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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

XI. Translate the sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

1. Цей автомобіль буде відремонтовано вчасно.

2. Чому це пальне не буде використовуватись в автомобілі?

3. Більшість цих машин було сконструйовано в Великобританії, чи не так?

4. Досліди проводились в лабораторії.

5. Вчора на нашому експериментальному автомобілі була установлена перша система автоматичного керування рухом.

6. Нові заводи будувались і будуть будуватися в нашому регіоні.

Reading and Speaking

I . There exist different types of cars and a mini motor car is one of them.

1. What do you know about this vehicle?

2. Have you ever seen or driven it?

3. Why is it called "mini"?

4. Are they widely used nowadays?

II. Scan the text quickly and say what it is about.

III. Now read the text attentively to learn more about mini motor cars.

Mini motor cars are sold all over Europe. The first Mini was pro­duced in Britain in 1959 and it has become Britain's most popular and successful car since that time.

In the late 1950s, BMC, the British Motor Corporation, want­ed to build a car that was different, from other cars. They wanted a small, cheap and economical car – a family car that was big enough to carry four passengers. In the 1950s it was a difficult problem. At that time a typical family car was quite long, about three and a half meters. It had large wheels and large space for the engine. So there wasn't much room for the pas­sengers. Besides that, it was very expensive to make.

The Mini was designed by Alec Issigonis. His design was revolu­tionary. First, the car was made half a meter shorter. Next, the wheels were made much smaller and they were put right at the four corners of the car. Then the engine was turned sideways and the gear­box was put underneath. And there was still enough room for four passengers.

Today nearly every small car is based on the design of the Mini. So why is the Mini so popular? The answer is simple: it is well designed, very economical, it is easy to drive around the city and easy to park!


IV. Answer these questions.

1. When was the first Mini produced?

2. Who was this car designed by?

3. How did a typical family car look like in the 1950s?

4. What changes did Alec Issigonis make in a new car, called the Mini?

5. What are the advantages of the Mini?

6. Do you think that the Mini is a good car? Why? / Why not?

7. Would you like to drive such a car yourself?


V. Complete the sentences.

1. Mini motor cars are … all over Europe.

2. The Mini has become Britain's most … and … car.

3. In the 1950s BMC wanted to build a … and … car.

4. The Mini… by Alec Issigonis.

5. The car … half a meter … .

6. The wheels were made … .

7. The engine … sideways and the … was put underneath.

8. Today almost every car is … on the … of the … .


VI. Our University will hold a students' conference tomorrow called "Small cars – a myth or reality?" Make a short report on mini cars.


I. Your brother started working in a prosperous engineering company last year and he has saved enough money for a small, cheap car. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of buying a small car and give your brother a piece of advice.

II. Science and new technology are gradually changing everything in our
life. Can you imagine how a car of the future will look like? Look at these
statements and express your opinion on them. Give some other ideas of
your own. Start with the phrases from the box.


  I'm (not) certain (that)…
  (quite) sure  

There's no doubt that…


I doubt that/if..



1. All the cars will be of one colour, yellow.

2. The cars will not run on petrol.

3. There will be a lot of electric cars.

4. Some cars will run on solar energy.

5. Every car will have an air bag in front of the driver.

6. A driver will not have to drive a car because it will be automatic.

7. …


I. How do you imagine a car of the future? Write a short description of it.

II. Translate this text into Ukrainian.

What Is Mechatronics?

The word mechatronics was first used in 1969 to describe the inte­gration of precision mechanical engineering (точна механіка) with electronic and computer control systems in order to make intelligent machines. Scientists wanted to bring together branches of engineering that are normally studied in isolation, in the hope that the design solutions will benefit both electrical and mechanical disciplines.

The range of applications of mechatronics is enormous and includes domestic appliances, automated assembly lines, computer peripherals and so on. Some specialists predict that mechatronic sys­tems will be widely used in cars of the future. Mechanical devices will be controlled by the computer systems and thus the car's stability will be increased. On the whole a car will become a more efficient means of transport. All the mechatronic systems will operate inde­pendently and will help the driver control the motion of the vehicle.

Further Reading


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