Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

There any telegram from Moscow?

1) Are

2) Is

3) Be

4) Were


3. He _____ do his homework in time!

1) may

2) must

3) can

4) cuuld


4. These are good ________.

1) new

2) news 

3) newes 

4) newses



5. We must do much _____today.

1) houseworks

2) houseworkes

3) housework

4) houseworkers


6. We play hockey on a very good skating-rink. It is _______in our country.

1) the eighth

2) the eights

3) eight

4) eighth



7. I played tennis yesterday but I ___ win.

1) do not

2) does not

3) did not

4) will not


8. I usually ___ tea for breakfast.

1) drink

2) drinks

3) am drinking

4) is drinking


9. The boy (remember) this day all his life.

1)will remember

2)should remember




10. I’ve written a letter to ___. 1) she 2) her 3) me 4) it 11. What is the noise? Jane ___ in the next room. 1) sing 2) sings 3) is singing 4) are singing
12. He _________already ________ two houses. 1) has built 2) have build 3) has builded 4) have built

13. Kelly ___ near the river at 4 p.m. yesterday.  

1) were sunbathing                

2) was sunbathing                 

3) sunbathed

4) sunbathing



14. You must visit ___ Science Museum when you are in ___ London.

1) a, the

2) the, -

3) -, -

4) -, the

15. I can't believe that you ___ the news.

1) haven't read

2) didn't read

3) don't read

4) read not


16. December is ___ than August.

1) colder

2) more cold

3) coldest

4) cold


17. I can’t come because I ___ on holiday.

1) will be

2) am being

3) was

4) be


He said: «I can speak English very well».

 He said that he … English very well.

1)can speak

2)could speak

3)will speak

4) would speak


19. She is ___ than my sister.

1) oldest

2) elder

3) the most oldest

4) the oldest


Выберите несколько вариантов правильного ответа

20. Выберите из списка английских слов только неисчисляемые существительные

1) a tree

2) a brick

3) information

4) a ball


В каких предложениях вы употребите оборот to be going to?

1) It (to rain).

2) We (go) to Moscow next week.

3) He (to read) soon.

4) I (to cook) dinner in two hours.


В каких предложениях есть ошибки?

1) If they are promising to be here, they will certainly come.

2) Even if my parents disapproved of my plans, I wouldn't had given them up.

3) I wish the weather wouldn't be so dreadful today.

4) If he hadn't come by 6 o'clock, he won't come at all.




Выберите предложения, в которых нет ошибок.

1) Football is played all over the world.

2) Football was played all over the world ten years ago.

3) Football is been played now.

4) Football has being play every day.



Установите соответствие

Установите соответствия:                        

Musical instruments                              translation

А) violin                                              1) барабан

B) drum                                                2) скрипка                                         

C) harp                                                 3)пианино

D) piano                                                4) арфа

Установите соответствия:                        

Flowers    A) carnation                                 B) forget-me-not                                   C) daffodil  D) camomile  .                                                                                    Translation 1)нарцисс 2) ромашка  3) незабудка 4) гвоздика                              


Установите соответствия:

Sentence A) The tree has been planted.                                                                      B) The trees are planted every day.  C) The tree was planted yesterday. D) The tree is being planted now.   .                                                                                Translation 1) Деревья сажают каждый день. 2) Дерево сажают сейчас.  3) Дерево уже посадили. 4) Дерево посадили вчера.                              


Вставьте необходимое слово.

27. The ….. is the reproductive organ of a plant.


28. He …… asked at every lesson.

29. Julia is very good at languages. She ___ four languages very well.


Закончите фразу.

30. After fertilization, the ovule develops into a ……., and the ovary into a fruit. As the fruit grows, the petals wither (сохнуть, уменьшаться) and drop off (умереть).


Комплекс тестовых заданий

по дисциплине общеобразовательного, общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла ОДБ.03. «Иностранный язык» и ОГСЭ.03. «Иностранный язык» для специальности 250109 Садово-парковое и ландшафтное строительство



Выберите один вариант правильного ответа

1. What ___ your name?

1) are

2) was

3) is

4) am


2. There ___ the bank in the centre of the town.

1) are

2) is

3) be

4) were


3. We ____ swim.

1) can

2) must

3) may

4) should


4. There are many ______outside.

1) mens

2) man 

3) men

4) mans



5. He brought four ______ to college.

1) tomato

2) tomatos

3) tomatoes

4) tomaten


6. Ok! See you on _____ of April.

1) the twentyth-seventh

2) twenty-seven

3) the twenty-seventh

4) twentieth-seven


7. What ___ at 11.30 yesterday?

1) did you do

2) do you do

3)will you do

4) had you done


8. Fred ___ English well.

1) speak

2) speaks

3) is speaking

4) are speaking


9. Diana (come) to the party tomorrow?

1)Shall Diana come

2)Will Diana come

3)Does Diana come

4)Was Diana come


10. Where’s Simon? ___ is in the kitchen. 1) She 2) I 3) He 4) We 11. Look! They ___ baseball for his University team. 1) play 2) plays 3) is playing 4) are playing
12. He _________already ________ two houses. 1) has built 2) have build 3) has builded 4) have built


13. Madonna ___ popular when she was young.

1) was becoming          

2) became           

3) was become

4) become


14. Most people want to see where ___ Queen lives.

1) an

2) the

3) a

4) –

15. She looks young because she ___ weight.

1) lost

2) have lost

3) loses

4) has lost


16. Hip-hop is ___ than Rock.

1) more popular

2) popularer

3) popularest

4) popular


17. He ___ to Moscow in a few days.

1) return

2) will return

3) will returns

4) returned




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