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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

I. Ask your friend what the following objects are and what they are used for.

EXAMPLE: A: – What's this called, Boris?

B: – I think this is called an ammeter.

A: – And what is it used for?

B: – Oh, it's used for measuring current.

a thermometer a hammer
a computer a gauge
a camera  


II. Choose one of the objects and describe it to your groupmate. Let him guess what it is.


A: Boris, it's a thing for tightening screws. What's it called?

B: I think it's a screwdriver. Here it is.

A: Yes, you are quite right.


I. Complete these sentences.

1. This tool … known … a hammer. It's … for … in nails. It … a wooden … and a metal….



2. There are some … in the picture. They … called a … and a … They are … for … metal and wood. They have also wooden … and metal ….


II. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

Any instrument for measuring electricity is known as a meter. An ammeter is used for measuring current in amperes. The abbreviation for the ampere is amp. There are very delicate ammeters that are used for measuring very small current. They are known as a millifmmeter and a microammeter. The device for reading a thousandth of an ampere is called a milliammeter while a microammeter is a device for reading a millionth of an ampere.


Further reading


I . Learn the following words and word-combinations to comprehend the text.

energy-conversion pollution
include alternate
steam source
rotary refinement
reciprocating competitive
diesel engine emission
gasoline engine device
reliability capacity
operate pressure
efficiency rate

II . Read and translate the text.


A wide range of energy-conversion systems has been used experimentally and in automotive production. These include electric, steam, solar, turbine, rotary, and a variety of piston-type internal combustion engines. The most successful for automobiles has been the reciprocating piston internal-combustion engine, operating on four-stroke cycle, while diesel engines are widely used for lorries and buses. The gasoline engine was originally selected for automobiles because it could operate more flexible over a wide range of speeds, and power developed for a given weight engine was reasonable; it could be available, moderately priced fuel-gasoline model. Reliability, compact size, and range of operations later became important factors.

There has been an ongoing reassessment of these priorities with new emphasis on the pollution-producing characteristics of automotive power system. This has created new interest in alternate power sources and internal-combustion engine refinements that were not economically feasible in prior years. Although a few limited-production batteries powered electric vehicles have appeared from time to time, they have not proved to be competitive owing costs and operating characteristics. The gasoline engine, with new emission-control devices to improve emission performance, has not yet been challenged significantly.

In the late 1940s a trend began to increase engine horse-power, particularly in American models. Design changes incorporated all known methods of raising engine capacity, including increasing the pressure in the cylinders to improve efficiency, increasing the size of the engine and increasing the speed at brought a return to smaller engines, four- and six-cylinder designs rated as low as 80 horsepower.

European automobile engines were of a much wider variety, ranging from 1 to 12 cylinders, with corresponding differences in overall size, weight, piston displacement, and horsepower ratings from 19 to 120.


III. Fill in spaces with the appropriate word or phrase.

1. A wide range of energy-conversion systems have been used in automotive production including a variety of piston-type … .

2. The reciprocating-piston internal-combustion engine proved to be …

3. … , and range of operations later became important factors.

4. In the late 1940s a trend began to increase … .



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