Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

I. Make up interrogative and negative sentences:. MODEL: There is a timetable on the wall. – Is there a timetable or a map on the wall?


+ There is an outlet here. ? Is there any outlet here? - There isn't any outlet here. There is no outlet here. + There are some outlets here. ? Are there any outlets here? - There aren't any outlets here. There are no outlets here.

1. There is a travel clerk in this sales outlet.

2. There are some discounts in low season.

3. There is a new travellogue in our office.

4. There are some articles on tourism in this magazine.

5. There is a travel agency in our town.

6. There are some tourist attractions in this tourist destination.

7. There is a tourist information office at the railway station.

8. There is a car rental company at the hotel.

9. There are some English-speaking tourists in the group.

10. There are some timetables on the desk.

11. There are some folders on the rack.

12. There is a city map on the shelf

II. Make up alternative questions:

MODEL: There is a timetable on the wall. – Is there a timetable or a map on the wall?

1. There is a terminal in the city centre.

2. There are racks in the office.

3. There is a travel article in this magazine.

4. There are booklets on the desk.

5. There is a car hire agency in the hotel.

6. There is a new coach near their office site.

7. There are new department stores in the city.

8. There are tourist folders in the airport terminal.

9. There is a leisure centre in this tourist destination.

10. There are guide books in that kiosk.

11. There is a travel magazine on the rack.

12. There are receipts on his desk.

III. Make up tail-questions:


There is a resort in their destination. – There is a resort in their destination, isn't there?

There isn't any resort in their destination. – There isn't any resort in their destination, is there?

1. There is a booking agent in the office.

2. There are sales outlets in big department stores.

3. There isn't any receipt on your desk.

4. There aren't any visitors in the office.

5. There are no new booklets on the racks.

6. There is no guide in the coach.

7. There is a timetable in the airport terminal.

8. There are new cruising tours in the travellogue.

9. There isn't any leisure centre here.

10. There are a lot of competitors in the market.

11. There are no ferries early in the morning.

12. There isn't any part-time agent in our office in high season.

IV. Make up special questions:

MODEL: There is always a sightseeing tour in the tour package because tourists ask for it.

What is there in the tour package?

What kind of tour is there in the tour package?

When is there a sightseeing tour in the tour package?

Why is there a sightseeing tour in the tour package?

1. There is a new coaching tour in their travellogue. (What, What kind of.... In whose)

2. There are a lot of angry visitors in the office because all the agents are busy. (Who, What kind of..., How many, Why)

3. There is only a summer timetable in the terminal in summer season. (What, What kind of..., When)

4. There are a lot of passengers in the terminal because they are waiting for the airport bus. (Who, How many. Why)

5. There is a sales department in his tourist company. (What, What kind of..., In whose)

6. There are a lot of discounts because it's a low season. (How many. Why)

7. There is a charter flight to Antalya at 6 o'clock in the morning. (What, What kind of..., When, What time)

8. There are a lot of contests in the entertainment programme because the travellers want them. (What, How many. Why)

V. Open the brackets:

1. There (to be) some major tour operators in this country.

2. There (to be) a tour operator in this destination.

3. There (to be) a folder, a thick travellogue and some timetables on the desk.

4. There (to be) some timetables, a thick travellogue and a folder on the desk.

5. (to be) there any tourist companies in your city?

6. There (not to be) any travel consultant in our tourist company.

7. There (not to be) any booking agents in their travel agency.

8. (to be) there any escort with this tour group?

9. (to be) there any new tour packages to London in your agency?

10. There (to be) no up-to-date information on air tickets here.

11. What (to be) there in your receipt?

12. What kind of discounts (to be) there this season?

13. Why (to be) there so many discounts?

14. How many travel clerks (to be) there in your tourist information office?

VI. Translate from Russian into English:

1. 1. В этом универмаге находится точка розничного сбыта туристской компании. Здесь есть какие-нибудь брошюры и каталоги путешествий? Здесь нет толстых каталогов, но имеется несколько раскладывающихся проспектов.

2. В вашем городе есть какие-либо туристские достопримечательности? – У нас в городе имеется выставка и несколько музеев. – Какие музеи у вас в городе? – В городе есть два художественных музея.

3. Что находится на стеллажах у них в офисе? Там есть расписание на летний сезон? – На стеллажах находится много бесплатных брошюр. Но там нет новейшего расписания.

4. Сколько служащих в этой туристской компании? – В этой компании имеется менеджер, несколько турагентов и бухгалтер. – Сколько у них гидов и сопровождающих? – Там нет гидов и сопровождающих. Менеджер нанимает их на работу только н высокий сезон.

5. Что имеется в новом каталоге путешествий? – Там несколько новых инклюзив-туров и информация об отдельных услугах. – Есть ли какие-нибудь скидки? – Есть скидки на детей до 12 лет. На взрослых туристов никаких скидок нет.

6. В вашем туристском центре имеется аэропорт, не так ли? – Нет, вы ошибаетесь. Здесь нет аэропорта, но недалеко от нашего курорта имеются речной порт и автобусная станция. – В порту нет представительства вашей туристской компании, не правда ли? – Нет, есть.


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