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ADVANTANGES of USING CELL PHONES. Practice: Now write own your paragraph.

On the other hand, using a cell phone has some disadvantages. For example, it is a very expensive way of communication. Moreover, radiation from cell phones is not good for humans’ health. It especially has bad effects on children and old people. Furthermore, if you have a full system working car, your ABS system or some electrical equipment in your car can be blocked by cell phone signals.


Practice: Now write own your paragraph.







f... to introduce examples

For example        For instance        Like

Especially            Such as                In particular



  • Families, especially those with young children, benefit from the programs offered by the local authorities.
  • Pollution has become an unavoidable result of industrial development, particularly in big cities. This produces some harmful effects, especially to the young and the old.
  • Electromagnetic waves cause important health problems like cancer.
  • Mary loves most classical music, but Bach and Vivaldi in particular are her favorites.
  • We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.


g… To ı ntroduce conclusı on

To sum up,                                   All in all,

All things considered,                In conclusion,

On the whole,                              Taking everything into account,

As was previously stated,        Finally,


Sample paragraphs:

1.    To sum up, cell phones not only have advantages, but they also have disadvantages. Mobile phones make our life easier, but on the other hand, they may cause some serious health problems.

2.    In conclusion, at the beginning, marriage can be very wonderful, but later on many things may proceed badly. I believe that if a man wants to marry a woman, he, first of all, should have a good job, a house, and an adequate income. Then he can marry the girl he loves because he has prepared well enough for the marriage.


H… expressions for giving opinions

I believe/think/feel (that)...        My opinion is that...

I strongly believe...                         As far as I am concerned,...

In my opinion/view,...                    I (completely) agree that/with...

The way I see it,...                          I (strongly) disagree that/with...

It seems/appears to me (that)...    I am totally against...

To my mind,...                                  I couldn't agree more that/with...

I (do not) agree that/with...        Overall,


    All things considered, despite some disadvantages of traveling by boat, I strongly believe it can be a very enjoyable experience. Journeys may take longer, but if you have time to spare, you can take advantage of the many facilities that boats offer, and enjoy a pleasant tour.                                      


PRACTICE H/1 Use the word groups below to write sentences, as in the example.


Sample: we / help / elderly …………. their lives be easier


e.g I strongly believe that we should help the elderly. When/if we do this, their lives will be easier .


1. all students / learn / foreign language ………… have better career opportunities


3. people / give up smoking …………… have fewer health problems


4. teenagers / get / part-time jobs …………. learn to be more responsible


PRACTICE H/2 Use the word groups below to write sentences, as in the example.


Use appropriate expressions to expand the prompts below to make sentences expressing an opinion, as in the example.


in order to / protect / environment / people / stop use / plastic bags


It seems to me that in order to protect the environment, people should stop using plastic bags.


1. in order to reduce / pollution / government / ban the trucks / enter / city centre


2. organic vegetables / be / much / healthy / than / vegetables / grown with chemical fertilizer.






PRACTICE 1: Classify the following linking words / phrases according to list below.


In the first place


For example

To sum up




To begin with

All things considered

Such as


On the other hand


Apart from this

In other words

In particular

For instance

In addition



Taking everything into account


For one thing





  1. To List Points:     in the first place, _________________________________






2. To add more points: _______________________________________________






  1. To introduce opposing viewpoints








  1. To introduce examples / reasons







  1. To conclude                    










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