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Would you say that you can easily deal with high pressure situations?

Explain your ability to work under pressure, without describing with too much detail why you thought a specific situation was stressful.


The cabin crew job is a high pressure work environment, so do not say that you can’t work well under pressure.


Do not spend too long discussing the amount of high stress in everyday life.




‘Yes. I have been dealing with busy times in the restaurant. There is always time pressure for the service to be completed. It actually motivates me to work faster and be more effi cient.’




























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Describe a situation where you had to make a quick decision.

This question is asked so that the interviewers see that you have the ability to think about problems before they actually arise.


Give examples of successful decision making on your job.



Keep your answers professional and relevant.





'I was working at the ABC Restaurant. We were preparing for a big event. Before any of my colleagues arrived at work, I was handling supplies delivery, when I realized that the supplier did not bring us all the necessary items. Oil and vinegar were missing from the list, and what we had left in the pantry was not suffi cient. I decided to immediately drive to the nearest supermarket and buy the necessary quantity. Later I explained to my supervisor what happened and he praised my initiative.'























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


What do you enjoy the most about working with customers?

Avoid the standard answer 'I enjoy meeting new people every day.'


Talk about the satisfaction you get from dealing with your customers.


Address emotional issues. You are aiming for the interviewer to be moved by your drive and dedication.




'I like to feel that I made somebody's day with something I did or a small detail I added to my service. I enjoy seeing people relaxing and having a good time. Mostly I am very proud when people tell me that it is the best service they received in a long time.'


























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


When could your customer service have been better?

This question is asked to establish if you have the ability to recognize when your ser vice deliver y might need improvement.


Bring up a minor incident and off er and explanation on how you realized your mistake and solved it, without the customer being impacted.


Do not talk about instances when you failed to deliver excellent customer service, regardless of the reason.




'The policy in our restaurant was to welcome the guest and off er a basket of bread, butter and olives while waiting for the drinks and food to be ready. We had a customer who came often and I served him many times. I knew he was always asking for brown bread instead of white, and normally I was serving him straight away the brown bread. This day I was distracted with other customers and forgot about his preference. He had to call me back to remind me of the brown bread. I apologized and told him I remembered his request from his previous visits and I will fulfill it immediately. I realized then that excellent service is in the small details, no matter how busy or caught up I am in my work.'












©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Give an example of excellent customer service that you experienced as a customer.

This question is asked to establish that you are able to recognize superior customer service from others.


Do not be afraid to praise other people.



If possible, try to give examples in the aviation environment - in the aircraft, ticketing offi ce or airport. Otherwise, talk about your experience in restaurants, cafes, or other hospitality establishments.




'I was going on vacation with my sister. At the check-in desk in the airport there was a lady who greeted us with a smile, addressed to us by our names and asked for our seat preference. She even noticed that for our connecting flight we did not have seats together and sent a message to that city and we got to sit together all the way to our destination. She was polite, friendly, attentive, gave us personalized service and attention. She foresaw a potential problem in our experience and immediately solved it. I still remember her. When we were in the plane we wrote a recommendation letter to the airline.'



















©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant



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