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Exercise 1

Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.


       If you looked at a map of world religions, Britain would probably be shown as Christian, and Protestant. But that would be only part of the story. The national religion of England is the Protestant Church of England, and the national religion of Scotland is the Protestant Church of Scotland. But there are many other religious groups in Britain as well. These include 5.7 million Roman Catholics, 1.5 million Muslims, and 400,000 Jews as well as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Rastafarians.

       A visitor to Britain might think that religion was an unimportant part of British life. Although there are churches everywhere you look, many of them seem to be empty and forgotten, especially in the cities. But in fact religion is still important to many British people. Interest in religion is actually growing, as millions of people find that the materialistic world does not give them what they need. For the many small minority groups it is the thing that keeps them together and keeps their culture alive. Muslim parents, for example, often send their children to Saturday school to learn Arabic and the Koran. They fear that in the British school system their children will not live a good life and respect their parents. Hindu and Sikh temples are also important meeting places. People from India go to them to see friends and discuss problems, as well as to worship in their own way.

       Although there are many small religious groups in Britain, most people are still Protestant. Every Sunday, about 1.2 million people go to a service in an Anglican (Church of England) church. And sixty per cent of the population think of themselves as church members, even if they go to church only at Christmas, or for weddings. And yet, there is a common idea that the churches are places for old ladies, and that young people are no longer interested in religion. Many agree that there is a problem with young people. They are too busy finding out about their own lifestyle and their own careers to worry about the church. But interest in the church is growing again. There are between ten and fifteen per cent more men (and even women) training to be priests than there were in the 1960s. More and more people are realizing that cars and colour televisions are not enough to make them happy. They are looking for more in their lives. Many believe that the church is there to give it to them. They hope it will be able to.

The Church of England plays an important part in Britain’s national life. Twenty six of its bishops are members of the House of Lords. The Church is present on all the great state occasions, like the Coronation. And when the Archbishop of Canterbury (the senior bishop in the Anglican Church) speaks, his words are reported in the newspapers.

The saddest part of religious life in Britain is the war between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland. The reasons for the war are more political that religious. There are of course fanatical Catholics and Protestants on both sides. But there are many other religious people who want peace to come once more to the green fields of Ireland.




Sikh, n - сикх; представитель религиозной группы (Индия)

Rastafarian, n - растафарианец; представитель религиозной группы (Ямайка)

the Anglican Church ( the Church of England) - англиканская церковь; государственная религия Великобритании; главой англиканской церкви является королева Елизавета II




temple, n храм

worship, v участвовать в богослужении, молиться



Exercise 2

Translate the 3rd and the 4th paragraphs of the text beginning with the words “Although there are many small religious groups in Britain ...” and ending with the words “... his words are reported in the newspapers” (in written form).




Exercise 3

Divide the text into logically connected parts and entitle them. Present the points of your plan in written form in the space below.




Exercise 4

Present the general idea of the text in 3-4 sentences. Do it in written form.




Exercise 5

Give your opinion on the religious situation in Great Britain. Present your interpretation in the form of a thesis. Write it down in the space below.








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