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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

VII. Compare the pictures and say what has been changed in the car. Picture 1 shows a car in very bad condition, picture 2 shows the same car after repair.


1. the window screen / to be replaced

2. the engine / to be changed

3. the car / to be painted

4. the instrument panel / to be repaired                            

Picture 1

5. the tyres / to be pumped



Picture 2


VIII. Discuss with your partner how he sees the future of our cars. The phrases given below will help you in your discussion.

– intelligent vehicle motion control;

– automatic vehicle control;

– ACC (adaptive cruise control);

– ABS (automatic braking sys­tems);

– to adjust speed automatically;

– to apply the brakes automatically;

– to maintain vehicle stability and driver's safety.


IX. a) Divide into two groups.

Group A: Read the text about temperature scales.

Group B: Read the text about barometers.

A: Four different scales are used for temperature measurement. The Fahrenheit scale divides the temperature between the freezing and boiling points of water into 212 units: that is, degrees. The Celsius scale (often called Centigrade) divides this same range of tem­perature into 100 degrees. The Kelvin scale begins its measurement at Absolute Zero with its degree intervals (intervals of temperature) corresponding to the Celsius scale – thus the freezing point of water on the Kelvin scale is 273.15°K. The Rankin scale is also an Absolute Zero scale: however, its temperature intervals are based on the Fahrenheit rather than the Celsius scale.

B: A barometer is a meteorological instrument used for the mea­surement of atmospheric pressure. Barometers may be classified into two general types, depending on the ways in which they record the pressure of the atmosphere. The mercury barometer is the larger and more accurate of the two types, while aneroid barometer is more com­pact but less accurate.

The aneroid barometer is a portable meteorological instrument designed to record changes in atmospheric pressure.

The mercury barometer is a meteorological instrument used for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere in terms of the height of a column of mercury which exerts an equal pressure. In its simplest form it consists of a vertical glass tube about 80 cm. long, closed at the top and open at the lower end.


b) Find a partner from the other group and tell him what you've learnt from the text. Don't look back into the text.

c) Get back to your groups again and answer the comprehension questions.

Questions for Group A Questions for Group В
1. What is a barometer? 1. How many scales are used for temperature measure­ment?
2. What are the general types of barometers? 2. What are they?
3. Which barometer is more accurate? 3. Which scale is divided into?
4. What does the mercury barometer consist of? 4. What do the Rankin scale and the Kelvin scale have in common?


X. This text has been given to the students of the Technical University at the English Competition. They had only 45 minutes to translate it. Try your hand at it.

Time's arrow

People are born, grow up, grow old and die. Never the other way round. A star shines for billions of years as it converts vast stores of nuclear energy to heat and light that radiate out into the chilly emptiness of space. Time ticks on. The star runs out of fuel and its embers glow duller and colder – the energy it has radiated spreads ever farther into the universe. Just like the hot coffee on the desk in front of me, it is cooling down and the internal energy it once con­tained is spreading out. Everything cools down and energy spreads out. Time ticks on and the future is a cold, dark place. The past, on the other hand, was a hot, bright place, with a huge energy density and the potential to do wonderful things. What's going on …? Why is the future different from the past?

On the large scale, physical changes seem to proceed in one direction. They are irreversible. We do not see old people getting younger or cold coffee spontaneously reheating – the future really is different from the past and this difference is linked to irreversibility.

The future is different from the past because some changes are irreversible, but what we really want to know is why some things are irreversible and why this is only significant on the largest scale.

By the middle of the nineteenth century, physicists and engineers were intrigued by irreversible processes. They were particularly keen to understand why mechanical work can be converted to heat with 100% efficiency whilst the reverse process appears to be impossible. (Heat engines like the steam engine and internal combustion engine are designed to convert heat into work, so this question is highly sig­nificant.) This apparent irreversibility was raised to the status of a law – the second law of thermodynamies.


XI. How good is your memory? Here's a crossword for you to see how well you remember new words from the Units.


1. basic, fundamental, necessary

2. a degree of excellence

3. a material burnt as a source of energy

4. something that has been found by exploration. It is often a place or a scientific fact.

5. plastics belong to ….

6. movement, moving

7. a means of transport

8. a machine using fuel and supplying power

9. a machine programmed to move and perform certain tasks


10. a reddish-brown metallic ele­ment (symbol Cu)

11. a mixture of chemical elements at least one of which is a metal



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