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To have been visiting you ,что посещаю вас уже некоторое время


Ex. 2. Point out the forms of the Infinitive which express the simultaneous or future actions relative to the action expressed by the finite verb.

To establish, to be accompanying, to have accomplished, to have been considered, to substitute, to have discovered, to be emitted, to have been produced, to be determined, to have carried out.


Ex. 3. Change these sentences according to the models. Mind the forms of the Infinitive:

a) Perfect Active


I am happy that I obtained satisfactory results so quickly. –
I am happy to have obtained satisfactory results so quickly. –


1. He is sorry that he has given up the University.

2. I am lucky that I have studied high-level programming languages before.

3. He was sorry that he had lost his chance to get the job.

4. I am glad that I had the opportunity to observe the experiment myself.

5. He was happy that he had improved the design of the device.

6. She is lucky that she has followed this technique in her research work.

7. I am proud that I have made about ten discoveries which play a very important role in chemistry.


b) Passive

I am lucky that I was sent abroad to continue my studies. –
I am lucky to have been sent abroad to continue my studies. –


1. I am glad that I was paid due attention.

2. They are pleased that they were shown a new laboratory of inorganic chemistry.

3. I am happy that I was told about that apparatus.

4. I am lucky that I was informed of the situation.

5. He is sorry that he was interrupted.

6. She was angered that she was not given time to think.

7. I am terribly sorry that I was misunderstood.

8. He was proud that he was offered an interesting job.

9. We were pleased that we were met by him.


Ex. 4. Pay attention to the translation of the sentences below in which the infinitive is used:

a) as a subject

1. To vaporize means to change a solid into a vapor by heating it. 2. It is quite possible to have a solution of a gas in a liquid, or in a solid, or in another gas. 3. To do it accurately was the main problem. 4. To give a true picture of the surrounding matter is the task of natural science.

b)  as a predicative

1. Two liquids which mix with the absorption of heat may limit solubility in each other. 2. Our present concern is to analyze the information obtained during the experiment. 3. His problem is to determine equivalent weights. 4. You should remember that the yield in this reaction is good only if it goes to completion.

c)  as an object

1) to such verbs as: to agree, to want, to wish, to prefer, to ask, to decide, to intend, to cause, to begin, to try, to attempt, etc.


1. He intended to find out the required element. 2. They decided to use an old apparatus because the new one was out of order. 3. When heated sulphur begins to darken. 4. He claims to be an expert on the subject.

2) to such adjectives as: difficult, sure, important, hard, interesting, sorry, etc.


1. Equations for redox reactions involving complex ions are more difficult to balance. 2. They were ready to use this new invention for peaceful purposes. 3. They are sorry to be late.

d)  as an adverbial modifier of


1. An aqueous solution of bromium is used in analytical work to absorb carbon dioxide. 3. In order to test for a sulphate, we add a little hydrochloric acid, followed by barium chloride solution. 4. Concentrated sulphuric acid was used so as to maintain a moisture free atmosphere inside the desiccator.


Result or consequence

1. At this temperature aluminium is brittle enough to be ground to a powder. 2. This dioxide dissolves sparingly in water to give a slightly acidic solution. 3. In the reaction of displacement an element reacts with a compound to liberate another element.


E) as an attribute.

1. It is just the article to be discussed in class. 2. The substance to be extracted should be more soluble in the extracting solvent than in the initial solution. 3. He is the man to rely on. 4. She was the first to agree that the best methods were the electrolysis of water and the fractional distillation of liquid air. 5. There are still many problems to solve in organic chemistry. 6. The substance to be dissolved is called the solute.

Ex. 5. Complete the following sentences by selecting the proper form of the Infinitive.

1. It is difficult to give a definition which tells clearly and briefly how solutions differ from mixtures and compounds, in spite of the fact that solutions are among the most familiar substances … in nature.

a) to find                 b) to be found          c) to have found


2. The solution prepared was sufficiently saturated … in this case.

a) to use          b) to be used            c) to be using


3. Such a substance has properties and composition which might be described as either inhomogeneous or homogeneous depending on the experiment …. 

a) to be doing     b) to do                    c) to be done


4. … the thorium from iron, this precipitate is dissolved in hydrochloric acid.

a) To be separated b) To have been separated c) To separate


5. In his publication D.I. Mendeleyev used the periodic character … the properties of the elements … later as those of scandium, gallium and germanium.

a) to have predicted b) to be predicted     c) to predict

a) to be described b) to be describing             c) to have been described


6. He is happy to … you for a week.

a) to visit                       b) to have been visiting c) to have been visited


Ex. 6. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the functions of the Infinitive.

1. The purpose of these experiments was to observe the properties of the element involved.

2. If the temperature is raised, a small amount of phenol must be added in order to produce the separation of a liquid.

3. The results of several methods to be described later are in satisfactory agreement.

4. A new approach was developed to target specific entities.

5. This is the condition for everybody to observe.

6. The substances used to specify the composition of a solution are known as components.

7. In studying the properties of a substance it is desirable to know its composition.

8. You are not allowed to work in the laboratory without learning the safety instruction.

9. This drug may be given to reduce the risk of the death of cardiac tissue.

10. The main goals of pre-clinical studies are to determine a product’s ultimate safety profile.


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