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Qualifications are more important


Andrew Main is an associate dean at Bournemouth University. He thinks qualifications reveal much more about a person than just their academic prowess.

“Firstly, I would like to say that a degree is not just about getting a job/career. The benefits affect all parts of life; intellectual, social, sporting, personal, artistic, ethical, and so much more.

Recruiters often write job advertisements that specify that a degree is needed for the job, thus the market decides on this point, and it values degrees. Additionally, there are more jobs today than there were 50 years ago that involve working with your brain and fewer jobs involving manual skills.

A degree is a start in working life, after all. Then experience, to give it its due place, will increasingly provide opportunities for further development of the person.

Let us compare like with like, say a 21-year-old graduate compared with a 21-year-old with industry experience, both of equal intelligence. Let me give due credit to experience: it does not switch intelligence off (the way a few academics talk, one might think that they suppose the opposite).

However, education changes you. Given the same elapsed time, a course of education will bring a greater depth of understanding than experience can provide.

Thus experience may teach you that ‘doing it that way does not work’, but education gives you the theoretical knowledge and analytical skill to show why it does not work. Education develops your speed of learning and ability to learn at depth.

Thus the experienced learn new ideas processes or technologies, but the educated learn them faster and more deeply.

The graduates who are best at delivering high graduate value come from ‘sandwich’ courses with a year in industry. They have a great combination of theory and rigour, with a strong understanding of application of knowledge.

The courses I work on educate students for two years, place them in industry for a year and bring them back to complete a final year of education. They are outstanding. They gain jobs very easily and prove themselves quickly. The majority have very enviable careers”.


A Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design (or combination) identifying the seller of a product to help differentiate from competitors. Customers attach feelings to brands & develop brand r/ships. It facilitates easy product recognition, price-quality image (consistent benefits) and repeat purchases as powerful brand names have consumer franchise i.e. command customer loyalty. Brand Equity is the added value that knowledge about a brand brings to a product over & above its functional qualities. It must have extensive awareness & be strong, unique & favourable in the minds of consumers. Building a brand name can cost $150M & the success rate is low. Coca Cola brand equity is estimated to be $80bn. Firms often acquire brands to build brand portfolios with strong brand equity.

To Brand or Not to Brand – brands can create higher margins, but must be positioned well (attributes, benefits, values/beliefs)

Branding Selection – must be easy to pronounce/remember/translate, distinctive, suggest product benefits and be extendable

Brand Sponsorship Choices – Manufacturer/National Brand(Kellogg’s), Private/Distributor/Store Brand (Coles), Licensed Brand, Joint Venture (CBA-VISA)

Brand Development Strategy – Line Extension, Brand Extension/Leveraging, Multi-Brands (Flanker), New Brands

Brand Repositioning – evaluate brand in relation to competitive & market changes –costly & difficult to communicate KFC


anything that can be offered to the market for attention, acquisition, use and consumption that might satisfy a want or need

Services : a form of product that consist of activities, benefits and satisfaction offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anythings:

Three Levels of Product 1)core customer value(intangible-main benefit)>2)actual product(tangible-physical product)>3)augmented product(intangible-additional services)

2/brand and product

Hacking work is all the rage these days, along with tips for managing email, taking notes, and running meetings. But, at a higher level, what can we learn from analyzing the different types of work we do and how we allocate our time?

First, let’s take a look at the 3 kinds of work we do every day:

1. Reactionary Work

In the modern age, most of our day is consumed by Reactionary Work, during which we are focused only on responding to messages and requests – emails, text messages, Facebook messages, tweets, voicemails, and the list goes on. You are constantly reacting to what comes into you rather than being proactive in what matters most to you. Reactionary Work is necessary, but you can’t let it consume you.


2. Planning Work

At other times, you need to plan how you will do your work. Planning Work includes the time spent, scheduling and prioritizing your time, developing your systems for running meetings, and refining your systems for working. By planning, you are deciding how your energy should be allocated, and you are designing your method for getting stuff done. The best workflows are highly personalized and occasionally borderline neurotic, but they keep us engaged. It may not sound sexy, but Planning Work helps you become more efficient and execute on your goals.

3. Insecurity Work

Insecurity Work includes the stuff we do out of our own insecurities – obsessively looking at certain statistics related to your company, or repeatedly checking what people are saying about you or your product online, etc. Insecurity Work doesn’t move the ball forward in any way – aside from briefly reassuring us that everything is OK – and we’re often unconscious that we’re even doing it.

Types of jobs

Jobs can be categorized, by the hours per week, into full time or part time. They can be categorized as temporary, odd jobs, seasonal, self-employment, consulting, or contract employment.

Jobs can be categorized as paid or unpaid. Examples of unpaid jobs include volunteer, homemaker, mentor, student, and sometimes intern.

Jobs can be categorized by the level of experience required: entry level, intern, and co-op.

Some jobs require specific training or an academic degree.

Those without paid full-time employment may be categorized as unemployed or underemployed if they are seeking a full-time paid job.

Moonlighting is the practice of holding an additional job or jobs, often at night, in addition to one's main job, usually to earn extra income. A person who moonlights may have little time left for sleep or leisure activities.



Билет25.1/PromotionIn marketing, promotion is advertising a product or brand, generating sales, and creating brand loyalty. It is one of the four basic elements of the market mix, which includes the four P's: price, product, promotion, and place.

Promotion is also defined as one of five pieces in the promotional mix or promotional plan. These are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity.A promotional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five factors, and how much money to budget.

Promotion covers the methods of communication that a marketer uses to provide information about it's product. Information can be both verbal and visual.


There are three objectives of promotion. These are:

1. To present information to consumers and others.

2. To increase demand.

3. To differentiate a product.

The purpose of a promotion and thus its promotional plan can have a wide range, including: sales increases, new product acceptance, creation of brand equity, positioning, competitive retaliations, or creation of a corporate image.


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