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Относительное местоимение what , передающее оттенок эмфазы

Относительное местоимение what употребляется для выделения того или иного члена предложения, что пе­редается в русском переводе словами именно; как раз; как раз то, что. Иногда этот оттенок эмфазы мы не можем передать средствами русского языка:

A rise of temperature is what should be expected in this case.

7*        195

Подъем температуры (как раз) то, что (и) следует ожидать в этом случае.

В этом случае надо как раз ожидать подъем темпе­ратуры.

В этом случае и надо ожидать подъем температуры.

Примечание. В предложениях подобного типа есть возмож­ность снять эмфазу, опустив союз what и те структурные части предложения, которые с ним связаны, т. е. приведенное выше пред­ложение можно написать так:

A rise of temperature should be expected in this case. В этом случае следует ожидать подъем температуры.

Ср. предложения:

What I wished to do was to explain the difference in the behaviour of these two substances.

Я как раз хотел объяснить различие в поведении этих двух веществ.

Объяснить различие... это то, что я как раз хотел сделать.

I wished to explain the difference in the behaviour... Я хотел объяснить различие...

Упражнение Переведите следующие предложения:

1. What is the most striking is that the reaction rate does
not change at all.

2. What is still a little mysterious is that the symmetry
group we eventually produce turns out to be continuous.

3. The increase of s with increasing molecular complexity
is what is to be expected.

4. What is important is where the negative charge density
is greatest.

5. What I have tried to do is to give a self-contained
mathematical treatment of the simplest model.

6. In this case what concerns us is simply that a rising
molecule goes on rising after collision.

7. What I wish to emphasize is this.

8. What really matters in this case is the sudden rise of

9. There is a definite connection between electricity and
magnetism. Just what this connection is we do not yet know
with certainty.



Запомните следующие выражения с относительным местоимением what :

What for?                 -Зачем?

What does it matter? —Какое это имеет значение?

What about...            —Что же сказать о...

In what follows...     —В дальнейшем...

19. Повторение перевода относительного местоимения what

Упражнение Переведите следующие предложения;

1. What we ordinary consider waves act like particles in
some ways.

2. What really concerns us in this case is whether the
material is an insulator or not.

3. What does it matter if the useful work is only a small
portion of the energy?

4. The deviations from Boyle's law are neglected in what

5. Galvani attributed the current to what he called "animal
electricity" or, as it came to be known "Galvanism".

6. In 1902 A. Carnegie founded what was to become a
new kind of institution for America: the first to be devoted
wholly to fundamental research.

7. With certain compounds, chlorine combines directly to
form what are called additional compounds.

8. What I wish to emphasize is the importance of joint

9. In the light of what has been said before you can
understand that neither air nor any other gas is normally a

10. The capacity for doing work that is possessed by
bodies when in motion is what we referred to on page 64
as "living force" in moving bodies; now we call it kinetic

11. If the earth, so cool outside, is so hot within, even


though still solid, what about interior temperatures of the sun and of the still hotter stars?

12. Invariably there is a layer of moisture between the
metal plates and what is actually observed is the terminal
voltage of an open galvanic cell.

13. The choice as to what process is to be used for
purification of water depends upon the uses for which it is
intended as well as the impurities it contains.

14. We wish to learn what those specific properties of
material object are that determine the value of the ratio of
acceleration in this experiment.


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