Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read the text and compare the two universities.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT, is a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. MIT consists of five schools and one college, comprising 34 academic departments and 53 interdisciplinary centers and programs. Founded in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of America, MIT's mission and culture continue to emphasize teaching and research grounded in practical applications of science and technology. MIT graduates and faculty are also noted for their entrepreneurial spirit: a 1997 report by MIT claimed that the aggregated revenues produced by the 4,000 companies founded by MIT and its graduates would make it the twenty-fourth largest economy in the world.

  Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University or Polytech is a major Russian technical university. It was founded in 1899 as the most advanced engineering school in Russia. The main person promoting the idea of establishing a first-class engineering school was the Minister of Finance Count Sergei Witte who realized it was an important step towards the industrialization of Russia. Invariably it retained its outstanding position of one of the most highly regarded engineering educational centers. Nowadays it comprises 20 departments which educate engineers, economists and managers for 105 specialties. The hallmark of Polytechnic bears significance of the highest standard in teaching and research.

Both institutes were organized as research and development centers of their countries. During World War II, their highly skilled scientists developed defense-related technologies that later became integral to computers, radar, and inertial guidance. After the war, the universities continued to have a high profile throughout the Space Race and Cold War. Nowadays both Universities give education to approximately the same number of students − about 15,000 annually.

Each University has a library, which house many books and other materials. The MIT Libraries' collections include more than 5 million items, with 2.7 million volumes of print material and over 2.5 million items in extensive holdings of microforms, maps, images, musical scores, sound recordings, and videotapes. They offer workshops on library resources and in-depth consultations on research projects. Personal assistance is available from library staff at each location.

The Fundamental Library of Polytech has a rich collection of 2.9 million books in Russian and in many foreign languages with titles in every branch of science and technology. Prescribed text-books and manuals are reserved for immediate use available for staff and students who can consult them or borrow.. A copying service is available. Computers in the Library reading room are also available to visitors.

MIT Library and Polytech Library have many electronic journal titles licensed for access on the Institutions’ network and full-text online databases. Nowadays both libraries have their websites, which include useful information about collections of items. Both Universities are located in big cities, MIT in Boston, Polytech in Saint-Petersburg. The Polytech campus site occupies beautiful wooden area of Sosnovka to the North of the city. The park-like and restful character of the campus is stimulating and contrasting to the urban surroundings in the vicinity. The Polytech campus has all amenities on site that are easily accessible: the Fundamental Library, the House of Scientists in Lesnoye, hostels, a hotel, the post-office, the Medical Center, the Students' Club, cafes and cafeterias, sporting grounds with two soccer fields, a stadium, an in-door swimming pool, etc.

The MIT campus is larger than Polytech. It is located on 168 acres that extend for more than a mile along the Cambridge side of the Charles River Basin. The central group of interconnecting MIT`s campus buildings, was designed to permit easy communication among schools and departments. The subsequent growth of the campus saw the construction of landmark. Sculptures and paintings are found throughout the campus, including works by Pablo Picasso. Today, to meet the changing needs of teaching and research, the Institute is adding a remarkable array of new facilities designed by distinguished architects.

Comparing these two universities we can see that there are a lot of similarities between them, although they are located in different countries. In spite of the fact that each university has its own peculiarities, students and teachers of both universities have much in common. That’s why when at the turn of 21st century there appeared the possibility to work together specialists of some departments of the two institutions started to communicate and work for common projects.


2. In the text find equivalents to the following phrases:

- междисциплинарные лаборатории;

- центры исследований и развития;

- технологии, связанные с обороной;

- доскональные консультации по научно-исследовательским проектам;

- удовлетворять изменяющимся требованиям преподавания и исследований;

- работать над совместными проектами.


3. Discuss in pairs:

· the importance of establishing a first-class engineering school in Russia;

· the possibilities available in Polytech library;

· the advantages and disadvantages of the Polytech campus location;

· issues, common for both institutions.


4. In the text find equivalents to the phrases:

-  младший/старший научный сотрудник, учёный

- преподаватель, доцент,  академик

-  учебный план, учебная программа

-  зачёт, зачётка

-  декан, зам. декана, деканат

-  аспирант, аспирантура, диссертация

-  бакалавр, магистр, кандидат технических наук

-  дневное, вечернее и заочное обучение

- кафедра, заведующий кафедрой

         Students’ Life in Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University

Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University is one of the oldest and best-reputed technological universities of Russia. It was founded in 1899. Many outstanding scientists took part in its foundation. Originally the university (formerly– institute) consisted of four departments. Nowadays it comprises over twenty faculties that provide instruction in science, engineering and humanities. The Faculty of Technical Cybernetics, the Civil Engineering Faculty, the Department of Physics and Mechanics, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering are very popular among school-leavers. The University trains electrical and mechanical engineers, theoretical and experimental scientists, IT specialists and programmers, managers and PR specialists and many other academics and professionals.

Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University not only rates as one of Russia’s best educational institutions of science and technology but it is also a major research center. Many outstanding scientists with international reputation are among the graduates and the teaching staff of the university. A number of research institutes and centers work in close cooperation with SPbSPU. Among them one can name such major research centers as Vedineyev Hydraulic Research Institute, Ioffe Research Institute of Physics and Technology, the Research and Development Center of Robotics.

The teaching staff of the university include experienced lecturers, professors, associate professors, academicians. Most of them are also engaged in research in various fields of science. The university provides tuition in three forms: full-time, part-time and extra-mural instruction. Nowadays e-learning is getting more and more popular.

Each faculty is headed by a dean who is usually a prominent scholar. He is assisted by several deputy deans who are responsible for various aspects of university life: academic process, research, extracurricular activity, students’ accommodation. The dean’s office coordinates the faculty’s activities, it issues matriculation books, arranges curriculum and syllabus, sets exam and credit schedule for every term.

For most students the tuition is free and they receive a scholarship.

Beside scholarship they enjoy various benefits: low hostel rent, discount on monthly transportation cards and entrance tickets to museums. For example, the entrance to the world’s greatest museum the Hermitage is free for all students.

Students’ curriculum includes both fundamental and applied sciences. In the first two years they study mathematics, calculus, physics, chemistry and a number of humanity subjects such as the history of Russia and English.

After four years of tuition students are awarded their first scholarly degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) or Engineering (B. Eng.). If they continue their study they may get Master’s degree (M. Sc.). There are a lot of opportunities for SPSPU graduates: they may join a research institute and fill a position of junior research associate or work at Research and Development (R&D) department of an industrial company. Those who are interested in research prefer to stay at SPSPU and take a post-graduate course.

A post-graduate has three years to do research on a particular subject under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. If he or she defends his/her PhD thesis they are addressed as Doctors. The university provides young scientists doing their PhD and post-doc research an opportunity to work under the guidance of prominent scholars. The Polytechnic is involved in major Russian and international research programs including students and post-graduates’ exchange programs.

A lot of conferences, seminars and symposia on various subjects are held here every year, which enables scientists to present their findings to the international scientific community, to share, exchange and discuss their views on vital problems of modern science with their colleagues from Russian and foreign universities.

The university has its own publishing house that prints books, professional journals and proceedings of conferences, which enables the Polytech scientists to have their findings regularly published.



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