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       Fahari was significantly smaller than Amana. That posed certain problems in their relationship. While Amana always treated him with respect, she knew that she could best him in a fight the way she once drove his mate off a carcass. He knew it as well.

       As the stronger party, Amana felt an extra responsibility for keeping peace in the household. She wanted Chui to respect his father and she wanted Fahari to respect himself, so she always made an effort to defer to his authority on most matters.

       Once when Chui had turned nine moons old, Amana was walking through the hinterlands when she sighted a familiar form in the distance. Thinking it was Fahari, she moved to greet him, only to be brought up short by the fierce stare the leopard threw her way, her surprise at his belligerent attitude turning to dismay as she realized that this was a stranger. Terrified, Amana had beat a hasty retreat and sought out Fahari’s favorite resting spot where he customarily took his naps in the midday heat, wishing she had some way of discerning his location. Fahari’s patrol routes were endlessly varied however, and she only hoped she could catch up with him before he set out again.

       As she was padding along a well known track, her mind frantic with the thoughts of what the intruder might be up to, a burst of snarling rose up from the direction she had come, pierced by an unearthly yowling sound. Groaning in terror, she rushed toward the source, but she was wise enough in the ways of the savanna that she knew better than to barge right in. She made the final approach quickly but cautiously, peeking from cover to see two leopards fighting.

       She had once thought all leopards looked alike. She found that not to be the case, and she had very little trouble spotting Fahari--literally. Not only was the face she had grown to love different, but his pattern of spots, like those of any leopard, was unique.

       “Stay here, Chui,” she whispered firmly. Then she broke from cover.

       The trespasser looked about, surprised. “What the hell....”

       A golden lioness barreled down on him, knocking the wind from his lungs. She quickly pinned him to the ground and looked into his face with a full snarl, showing her instruments of death. “If you EVER touch him again, I’ll KILL you!”

       “Yes Ma’am,” the stranger stammered. “Oh gods, please let me go! Please!”

       “Apologize for the intrusion.”

       “I’m sorry! Oh gods, I swear it!”

       “Very well. Now GO!”

       She didn’t have to wait long. The moment she released him, the stranger bounded off wild-eyed.

       She looked about at Fahari, expecting a warm rush of affection. Instead he glared at her.

       “Did you have to humiliate him like that? Leopards, winners or losers, walk with a certain dignity. You just stripped him of his.”

       Amana gaped at him, her mind struggling with his unexpected reproof. “But I.... Fahari, please don’t be angry. I just love you so much, I don’t want to see you hurt!”

       “I was winning,” he said. He finally relented, his face losing its tight harshness. “Still, thank you for saving me a few bruises.” He looked over and saw Chui peeking out of the shrubs. He sighed. “Oh gods....”

       “Chui was with me. You should have known I wouldn’t just leave him.”

       “I know.” His ears flattened back and his head hung.

“You’re so strong and masterful,” she said, a little forcefully. “I just didn’t want to see you get hurt. I love my big, strong leopard!” She stepped a few lengths away and fell to the ground, covering her eyes and making sobbing sounds.

       He rushed over. “Are you all right?”

       She said very theatrically, “I know you keep Chui and I safe. I hope I didn’t make you angry! I just get so scared!”

       Fahari nuzzled her and whispered, “You’re a terrible story teller.”

       “I know. But is it working?”

       “I think so. Thanks.”

       “I really meant it. I DO appreciate you, and I WAS afraid. And I'm sorry I embarrassed your rival. Tell me about your honor and your customs--I'll try hard to understand them, really I will.”

       “Did you really mean it when you said you love me?”

       “What a foolish question! I don't say what I don't mean.”

       “Even about the gazelle last night?”

       “Well, not very often.”

       She began to groom him, removing a few specks of blood on his shoulder and forearm. Then she glanced up and met his shining hazel eyes. He said, "Your eyes are shining." He reached over and touched her cheek with his pink tongue. "I love you too."




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