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What do these idioms and expressions mean?

· Eat someone alive

· Eat one’s heart out

· Eat like a bird

· Eat like a horse

· Eat someone out of house and home

· Eat one’s words

· Have someone eating out of one’s hand

· I’ll eat my hat

· What’s eating you?


Find these phrasal verbs in the dictionary and write the definitions with the examples down:

· Eat something away -

· Eat into -

· Eat someone up -

· Eat something up -



Match the ways of drinking to their meanings:

1. Drain

2. Sip

3. Swig

4. Swill

5. Slurp

6. Sup


a.  Drink (something) greedily or in large quantities.

b.  Drink in large draughts.

c.  Drink or eat (something) with a loud sucking noise.

d.  Drink the entire contents of (a glass or other container)

e. Take (drink or liquid food) by sips or spoonfuls.

f.  Drink (something) by taking small mouthfuls.


Fill in the gaps with the words above, using an appropriate form:

1.  He ______ noisily from a wine glass

2.  The stranger _____ his glass of beer

3.  They whiled away their evening _____ pints of bitter

4.  I sat _____ coffee

5.  She _____ up her soup delightedly

6. Dave _____ the wine in five gulps



What do these idioms and expressions mean?

· Drink and drive

· Drink deep

· Drink someone’s health

· Drink(a toast) to

· Drink someone under the table

· Drive someone to drink

· I’ll drink to that

· In drink

· Drink and dial


Find the synonyms for DRUNK:







Zoological terms


Match the zoological terms with their meanings:


1. Endothermic                                      a. active at night

2. Ectothermic                                       b. passing the winter in a lethargic and  

                                                                  low-metabolic state

3. Diurnal                                                c. two-footed

4. Nocturnal                                           d. having handlike feet

5. Bioluminescent                                 e. warm-blooded

6. Hibernating                                        f. four-footed

7. Aestivating                                         g. cold-blooded

8. Bicrural                                               h. passing the summer in a lethargic   

                                                                  and low-metabolic state                                             

9. Biped, bipedal                                    i. having arms

10.  Quadruped, tetrapod                      j. many-footed

11.  Polyped, polypod                             k. active during daylight

12.  Apodal, apodan, apodous               l. having no feet

13.  Pedimanous, pedimane                 m. having nails or claws 

14.  Brachiate                                            n. two-handed

15.  Bimanous                                           o. two-legged

16.  Unguiculate                                       p. having feathered feet

17.  Plumiped                                           q. emitting light  


Choose diurnal or nocturnal:


1. Sparrow      __________

2. Lion              __________

3. Zebra           __________

4. Owl              __________

5. Butterfly      __________

6. Cockroach   __________

7. Fox                __________

8. Tiger             __________

9. Giraffe          __________

10.  Badger         __________

11.  Snail             __________

12.  Hedgehog    __________



Choose hibernating or aestivating:


1. Hamster     __________

2. Lizard          __________

3. Bat               __________

4. Frog             __________

5. Hedgehog   __________

6. Bear             __________

7. Crocodile    __________

8. Bees             __________

9. Snail             __________

10. Tortoise       __________


Study animal families:





Word choice:

Word search:


Word scramble:


Spelling bee:



Animals Sounds
Apes gibber
Bats screech
Bears growl
Bees hum and buzz
Birds chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle
Calves bleat
Camels grunt
Cats mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl
Cattle moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull)
Chicks cheep
Chickens cluck, cackle
Cocks crow
Cows low, moo
Crickets chirp, creak
Crows caw
Deers bell
Dogs bark
Dolphins click
Donkeys bray
Doves coo
Ducks quack
Eagles scream
Elephants trumpet, roar, toot
Fish blub
Flies buzz, hum
Foxes bark, yelp, simper
Frogs croak
Giraffes bleat
Goats bleat
Geese cackle, quack
Grasshoppers chirp
Hamsters squeak
Hares squeak
Hens cackle, cluck
Humans whisper, whistle, cry, scream, sing, talk
Hogs grunt
Horses neigh, snort, whinny, nicker
Hummingbirds hum
Hyenas laugh, scream
Jackals howl
Kangaroos chortle
Koalas scream, bellow, wail
Lambs bleat
Larks sing, warble
Lions roar, growl
Mice squeak and squeal
Monkeys chatter, gibber, whoop, screech
Mosquitoes whine
Nightingales pipe, sing, warble
Ostriches chirp, bark, hiss, low hum
Owls hoot, scream, screech, shriek
Oxen bellow, low
Parrots talk, screech, squawk
Peacocks scream
Pigs snort, grunt, squeal, oink
Pigeons coo
Rabbits squeak, drum
Rats squeak
Ravens croak
Rhinoceros bellow
Rooster crow
Seagulls scream, squawk
Seals bark
Sheep bleat
Snakes hiss
Tigers growl, roar
Turkeys gobble
Vultures scream
Whales sing
Wolves howl, cry, yell
Zebras whinny


Fill in the gaps:


Dog goes "_____"
Cat goes "______"
Bird goes "_____"
And mouse goes "______"
Cow goes "_____"
Frog goes "_____"
And the elephant goes "_____"
Ducks say "______"
And fish go "_______"
And the seal goes "______”

But there's one sound
That no one knows
What does the fox say?



Fill in the correct word/phrase: puppy fat, bookworm, wild goose chase, whale of time, frog in my throat, fly on the wall.


1. Could I have a glass of water, please? I’ve got a _________.

2. Julie knows all about the latest books on the market. She’s a real _______.

3. The documents weren’t where you said they’d be. Did you send me on a _____________?

4. I’d like to be a _________ when Jane announces her engagement to her parents.

5. My son’s getting very chubby but the doctor said not to worry as it’s only __________.

6. The children were having ___________ at the party and didn’t want to leave.




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