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Congratulating and   Consoling



Congratulating Поздравления Congratulations!                      Поздравляю! Well done!                          Молодец, браво! Brilliant! / Excellent!            Здорово! I’m (really) happy for you! Я рад за тебя! Good for you!                      Молодец! That’s great/fantastic news! Это великолепная, прекрасная новость! Consoling Слова утешения That’s too bad/a pity/a shame. Как жаль! Don’t let it get you down.           Не расстраивайся из-за этого! Never mind.           Полно, не обращай внимания! Don’t worry.                  Не волнуйся! You’ll be fine/OK/alright.  Все будет хорошо. I’m so sorry.                  Мне очень жаль. It’s not as bad as it seems. Все не так плохо как                                       кажется.


Task 1

Discuss in groups of three the situations when we congratulate people and the situations when we console people.

Task 2

Read the dialogues and underline the phrases used for congratulating and consoling. What is the situation in each dialogue?

A: What’s the matter, Tom? You look a bit upset.
B: Yeah, I am upset, actually. I just got a ‘C’ in my Physics exam.
A: Never mind. It’s not as bad as you think. It’s still a passing grade.
B: I suppose.


A: Georgia? Are you free after class?         

B: Yes, lam. Why?

A: Well, I got my driving license yesterday, and I thought we could go out for a bite to eat. B: Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!


Task 3

Use the language in the box to act out similar dialogues for the situations

1. A friend has passed her exams.

2.Your brother has crashed his car.

3. Your sister got accepted to study medicine abroad.

4. A friend has lost his job.

5. Your classmate entered the university.

6. Your girl friend got the leading role in a film.

7. Your mother has won the lottery!

8. Your farther has broken his leg.

9. A friend has failed his exam in maths twice.


Task 1

Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate Passive tense form

1. Students (to be required) to complete 12 years of secondary education before entering the university.

2. The oldest university in Russia, Moscow State University (to be founded) in 1755.

3. All the exams (to be taken) in July and January.

4. The course of study (to be completed) if a student gets a certain number of credits for it.

5. The tuition for study (to be paid) once a year in Russian universities.

6. The thesis (to be written) already.

7. Do you know how many students (to be admitted) to the South Ural State University last year?

8. An Associate degree (to be given) by community colleges.

9. The most successful students (to be given) grants by the university or local authorities.

10. The essay on history (to be written) yet?


Task 2

Transfer the sentences from Active into Passive

Example: I finished school 8 years ago.           

                   The school was finished 8 years ago.

1. I advanced my career after getting the Master’s degree.

2. My sister teaches students at the university.

3. I have already done my homework.

4. Scientists proved this theorem 20 years ago.

5. When will you defend your graduation project?

6. We carried out many experiments in the laboratory.

7. I took all the necessary textbooks in the library.

8. We will perform this work on the computer next week.

9. I write letters to my pen-friend every week.


Exercise 3


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