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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Task 8. Fill in the gaps using the phrases below.

Could I speak to  hold      put me through  Can I take a message? call me  bad line This is engaged   You’re through   dialled the wrong number

A Sales Department. Can I help you?

B Oh, I must have (a) _________. Can you (b) _________ to Customer Services, please?

A I’m sorry, it’s a (c) ________. Did you say Customer Services?

B Yes, that’s right.

A Just one moment. I’m sorry, but the line is (d) ______. Do you want to (e) ______?

B All right.

A (f) _________ now.

B Hello. (g) __________ the department manager, please?

C I’m afraid he is not in the office this morning. (h) ____________?

B Yes, please. (i) _______ George Smith. Could you ask him to (j) _______?

C Yes, of course. Goodbye.

B Bye.


Task 9. Match the sentence halves.

A Tell her it’s Mr. Jenkins. I’m returning….

B Typical! I got cut…

C I hate it when they put you…

D I keep getting an engaged…

E Could you say…

F Can you read that…

1 … on hold, and then forget about you.

2 … back to me, just to check?

3 … tone. Maybe his phone is off the hook.

4 … her call this morning.

5 …that again, please? I didn’t understand.

6 …off in the middle of the call.

a b c d e f


Task 1. Read, translate and learn the following cliché s.

1. Приветствие -Good morning, I am….President of… and I want to thank you all for joining us here today for the 2008 … Conference -Good morning. Welcome, everyone. To open the … conference today, we are privileged to welcome… -Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name … I’m the… It gives me great pleasure to open the plenary session of the… You all have the agenda before you. Before I adress the agenda, I just want to say… -Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I want to welcome you this morning, on behalf of the …, to what is ( the first of a series of consultative meetings) we’re having on … issues that we are working on… We, structurally, this morning, will have a couple of people adress you in the beginning to talk a little bit about…, and we’ll have plenty of time for discussion. As I indicated, we’re going to have a series of these discussons dealing with different sectors over the next several weeks. -There are (количество пунктов) items on the agenda.
2. Представление участников/ нового участника -As you know, the two gentlemen who will be speaking to you today are two of the leading sociologists and political scientists thinking about this subject of the …. We are delighted to have ….and …..with us -Ladies and gentlemen, we’re ready to proceed to our next presentation, to be given by…
3. Завершение On that note, we’re going to end the question period to give you all lunch. Let me just summarize the main questions.  It looks as though we've covered the all problems. Our meeting is finished.

Task 2. Group work. Holding a conference. Role play the situation.



Task 1. Read and translate the text.

Making a Presentation

When you make a presentation, the first stage is to plan it. You should start by thinking about your audience – who they are, what they know about the subject and what they expect from you. Think also about what their attitude will be to you. Will they be interested, enthusiastic, cooperative or perhaps critical? Are you presenting to a group from your own culture or to people of different cultures? All these factors will influence the way you approach the presentation. If possible, try to visit a room, where you are going to give a talk. Check the equipment, look at the seating arrangements. You also want to feel comfortable and relaxed when you are presenting.

You’re now ready to prepare what you are going to say. Stage one is the opening. A good opening is essential as you will be nervous and you need to grab the attention of the audience. You start by introducing yourself and then you use a technique to get the audience’s interest. We call this the “hook” which focuses the audience’s attention on what you’re saying. You can do this in various ways. You can: ask a question; use a famous quotation; use a striking visual image; appeal directly to the audience’s interests or needs.

Once you have the audience’s attention, you should tell them the structure of your presentation. You give them a map of the talk, with signposts along the route, so they know what you will cover in your talk.

After the opening and a brief introduction of your subject, you come to the main body of your presentation. Then you have a conclusion during which you summarise your key points, and give your final opinion and recommendations. After that, it’s the question and answer session.



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