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WALK 2 – Bishop’s Lane – Glottenham – Mountfield Court – John’s Cross – Poppinghole Lane – Park Farm – Park Wood


Distance – approximately 4.5 miles



From the car park, turn left towards the station and in a few yards cross Piper’s Meadow, opposite the Garden Machine Centre, go over the stile and then straight across the field, over a stile then continue diagonally right to cross another stile by the railway line. Turn left along the line of the railway and in a few yards cross a stile into Bishop’s Lane by the railway bridge.

Turn left and in 100 yards turn right along the drive to Glottenham and continue under the railway bridge. A few yards on cross over the stile to the left, turn right along the edge of the Darwell Stream and in a few yards cross over the footbridge. Behind you and across the valley lie the buildings of Darwell Hall. Originally an isolation hospital they now form the home of the religious community known as the Hutterian Brotherhood.

Across the bridge, bear right and follow the line of the railway, cross over another stile and continue along between railway and stream to the bridge. Turn right over the bridge, cross the stile and turn immediately left and follow the path along the edge of the hop field along the line of the railway at first and then continue along the line of the stream as it nears right away from the railway. In 200 yards turn left over the footbridge and go diagonally right across the field into Cleans Wood. The path continues clearly through the wood and then emerges to continue right along the line of the railway again and shortly turns left under the railway bridge.

In a short distance, cross a footbridge over Bottom Hole Brook and then continue diagonally right through Mountfield Park which looks as if it was landscaped at sometime. Keep to the left of the copse of trees and then straight ahead, steeply uphill to the stile and gate and follow the track straight ahead to Mountfield Court. The house dates from the late 18th century and has attractive gardens which are sometimes open to the public.

Continue ahead past the house and turn left along the surfaced road, with good views of the house and gardens to the left. The path continues straight ahead along the road through an avenue of old trees, passed Cross Farm and then joins the A21 opposite the John’s Cross public house.

Cross the road, turn left and in about 50 yards turn right over a stile through the hedge and cross the field diagonally legt to cross a stile to tje left hand corner of Oakey Wood. Cross the field between Oakey Wood and Walter’s Wood and go through a gate at the far end. Through the gate, bear slightly left to another gate about 300 yards away, then through another gate and straight ahead across the field to arrive at Poppinghole Lane to the left of the pair of cottages. Turn right along Poppinghole Lane and in a few yards, at the top of the hill, turn left through the gate and follow the path left around the edge of the copse and at the end of the copse, Keeper’s Cottage can be seen in thevalley below. The path goes steeply down hill straight across the field to the cottages and continues past the cottages on a track to Stone Cottage. At this point, where the track turns right to Park Farm, continue straight ahead along the edge of the field and in 200 yards cross another track leading to the farm and continue along the edge of Park Wood. In 600 yards at the field boundary turn left into the wood and continue straight ahead, ignoring paths to left and right, to emerge from the wood by the sewage treatment plant; take the path between the two parts of the plant and continue straight ahead uphill. To the right is a fineview of Salehurst and the church.

Follow the path to the left around the edge of the old Redlands works to arrive at the footbridge over the by-pass; cross the bridge and continue along Fair Lane to the High Street and return to the starting point.




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