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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Change the sentences according the words in the brackets.

Change the sentences according the words in the brackets.

1. The lecture starts at 6. (yesterday, tomorrow).

2. Where does your brother study?( last year, next year, now).

3. Did you visit your brother last week? (often, tomorrow, at the moment).


4. Translate the sentences into English :


1. Здесь обычно проводят собрания.

2. Наш техникум был основан в 1973 году.

3. Ваш доклад печатают.

4. Дом только что построили.

5. На нее можно положиться.

6. На лекции будут присутствовать многие студенты.

7. Этот вопрос обсуждали.

8. Вас встретят на вокзале.

9. Дом будет построен к сентябрю.

10. Секретарь сказала нам, что все документы подписаны.

Kama State Automechanical Technical School

                               5 course

                               2 variant


1. Translate the sentences into Russian:


1. I haven’t got any money.

2. I can’t make a phone call. I haven’t got any change.

3. Mary had a baby recently.

4. I don’t eat much during the day. I never have lunch.

5. Goodbye! I hope you have a nice time.

6. Did you have any difficulty finding somewhere to live?

7. I’ve lost my key. I can’t find it anywhere.

8. I have bought a new car last week.

9. I don’t know where Dennis is. Have you seen him?

10. It hasn’t rained this week.


2. Translate the sentences into Russian:


1. The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?

2. She is here to consult the doctors. She is seriously ill.

3. You are always losing you key.

4. We are in the technical school now. We are at the lesson.

5. There were so many tourists in the hotel!

Change the sentences according the words in the brackets.

1. We usually grow vegetables in the garden.(last summer, next year)

2. Where do you usually go to rest? (last year, next summer).

3. Did you go to work by car?( tomorrow, every day).


4. Translate the sentences into English:


1. Крыша здания была разрушена ураганом несколько дней тому назад.

2. Сыр делают из молока.

3. Большая часть земли покрыта водой.

4. Ты был приглашен на свадьбу. Почему ты не пошел?

5. Эта дорога не используется водителями. Она очень опасна.

6. Когда было изобретено телевидение?

7. Многие аварии происходят из-за неаккуратного вождения.

8. Как произносится это слово?

9. Когда был изобретен телефон?

10. Нам посоветовали не выходить из отеля.



Kama State Automechanical Technical School

                               5 course

                               3 variant


1. Translate the sentences into Russian:


1. Ann had long fair hair when she was a child.

2. I usually have a sandwich for my lunch.

3. I couldn’t take any photographs because I didn’t have a camera.

4. Do you have an umbrella? It’s raining.

5. I need money, do you have any?

6. I have never played golf.

7. Have you seen the news on television today?

8. Diana hasn’t been at work this week.

9. I haven’t had dinner yet.

10. He has earned mush money this year.

2. Translate the sentences into Russian:


1. I am hungry. I want something to eat.

2. There are many cars in the yard. Is yours there too?

3. You are working hard today.-Yes, I’ve got a lot to do.

4. It’s Indian summer now, but leaves on the trees are still green.

5. The train was to come at 7 o’clock.

Change the sentences according the words in the brackets


1. My parents live in Chelyabinsk (many years ago, in a year, now).

2. I  made some mistakes in the test.( tomorrow, always)

3. Tom finishes his work in time.( a minute ago, tomorrow, now)


4. Translate the sentences into English:


1. Этот дом очень старый. Он был построен в 1939году.

2. Ворота парка были заперты.

3. Как делают стекло?

4. Дорога очень разбита. Ее отремонтируют в ближайшее время.

5. Раненый солдат не мог идти, его отвезли в госпиталь.

6. Вы заказывали пиццу? Ее привезут через несколько минут.

7. Наши автомобили будут представлены за рубежом.

8. Ты был приглашен на открытие?

9. На него напали вчера вечером. Это очень опасный город.

10. Нам помогли ответить на все вопросы.


Kama State Auto mechanical Technical School




Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He was a pupil twenty years ago.

2. My friend is in Moscow now.

3. Listen! Somebody is knocking the door.

4. There are many flowers in their garden.

5. I will be very glad to see you.


Kama State Auto mechanical Technical School










1.Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. You have no reason for saying it.

2. You should stop bathing in the sea, as the weather has become very cold.

3. They have just finished loading the steamer.

4. He has never told me anything about it.

5. Nothing has been said about it.

6. He had to get up early.

7. You have been absent very long.

8. He has probably worked very hard to finish his book.

9. They have many relatives abroad.

10. The sun hasn’t risen yet, but the sky in the east is getting lighter every minute.


2.Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. He was busy translating an article when I came.

2. There are special ships for transporting timber.

3. She is very fond of playing football.

4. There is no chance of getting atheatre ticket today.

5.  I am thankful to you for answering my letter.




1.Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. The last story was as interesting as the other one.

2. I prefer coffee to tea.

3. Mr. Slater’s house is bigger than our house.

4. Cars have to go very slowly because the roads are covered with ice.

5. Who has taken my dictionary?

6. We haven’t had lunch yet.

7. They will have written the letters by 6 o’clock tomorrow.

8. He has a bad habit of smoking before breakfast.

9. Have you spoken to him yet?

10. I have enough money to buy the radio set.


2.Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. It was one of the most greatest sea disasters of all times.

2. There are lots of people who watch television every night.

3.  It is not difficult to make but it requires a lot of preparation.

4. He is wearing in his winter coat and a scarf.

5. Who was invited to the concert?





1.Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. We have enough time to catch the train.

2. He has almost finished his work.

3. Have you spoken to anyone else about it?

4. Nobody has ever asked me about it.

5. She has to help them with this work.

6. At last I have translated this article: now I shall have a little rest.

7. The lecture hasn’t begun yet and the students are talking in the classroom.

8. Helen speaks French so well because she has lived in France.

9. We have had two lessons today.

10. Have you read any stories by Jack London?


2.Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. She was angry with him for losing her dictionary.

2. This work is far from being easy.

3. She is never late.

4. He is clever enough to understand it.

5. I was so much surprised that I didn’t know what to say.


Change the sentences according the words in the brackets.

1. The lecture starts at 6. (yesterday, tomorrow).

2. Where does your brother study?( last year, next year, now).

3. Did you visit your brother last week? (often, tomorrow, at the moment).


4. Translate the sentences into English :


1. Здесь обычно проводят собрания.

2. Наш техникум был основан в 1973 году.

3. Ваш доклад печатают.

4. Дом только что построили.

5. На нее можно положиться.

6. На лекции будут присутствовать многие студенты.

7. Этот вопрос обсуждали.

8. Вас встретят на вокзале.

9. Дом будет построен к сентябрю.

10. Секретарь сказала нам, что все документы подписаны.


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