Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


2.1. Study the information.


During the week I usually wake up at 6.30 a.m. I sometimes lie in bed for five minutes but then I have to get up (= get out of bed and get dressed). Most evenings, I go to bed at about 11 30 p.m. I’m usually very tired, so I go to sleep / fall asleep very quickly. Occasionally though I can’t get to sleep (= succeed in sleeping). When that happens, I sometimes manage to fall asleep about 3a.m., then I oversleep (= sleep too long) in the morning. If I have a late night (= go to bed very late), I try to have a nap (= a short sleep, e.g. 20-25 minutes) in the afternoon. The weekends are different. On Saturday and Sunday I have a lie-in. (= stay in bed until later, e.g. 8a.m. or 8.30a.m.)


In the week I have breakfast at 7.30a.m., lunch at 1.00p.m., and dinner around 7p.m. I also have one or two snacks (= small amounts of food), e.g. cakes, biscuits or fruit, during the day at work. As I live alone / on my own / by myself (= without other people), I also have to make my own breakfast and dinner (= prepare breakfast and dinner for myself), but during the week I don’t bother (= make an effort) to cook very much. I also have to feed (= give food to) my two cats twice a day as well.

Keeping clean

In the summer I have a shower in the morning, but in the winter I often have a bath instead (= in place of a shower). Sometimes I have a shave at the same time, or I shave when I have a wash and clean / brush my teeth after breakfast. I wash my hair two or three times a week.


In the morning I leave home about 8.15a.m. and get to work (= arrive at work) by 9a.m. I have a lunch break (= stop work for lunch) from 1-2p.m., and a couple of short breaks during the day. I leave work around 5.30p.m. and get home about 6.15p.m.


During the week I usually stay in (= stay at home) and have a rest (= relax and do nothing). But at the weekend I often go out (= leave the house for social reasons, e.g. go to the cinema or disco with friends), but quite often I also have friends for dinner (= invite friends to my house and cook dinner for them), or friends just come round (= visit me at the house) for a chat (= conversation) or we play cards, e.g. poker or bridge.


I do the shopping (= buy the food) on Saturday. Fortunately (= luckily) I have a cleaner (= a person who cleans) and she does most of the housework: she does my washing (= washes the clothes), the washing-up (= washes the dishes) and does most of the ironing.

● There are some expressions with “have + noun”, e.g. have a shower. Can you remember six more?

(Redman Stuart. English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate and Intermediate.)


2.2. Now complete some expressions by matching the verbs in A with the correct word in B.

              A                                       B

fall           go do           clean have       feed play         get up a rest           cards my teeth       the ironing the dog            early asleep           to bed


2.3. Write the correct preposition: in, at or on.

1. …… the morning                       7. …… 7 o’clock

2. …… midday                     8. …… Monday

3. …… the weekend            9. …… Saturday afternoon

4. …… night                         10. ….. 8 o’clock in the morning

5. …… the evening                       11. ….. the week

6. …… Sunday                    12. ….. weekdays


2.4. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. What time do you have the breakfast?

2. In the morning I always let home at 8 o’clock.

3. I didn’t shave me this morning.

4. I live by my own.

5. I usually wash the hair every day.

6. I went to bed and slept very quickly.


                                                                                         Figure 1


2.5. Work in pairs. The clock (Figure 1) shows how the average British family spends a working day. Ask and say what time people in Britain:

● get up                                               ● finish work/school

● start work/school                             ● have dinner

● have lunch                                      ● go to bed/sleep

(Garton-Sprenger, Judy, Greenall, Simon. BBC Beginners’ English. Stage 2.)


2.6. Work in pairs. Ask and say how much time the British spend:

● having breakfast and travelling              ● having dinner

● working                                                      ● watching TV or reading

● at school                                                             ● sleeping/asleep

● having lunch                                             ● eating

● doing homework

Model: - How much time do the British spend having lunch?

    - One hour

(Garton-Sprenger, Judy, Greenall, Simon. BBC Beginners’ English. Stage 2.)


2.7. Work in pairs. Ask and say what time you do these things. Then work out how long your partner spends doing the things in activity 2.6. Now compare the time you each spend doing these things.

Model: 1) - You spend an hour doing your homework, whereas I spend thirty minutes.

    - So you spend less time doing your homework than I do.

2) - I spend forty-five minutes travelling, but you only spend ten minutes travelling.

 - So you spend longer travelling than I do.

(Garton-Sprenger, Judy, Greenall, Simon. BBC Beginners’ English. Stage 2.)


2.8. Think about the average working day for people in your country, and compare it with the average British working day.

Model: British children start school later than we do. They start at nine o’clock, but/whereas we start at half past eight.


2.9. Describe a typical working day in your country.


2.10. Answer the questions.

A) What time do you:

● have a snack                    ● work on your computer

● go to university                 ● do your assignments

● finish university                 ● feed your pet

● have lunch                        ● wash up

● have dinner                                ● go to bed?


B) How often do you:

● study at the weekends         ● watch TV                      ● read novels

● have an early night               ● go running     ● go to a club?

● have a late night                    ● eat Chinese food

● cook breakfast                                ● play computer games

● have dinner in MacDonald’s ● chat on your mobile

● go to a friend’s house           ● go to the library?

Use: always, never, sometimes, seldom, usually, often while answering the questions.


2.11. Say a few sentences about your working day.



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