dissolution of rhenium, in recent years, are of increasing interest in the development of technology for processing waste of rhenium-containing alloys. This is due to the relatively high speed of the process and the simplicity of the hardware design, as well as the possibility of recycling with minimal preliminary preparation. That is especially true of the grinding of raw materials, since electrochemical methods are not very sensitive to the dispersion of the material.

Electrochemical processes are conveniently used for recycling electronic industry waste from tungsten-molybdenum-rhenium alloys, since their volumes are insignificant. To date, quite a lot of options have been developed for the electrochemical technology of such wastes.

Stage 5: Conversion of matte to copper blister

The reactions are:

a) 2FeS(l) + 3O2 + SiO2(l) → 2FeO.SiO2 + 2SO2 (g)
air flux slag gas

b) Cu2S(l) + O2(g) → 2Cu(l) + SO2
air blister copper gas

Stage 6: Anode casting

The blister copper produced by this process is 99% pure copper.

Stage 7: Electrolytic refining
The blister copper is already virtually pure (in excess of 99% copper).

At the anode: Cu(s) → Cu2+(aq) + 2e-

At the cathode: Cu2+(aq) + 2e- → Cu(s)


Name the main enrichment processes? Describe the main characteristics.

The enrichment of field minerals is a set of processes for the primary processing of mineral raw materials, which has as its goal the separation of all valuable minerals from waste rock, as well as the mutual separation of valuable minerals.

Main enrichment processes

The processing operations to which the mining mass is subjected at the processing plant are subdivided into: -the main (the processing itself);
The preparatory processes are intended for the discovery or discovery of the grains of useful components (minerals) that make up the mineral, and dividing it into size classes that meet the technological requirements of subsequent enrichment processes. The preparatory processes include crushing, grinding, screening and classification.-preparatory
The main enrichment processes are designed to isolate one or more useful components from the initial mineral raw materials. The source material in the enrichment process is divided into appropriate products - concentrate (s), prom.products and final tailings. The enrichment processes use the differences of minerals of the useful component and waste rock in density, magnetic susceptibility, wettability, electrical conductivity, grain size, grain shape, chemical properties, etc.-auxiliary.
The final operations in the mineral processing schemes are intended, as a rule, to reduce the humidity to a standard level, as well as to regenerate the circulating waters of the processing plant. The main final operations are pulp thickening, dehydration and drying of enrichment products.

Preparative Screening, Crushing Shredding

Basic Processes Sorting, Gravity, Magnetic and electrical enrichment, Flotation

Radiometric enrichment , Drainage, Thickening, Filtration, Drying

Auxiliary processes Drainage, Thickening, Filtration, Drying


2) Describe the modern electrochemical methods of mineral processing.
Electrochemical methods based on anodic oxidation and dissolution of rhenium, in recent years, are of increasing interest in the development of technology for processing waste of rhenium-containing alloys. This is due to the relatively high speed of the process and the simplicity of the hardware design, as well as the possibility of recycling with minimal preliminary preparation. That is especially true of the grinding of raw materials, since electrochemical methods are not very sensitive to the dispersion of the material.

Electrochemical processes are conveniently used for recycling electronic industry waste from tungsten-molybdenum-rhenium alloys, since their volumes are insignificant. To date, quite a lot of options have been developed for the electrochemical technology of such wastes.


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