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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии






1.1 Subject, tasks and methods of translation theory

1.2 The emergence of the science of translation

1.3 Translation Matches



2.1 Structural linguistics and translation

2.2 General problems and methodology of translation and linguistics

2.3 Translation and various sections of linguistics

2.4 Translation rates






Among the many complex problems that modern linguistics studies, an important place is occupied by the study of the linguistic aspects of interlingual speech activity, which is called “translation” or “translation activity”.

Translation is undoubtedly a very ancient type of human activity. As soon as in the history of mankind there were formed groups of people whose languages differed from each other, “bilinguals” appeared, helping to communicate between “multilingual” groups. With the advent of writing, interpreters such as interpreters joined translators who translated various official, religious, and business texts. From the very beginning, the translation performed the most important social function, making interlanguage communication possible.

Translations have played an important role in the formation and development of many national languages and literatures. Often translated works preceded the emergence of original ones, they developed new linguistic and literary forms, educated a wide circle of readers.

Translations occupied a significant place in ancient Russian literature, played an important role in the development of Armenian, Georgian and many other literatures with a long history.

The great importance of translation for the development of education and the culture of nations was well understood by the best minds of mankind. Marx, Engels, and Lenin were widely educated people, proficient in many foreign languages. A broad linguistic erudition allowed the classics of Marxism-Leninism to competently judge translations, to formulate a number of principles of translation, to act as translators and editors of translations. In their numerous statements on the translation of the classics of Marxism-Leninism, they first of all stressed the need for a deep insight into the content of the translated text, understanding of the author’s idea and the essence of the terminology used by him. Inaccurate or incomplete transmission of the original content hinders the fulfillment of the public translation function: to make the author’s thoughts accessible to members of another language community.

Translation is a multidimensional phenomenon, it can be of different types and it can mean work with texts of different styles and genres. The translation facility provides an opportunity between people speaking different languages. It is known that there are no perfect translations, each translation may contain errors, inaccuracies that are inconsistencies of the translated text to the original one. In this paper, I investigated and analyzed translation inconsistencies and a communicative - functional approach to translation.

Translated text is a communication tool and a container not only for the meaning, but also for the author's intention. Therefore, solving the problem of identifying and defining translation inconsistencies, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the text as a communication tool, its function, as well as features of the recipients of the original text and recipients of the translation text, features of their mentality, their culture, amount of background knowledge, features of their perception.

In a broad sense, the term "translation theory" is any concepts, statements and observations related to translation practice, methods and conditions for its implementation, various factors that have a direct or indirect effect on it.

In a narrower sense, "translation theory" includes only the theoretical part of translation studies itself and is opposed to its applied aspects.

Translation is a complex multifaceted phenomenon, certain aspects of which can be the subject of research in various sciences. Within the framework of translation studies, psychological, literary, ethnographic and other aspects of translation activities are studied, as well as the history of translation activities in a particular country or countries. Depending on the subject of the research, psychological translation studies (translation psychology), literary translation studies (theory of literary or literary translation), ethnographic translation studies, historical translation studies, etc. can be distinguished. The leading place in modern translation studies belongs to linguistic translation studies (translation linguistics), which studies translation as a linguistic phenomenon.

In the course work was studied, analyzed the theory of translation as a science, as well as a linguistic discipline.

To achieve the main goal of this research work it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

- to study the subject, tasks and methods of translation theory;

- to consider the emergence of the science of translation;

- examine translation correspondences;

- analyze structural linguistics and translation;

- to consider general problems and methodology of translation and linguistics;

- to study the translation and various sections of linguistics.


Translation Matches


The desire to maximize the semantic and structural proximity of the translation to the original leads to the fact that not only texts combined in the translation process, but also individual statements in these texts, and not only related expressions, but their units of the original language and translating language, are equivalent. . The use of a specific unit of translating language to translate a given unit of the original language is not accidental. Both units have a relatively stable value, and the fact that one of them can replace the other in the translation process indicates a significant commonality of their meanings. Such a community creates the prerequisites for establishing relations of translational equivalence between them, i.e. for regular use of one of them as a translation of the other. A unit that translates a language that is regularly used to translate a given unit to the source language is called a translation match.

Private translation theories study systems of translation correspondences in different languages with respect to units of a given language or a system of translation correspondences in a given language with respect to other languages. Since we are talking about the relationship between units of languages, for each pair of languages there is a set of correspondences and, therefore, its own particular translation theory. Units of one language that have some units of another language as translation correspondences will not always be, in turn, correspondences of these latter, if the given language is used as a translation language, i.e. the transfer will be made in the opposite direction. In other words, translational correspondences are not completely reversible, and within each particular translation theory, the relations of linguistic units are separately studied when translated into each of the two languages.

Translational correspondence acts as communicatively equivalent to the units of the source language, therefore the proximity of the values of the units of the source language and the translating language is only a prerequisite for the emergence of translational correspondence, but an insufficient condition for this. Equivalence relations are established when translating not between isolated linguistic units, but between units of the original language and translating the language, appearing as part of speech statements. Their ability to be communicatively equivalent is determined not only by the meaning that they have in the system of their language, but also by the peculiarities of their use in speech. Therefore, translational correspondences cannot be detected by trying to match the units occupying a similar place in the systems of two languages involved in the translation process, but it is necessary to extract from the communicatively equivalent utterances that are combined in the translation. This is achieved through a comparative analysis of translations, during which a large number of originals and their translations reveal units of the original language and translating language, which are equated to each other in the process of translation.

For practical purposes, the issues of translating such units of vocabulary and grammatical structure of the source language are particularly detailed in the framework of the private translation theory, the choice of correspondences for which is associated with special difficulties. Thus, when comparing texts of English-Russian translations with their originals, considerable parallelism is found in the use of such parts of speech as numerals and adjectives, and therefore the methods of their transmission are not described in detail in translation. On the contrary, Russian correspondences to various categories of the English verb and verb phrases (syntactic complexes) are considered in great detail. Of the impersonal forms of the English verb, the main focus is on the infinitive (especially the perfect one), and when describing the ways of translating an infinitive, its use in the definition function, associated with significant translation difficulties, is analyzed in detail. In other words, there is a selection of translationally relevant phenomena in the system of the original language. This selection is made on the basis of the nature of the correspondences in the translating language used in the translation of the distinguished units. It follows that the set of translationally relevant phenomena in any source language will each time be different when changing the translation language for which these phenomena are distinguished. Each pair of languages has its own set of translation difficulties.

As a starting point of the analysis, units of the source language are taken, as a rule, for which matches are found in the target language. In principle, such correspondences can be found for units of the source language at any level of the language system: from phoneme to sentence.


Translation rates


The general theory of translation reveals the concept of translation form, on the basis of which the quality of translation is assessed.

The set of requirements for the quality of translation is called the translation rate. The quality of the translation is determined by the degree of its compliance with the translational norm and the nature of involuntary or conscious deviations from this norm.

Regulatory requirements are formulated in the form of principles or rules of translation. The translation rate is formed as a result of the interaction of translating linguistic different types of regulatory requirements:

1) translation equivalence rate;

2) genre-stylistic norms of translation;

3) norms of translational speech;

4) pragmatic translation rate;

5) conventional translation rate.

Translation equivalence rate is not a constant parameter. It means that the content of the original and translation should be as general as possible, but only to the extent compatible with other regulatory requirements ensuring the adequacy of the translation. Genre-stylistic translation rate can be defined as the requirement that the translation corresponds to the dominant function and the stylistic features of the type of text to which the translation belongs. The choice of this type is determined by the nature of the original, and the stylistic requirements that the translation must meet are the regulatory rules that characterize texts of a similar type in the language of translation. The genre-stylistic norm largely determines both the necessary level of equivalence and the dominant function, the maintenance of which is the main task of the translator and the main criterion for assessing the quality of his work.

The rate of translational speech can be defined as the requirement to comply with the rules of the norm and customary language, taking into account the usual features of translated texts in this language. These features are implemented by translators intuitively in their practice.

A pragmatic translation rate can be defined as a requirement to ensure the pragmatic value of translation. The pragmatic conditions of the translation act may make it necessary to completely or partially refuse to comply with the translation standard, to replace the actual translation with a retelling, abstract or any other type of transmission of the contents of the original, which does not pretend to its comprehensive representation.

The conventional translation rate can be defined as a requirement of the maximum proximity of the translation to the original, its ability to fully replace the original, both in general and in detail, performing the tasks for which the translation was carried out. Thus, compliance with all regulatory rules, except the norm of equivalence, is more general in nature and is something taken for granted, and the degree of loyalty to the original is the variable that most determines the level of professional qualifications of the translator and the quality assessment of each individual translation.




In this course work was considered the study of many scientists associated with the study of the theory of translation as a science, and the theory of translation as a linguistic science. As a result of the analysis performed, it can be concluded that the translation discrepancy is not only inconsistency with the content of the original, revealed at the level of the individual sentence, and not only inconsistency with the norm and pattern of the translating language. It is also a discrepancy between the author’s communicative intention of the original, a distortion of the author’s communicative intent, his thought, the meaning put into the text as a tool for influencing the recipient.

Translation is a linguistic process, interlanguage transformation or transformation of text in one language into text in another language; means to ensure the possibility of communication (communication) between people speaking different languages. In this regard, the data of communicative linguistics are of particular importance for the theory of translation:

- about the features of the speech communication process; the specifics of direct and indirect speech acts;

- on the relationship between the expressed and implied meaning in the statement and the text;

- about the influence of the context and the situation of communication on the understanding of the text;

- about other factors determining the communicative behavior of a person.

Translation Theory is a logically based model of bilingual communication; theoretical part of linguistics translation (section of linguistics, which studies translation as a linguistic phenomenon).





1. Garbovsky N.K. Translation Theory: Textbook. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow. University, 2004.

2. Komissarov V.N. Translation Theory (Linguistic Aspects). - M.: High School, 1999.

3. Latyshev L.K. Translation technology. - M.: NVI-Thesaurus, 2000.

4. Retzker Ya.I. On natural correspondences in the translation into the native language // Questions of the theory and methods of educational translation. - M., 1950.

5. Semko S.A. Lectures on translation theory. - N.Novgorod: NGLU them. ON. Dobrolyubova, 2005.

6. Sdobnikov VV, Petrova O.V. Theory of Translation: A textbook for students of linguistic universities and faculties of foreign languages. - N.Novgorod: NGLU them. ON. Dobrolyubova, 2001.

7. Shevnin A.B. Erratology: Monograph. - Ekaterinburg: Ural Humanitarian Institute, 2003.

8. Fedorov A.V. Introduction to the theory of translation (Linguistic problems). - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing house on foreign. lang., 1958.





1.1 Subject, tasks and methods of translation theory

1.2 The emergence of the science of translation

1.3 Translation Matches


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