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Episode 1, time period:   00:37:27

Vocabulary studying

Study the following words and word-compositions, complete the exercises:

I      b) to keep one’s (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) promises – выполнять обещания

to be big on keeping one’s promises – хорошо выполнять обещания

E.g. - Can we trust him ? - I hope so . Usually he is big on keeping his promises.

Episode 1, time period:   00:37:27

a) Listen and choose the correct variant:

- Greetings, Kate.

- Charles.

- Hey, Leo.

- Be nice.

- So, when's Stuart getting back? /coming back? / returning?

- Pair days / Two days / Couple days maybe a week.

- He promised me that he would return late this evening.

- Well, maybe he will, Leopold.

- He's so nice / big / great on keeping his promises.

Pay attention to the intonation of Kate talking about Stuart. Does she say her words praising Stuart? Sarcastically? Ironically? Surely? What impression does the lady produce at the first sight? Dwell on the point.

b) Listen and fill in the gaps:

- May I have (следующее блюдо)_____________________ ?

- There is no next course. Ha.

How does the manner of speaking characterize every dialogue participant?

II. Before listening and watching to the next part, study the following words and phrases:


to be from / to come from


a) - What are you from? – I’m from London. I was born there, but now I live in a village, in the South.

b) – Tell him where he comes from. - Cheltenham, Harrow...Cambridge and...lndia? – That’s right!

Fill in the gaps:

1. Maria is born Russian, she _______________________ Moscow.

2. Gregory ______________________ Greece, he has brought some exotic presents from the trip.

3. Emily ______________________ Cambridge tomorrow, meet her please!

4. I ______________________ the Northern Caucasus, Russia. What ________ you ______________?

5. Participants of the Olympic Games have ______________________ different countries to prove that friendship is over wars and conflicts.


derivatives: to reflect (v) – reflection (n), reflexion (n) – reflective (adj) – reflectively (adv) – reflector (n, about a person)– reflex (n, med.)– reflexion (n, med., psychology), reflection (n) – reflexive (adj, med., psychology) 

Fill in the gaps:

1. Her sad looks __________ thoughts passing through her mind.

2. He ____________ed how difficult it would be to escape.

3. This Diploma Project is the result of ____________, and study, and hard work.

4. The author’s inclination to ____________ resulted in books and short stories.


in advance

in advance - before (of place or time)

Fill in the gaps:

Galileo’s ideas were ________________ of the age in which he lived.

Send your luggage ________________, before yourself leave.

It’s unwise to spend your income ________________.

Grandpa doesn’t like food to be prepared ________________, he wants everything hot and boiling.

Students should get prepared for the lessons ________________, because their memory is to time knowledge to the state of competence.

to time

derivatives: time – to time – timely (-ier, -iest) – timeliness

Fill in the gaps:

He ___________ his journey so that he arrived before dark.

The remark was well-________________, made at a suitable moment.

In a dance-class: “Ladies, __________ your steps to the music, listen and count! One, two, three, one, two, three…”

Beefsteak should be __________ to perfection for about twenty minutes after being taken off the fire. 



crude (adj) – not having grace, taste, or refinement

derivatives:crude – crudely – crudeness (n) – crudity (n)

Fill in the gaps:

This gentleman has rather _______ manners in spite of his being well-educated.

Wild life is _______, and is hardly suitable for refined ladies.

The ________________ of the remark overwhelmed him.

With no good tea the __________________ of our existence would become totally unbearable.

I. Think of a situation to unite the following words:

crudeness of life, culinary art, timing to perfection, reflection and study.

Introduce the situation.

II. Listen and restore the text :

Where _________________________ the meal _____________________________________________________.

Menus _______________________________________________________ timed _________________________.

It is said,______________________________________________________the crudeness of ___________________


III.  Before listening and watching the next part, practice in pronunciation of the following tongue-twister:

The active sounds to revise are the following:

[ʧ] - [ʃ], [kʰ], [l] - [tl], [n], [ɑ] [θ]

e.g. You shake and shake the ketchup bottle. None will come, and then a lot'll.

Episode 2                      time period:  00:42:55

II. Look through the text, pay attention to the use of the highlighted words and word-combinations you studied in ex.1.

Episode 3                         

Time period: 01:27:30

Dwell upon the points:

Vocabulary studying

Study the following words and word-compositions, complete the exercises:

I      b) to keep one’s (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) promises – выполнять обещания

to be big on keeping one’s promises – хорошо выполнять обещания

E.g. - Can we trust him ? - I hope so . Usually he is big on keeping his promises.

episode 1, time period:   00:37:27

a) Listen and choose the correct variant:

- Greetings, Kate.

- Charles.

- Hey, Leo.

- Be nice.

- So, when's Stuart getting back? /coming back? / returning?

- Pair days / Two days / Couple days maybe a week.

- He promised me that he would return late this evening.

- Well, maybe he will, Leopold.

- He's so nice / big / great on keeping his promises.

Pay attention to the intonation of Kate talking about Stuart. Does she say her words praising Stuart? Sarcastically? Ironically? Surely? What impression does the lady produce at the first sight? Dwell on the point.

b) Listen and fill in the gaps:

- May I have (следующее блюдо)_____________________ ?

- There is no next course. Ha.

How does the manner of speaking characterize every dialogue participant?


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