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Read and translate the text with the help of a dictionary. The sweet cherry produces large trees 30 feet to 40 feet tall. Cherry belongs to the genus Prunus of the Rosaceae, or rose family

Cherry belongs to the genus Prunus of the Rosaceae, or rose family. The genus Prunus includes other stone fruits such as almond, apricot, plum, peach, and nectarine. There are many cherry species, but only a few have been domesticated.

The sweet cherry produces large trees 30 feet to 40 feet tall. Branches grow fairly upright, the tree is slightly more tolerant of low temperatures than peach, and in favorable environments the trees may live for more than a century. Sweet cherry trees have fewer, but larger leaves than tart cherries. The fruits are large, have a deep stem cavity, can vary in color from yellow to red to purplish black. Flowers usually arise from clusters of 2 to 5 flowers on short spurs with multiple buds at tips; the distal bud develops into a leafy shoot. The flesh ranges in texture from tender to firm, and is sweet. Most sweet cherries are consumed as fresh fruit, but some varieties are used for maraschino cherries.

The tart cherry is sometime called " red cherry" or " sour cherry". The tree is relatively small (15 feet to 20 feet tall), fairly spreading, and usually without a strong central leader. The relatively thin limbs tend to droop and the tree has a bush-like appearance. Trees are very cold hardy, but are shorter lived than sweet cherry. The fruit of most varieties have clear juice, the fruit is relatively small, and have higher acid and lower sugar content than sweet cherry. Tart cherries are used for processing, jam, and pie filling.

Site Selection for cherry trees Cherry trees generally do not thrive where summers are long and hot or where winter temperatures are high for short periods. Cold weather events during early spring, before bloom, may kill flower buds. Above average temperatures during late winter and early spring, followed by a sudden drop in temperature (10° to 20° F), may injure flower buds on sweet cherry trees. These injured buds will usually not swell normally and will shrivel and fall from the tree by the normal bloom time.

Spring frost is the primary consideration for choosing a site to locate an orchard. Plant trees on a site that is higher than the surrounding land, so the cold air can drain into the lower areas. Hillsides and hilltops are usually the preferred locations.

Soil Considerations Cherry trees can grow in a wide range of soil types so soil characteristics are much less important than cold air drainage. In general, the soil should be well drained, with a pH of 6.2 to 6.8, and have a rooting depth of at least 3 feet. Soil fertility and pH can be amended with fertilizer and lime applications. Cherry roots are extremely sensitive to excessive moisture, which may stunt tree growth or kill the tree. Tree losses caused by the soil-borne fungus Phytophthora tend to be greater in wet or poorly drained soils. Where soil moisture is excessive, trees may be planted on burms or raised beds 18 to 30 inches high and 5 feet wide at the base. A good method of evaluating soil water drainage is to dig a hole 3 feet deep and if water remains in the hole for three days after a heavy rain, the soil is probably too wet for cherry trees.

Annual Tree Care Weeds compete with trees for water and nutrients and cherry trees do not compete well with weeds and grass. Use herbicides or cultivation to maintain a weed-free zone for 3 to 4 feet on all sides of the tree. Organic mulches, such as wood chips or straw, can be used.

Cherry trees can be grown with less water than most other deciduous tree fruits. Young trees grow better and mature trees are more productive with supplemental irrigation, especially during drought or where soils have poor water-holding capacity.

Mineral nutrition Many elements are not readily available, even when present in adequate amounts, when the soil pH is above 7.0 or below 5.5. The soil around the tree should be tested every 3 or 4 years to determine the need for lime application to maintain soil pH in the appropriate range. Occasionally potassium or manganese deficiency may occur, but before these elements are applied the deficiency should be verified with leaf analysis. Nitrogen is usually the only nutrient that is needed on an annual basis.

4.5 Say if these statements are false or true:

Sweet cherries are used for jam and pie filling.

Sweet cherry trees are more tolerant of low temperatures than tart cherry trees.

Hillsides and hilltops are preferred locations for cherry trees.

Cherry trees are tolerant to excessive moisture.

Text 5


5.1 Read the following international words and translate them: organic materials, centre, cotton, protection, number, examine, spray, tolerant, fruits.

 5.2 Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation: fertile, medium, to satisfy, to settle, previously, bone meal, to apply, however, variety, to encourage, caterpillar, foliage.

5.3 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: gooseberry bushes, soil conditions, planting time, garden centres, partial shade conditions, colored cotton thread, bird protection.


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