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Zero article before common nouns

No article is used in the following cases: a) Before concrete class nouns (countables) in the plural denoting persons or things which are not already mentioned or known about, either with or without a descriptive attribute: Charles Dickens and William Thac­keray are writers. They are famous writers. I have slight stomach pains. A bookcase contains shelves to hold books. (See}

Note that plural nouns of the category are often determined by the indefinite pronouns some, any: Have you got any books on English art? Yes, I have some (books).

b) After the words such, quite, most, what before co-untables in the plural: I've never met such beautiful girls. They are quite young men. These are most interesting films. What nice days we have spent there.

c) Before concrete nouns of materials the amounts of which are not defined: Life is impossible without water. The vegetables need more salt. Pepper and nutmeg are spices.

d) Before abstract uncountable nouns, etc.: No news is good news. Jealousy is worse than envy.

e) Before nouns denoting fields of knowledge: I don't like mathematics. He is fond  of history. She studies linguistics.

f) Before nouns denoting periods of time, attributed by the words next and last, as well as before nouns attributed by cardinals in postposition: Last winter we traveled in the Swiss Alps. Next summer we are going to Italy. Next week we 11 have 3 English classes.

g) Before singular or plural nouns denoting persons addressed by someone: Come quickly, doctor.

h) After kind of and sort of before either singular or plural nouns: What sort of music do you like best? I don't like that sort of book. That kind/sort of question is very difficult. There were all sorts of colour.

i) Before nouns used in newspaper titles, announ­cements, advertisements, etc.: «Former Judge Sentenced Over Driving Offences», «Night Intruder», «Driver».

Zero article before proper nouns

No article is usually used in the following cases.

a) Before names of cities, towns, villages, streets, etc.: London is the capital of Great Britain. (For excep­tions see 2.5.2.)

b) Before names of shops, restaurants, banks, etc., ending in -5 or -'s, which are named after people who started them: Selfridges, Harrods (shops), Maxim's, Macdonalds (restaurants), Barclay Bank, Lloyd Bank.

c) Before words like Mother, Father, Uncle, Aunt, etc. used by members of a family: Has Father come back yet? Mother wants to speak to you.

d) Before nouns denoting persons' ranks and attri­buting proper names: The monograph is written by Professor White. Doctor Smith is to take the flow.

Zero article in collocations and set expressions

No article is used before nouns determined by pos­sessive, demonstrative, interrogative, indefinite and nega­tive pronouns. (See Chapter IY)

A great number of set expressions contain nouns without article:

a) preposition + noun/substentivized adjective set phrases: at present, at first sight, at dawn, at sunrise, at sunset, at night, at peace, at sea, at work, at last, at least, at once, at hand, at best, at worst; by day, by chance, by mistake, by land, by air, by sea, by train, by metro, by post, by air mail, by name, by moonlight; for hours, for ages, for miles; from day to day, from morning till night, from head to foot, from beginning to end, from birth to grave, from spring to autumn, from east to west, from

Grief, from joy, from fear, from shame, from memory; in bed, in debt, in revenge, in question, in silk, in red, in time for; on duty, on fire, on foot, on holiday, on horseback, on leave, on principle, on sale, on time; under consideration.

b) verb + noun set phrases: bear/have in mind, break cover, break ground, cast doubt on, catch cold, catch fire, come to grief, come/bring to life, come to light, come to pass, give/ask (for) permission, give birth, give rise, give way, have breakfast/lunch, dinner, go to bed, keep house, keep in mind, lose heart, make haste, make sense, make use of, set to work, take advantage of, take into account, take to heart, take offence, take part, take place, take revenge.


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