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Vocabulary notes:

exhilarating display – восхитительное событие

to mystify – ставить в тупик, сбивать с толку

to dump smb. – бросать кого-либо, избавляться

to barf over smb. – обливать грязью кого-либо

incredibly disgusting – ужасно противно

salacious gossip – светские сплетни

to have no business mucking around – не позволять капаться в личной жизни

I have a problem hanging onto relationships – у меня не складываются отношения с мужчинами

to cavort with – флиртовать

to start by dating a guy – завести роман с парнем, окрутить его

Sounds needlessly vicious – звучит жестоко

to pull the switch – пойти в атаку

That’s cookie – это наглость

All’s fair in love and war – в любви как на войне

to dangle the bait – ловить на живца

to have an ethical problem – иметь принципиальную проблему

to rift/peek through the purse – шарить в сумочке

a clutch – косметичка

to catch a movie – сходить в кино

to bring out the big guns – достать козырь

to look gorgeous – роскошно выглядеть

to get ahold of smb. – застать кого-либо

drastic measures – радикальные меры

to obsess over smb’s old girlfriends – расспрашивать о бывших подружках

1.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Andie wanted to write about things that didn’t matter anything.

2. Andie got NBA Final tickets.

3. Magazine Composure was the fastest growing men’s magazine in the country.

4. DeLauer Diamonds was looking for a new ad agency.

5. If the most beautiful woman in the world acted the way Michelle did, any normal guy would still go running in the other direction.

6. Andie was going to use the classic mistakes most women, like Michelle, made all time while dating a guy.

7. Benjamen could make a woman fall in love only with him.

8. Benjamen decided to win the bet and made the pitch to the DeLauers.

9. Andie had a Master’s in journalism from California.

10.  A clutch is Andie’s secret source of power.

11.  A baby-fern was just like their relationship.

12.  The dog was already potty-trained.

13.  “Frost yourself” is the slogan for the compaign.

14.  Ben wore diapers till he was seven.

15.  Ben’s friends thought that she was a kind of mental person.

1.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Andie, Jeannie, Andie’s boss, Ben, Green)

1. “I busted my butt in grad school.”

2. “Ten to one she’s wallowing.”

3. “What a hellish ordeal for you.”

4. “I was thinking that I could start by dating a guy and then drive him away.”

5. “I am going to have this guy running for his life.”

6. “The guys hate clingy, needy, touchy-feely.”

7. “I want to handle this pitch.”

8. “She has to feel giddy, desirous, adventurous and desperate.”

9. “You get to wear the goofy-looking helmet.”

10. “Denying your subconscious desires is extremely dangerous to your health, young lady.”

11. “I suppose your mind is a complete blank.”

12. “I hope you brought your appetite, girl.”

13. “A helpless little baby in need of tender loving care.”

14. “You are acting completely insane.”

1.3 Translate from Russian into English:

1. неуклюжий человек

2. защита (в игре)

3. сдачи не надо

4. глазируйся

5. носить подгузники

6. планёрка, совещание

7. международные отношения

8. самый читаемый журнал

9. отпугнуть парня

10. подсознательно

1.4 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was written in Magazine Composure?

2. What did Andie want to write in the magazine?

3. What was the bet?

4. How did they manage to choose each other?

5. Where did they go together firstly? How was Andie’s behavior?

6. What was the movie that they caught?

7. How did she decorate his house? Did he like it?

8. What did he cook for her? And what was her reaction?

9. What did Ben think about Andie in 5 days?

10. What was the breed of a dog? What was its name? And why?

11. What was Ben’s idea when he heard a word “frosting” from Andie?

12. What is the city where the action takes place?

13. Did Ben like Celine Dion concert?

14. Where did she get a copy of a key from his flat?



Vocabulary notes:

to schedule an emergency session – договориться о сеансе

to freak out – разозлиться

to be pure of heart – чистая душа

to read people – читать по лицам

to get scalded – быть ошпаренным

to be spunky – быть резким

to be insatiable – быть ненасытным

to be uppity – быть спесивым

to be a wagering enthusiast – быть удачным игроком

clutch – сцепление

brake – тормоз

gears – переключение скоростей


2.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Ben called Andie his girlfriend.

2. Mr. DeLauer controlled 50% of the world’s diamonds.

3. Mrs. DeLauer could not controll Mr. DeLauer.

4. The average Composure reader is spunky, insatiable, uppity.

5. Ben was a very talented advertising executive.

6. Ben was a knowledgeable sports fan.

2.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Andie, Ben, Ben’s mother, Andie’s boss)

1. “I know a therapist who will work wonders with somebody like you.”

2. “You are hitting on our shrink.”

3. “You are a pathological flirt! ”

4. “Betrayed by my own parents.”

5. “Don’t you break his heart, now.”

6. “There’s a lot of cool thing about a bike, you know? ”

7. “This shows me you’re ready to be unleashed.”

2.3 Number the sentences in the right order and translate:

How to ride a bike:

1. The gears are on the left.

2. A little give, a little go.

3. When we take off, you are going to give a little bit on the clutch.

4. Turn it on.

5. There we are.

6. Keep this clutch in.

7. Brake here on the right.

8. You are going to go a little bit here.

9. A little clutch and a little brake.

2.4 Translate from Russian into English:

1. творить чудеса

2. приударить за консультантом

3. делать что-то за спиной

4. пробка на дороге

5. обнимать кого-либо

6. пятнышки или соринки

2.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What did Ben’s friends advise him after their quarrel?

2. What was the game at parents’ house?

3. Why did Andie decide to quit? What things helped her?

4. Where was she going to go after it?

5. Do you think they will be happy after all?




Vocabulary notes:

first conviction – первая судимость

to be implicated – быть вовлечённым

schemes and frauds – заговоры и обманы (махинации)

to get into a self-destructive pattern – попасть на путь самоуничтожения

to start out – сдавать

to draw out the bluff – выявить блефующего

I fold – я сдаюсь

to keep smb. on the leash – держать на коротком поводке, привязи

to knock over a casino – обчистить казино

to take the house – сорвать банк

to breath out of a hose – дышать через трубку

to torpedo casino – взорвать казино

to work with proper villains  – работать с настоящими негодяями

to venture – рисковать

to be rigged with – быть оснащённым

reconnaissance – разведка

dealers’ rotation – график смены

surveillance – наблюдение

a visual impairment – видимая помеха

obsequious – подобострастная

to be in a snit – быть взволнованным

to suffocate – задохнуться

to trigger the vault – вскрывать хранилище

to refute – опровергать

to comply with request – соглашаться с требованием

1.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. The casino was beneath 100 feet of solid earth.

2. The security system had vocal confirmation.

3. The security system was rigged with sensors.

4. There were 80-90 million dollars on the weekend.

5. Security had an eye and an ear on everything.

6. They decided to build an exact replica of the Bellagio vault to practice.

7. The grease man should get to the door without touching the floor.

8. They stole a pinch (a bomb) at California Institute of Advanced Science.

9. Such bomb would be worked without destruction and death.

1.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Rusty, Daniel, Terry Benedict, Linus)

1. “I’m about to propose is highly lucrative and highly dangerous.”

2. “It’s not your brand of vodka.”

3. “Be specific, but not memorable.”

4. “An explosive incendiary device has been detonated.”

5. “Just out of curiosity.”

6. “That’s an issue with availability.”

7. “You think we need one more? ”

8. “The taupe is very soothing.”

9. “That is the best part of my day.”

10. “In my hotel, there’s always somebody watching.”

11. “That’ my cue.”

1.3 Give Russian equivalents:

1. to commit the crime

2. to get out of a clink

3. accessible vault

4. to take the house

5. to employ an ex-convict

6. authorized Personnel only

7. to pay debt to society

8. to handle personally

9. to blow the power

10. to be in violation of parole

1.4 Give English equivalents:

1. нарушить закон

2. удачное ограбление

3. ради любопытства

4. плевать в лицо

5. вносить вклад

6. залог

7. быть замешанным в

8. выбросить на улицу

9. разведка

1.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What cities were mentioned?

2. What were the most successful robberies in the world?

3. What three casinos were going to be robbed?

4. Whom did they want to get robbed?

5. How many were they? Can you name them all? What was each duty?

6. What was the second task?

7. What was the fourth task?

8. What was the fifth task?

9. How many tasks were there? What was the last?

10. How much money did they steal? And what was the occasion on that day?

11. How did they manage to take money outside?

12. How did Daniel return his wife back?

1.6 Discuss the following issues:

1. What could happen if Terry Benedict didn’t decide to ruin Reuben’s casino?

2. What could happen if Daniel’s wife didn’t part with him?



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