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Once registered, designs are laid open to public inspection at the Patent Office. In addition, registration details, but not the design itself, are recorded in the Register of Designs (which may be consulted by any member of the public) and published in the Official Journal (Patents).




Any time after the application has been filed. Before that date, extreme care is needed to ensure that the design is not made available or disclosed to the public in any way whatsoever — otherwise registration might not be obtainable. However, a design may be displayed at an exhibition certified by the Department of Trade and Industry before applying, as long as such application is made within six months of the opening of the exhibition.




Yes. Existing registered designs provide a large amount of technical and commercial information concerning the latest developments in product design.





Yes The Registry will conduct a search (on payment of a fee) to determine whether a design resembles a registered design. This is distinct from the search conducted as part of the processing of a registered design application.


Part 1


  • What is a registered design?
  • Are all designs registrable?


Find the English equivalents in the text.

1. внешний вид изделия

2. комплект изделий

3. пятилетний срок

4. товар, объект гражданского оборота

5. эстетичный внешний вид

6. чисто функциональный дизайн

7. подлежащий регистрации

8. общая конструкция

9. подлинно эстетический

10. неповторимый дизайн

11. специфическое исключение

12. предоставлять


2. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Put the verbs into the appropriate form, positive or negative.

1. A registered design is a monopoly right for the outward appearance of an article to which the design ________. (apply).

2. It ________ in four 5-year terms up to a maximum of 25 ears (may/extend).

3. It is a property which, like any other business commodity, ________ (may/buy, sell, hire, license).

4. If the design of the part ________by the shape of the whole, the design ________ registrable (determine; be).

5. Car body panels, for example, ________because their shape and configuration are determined by the overall design of the car (can/register).

6. These ________works of sculpture, medals and printed matter of a literary or artistic character (include).

7. Copyright protection ________to these excluded designs (afford).


Complete the word families.

Verb Participle 2 Adj. Noun
patent register protect determine include exclude print patented patentable patentability, patent


Part 2

  • Do any further conditions have to be satisfied?
  • What is the difference between a patent and a registered design?
  • What right do registered designs bring?


Determine the function of the verb “to have” in the following sentences.

a) the modal equivalent of “must”;

b) the verb meaning “to possess”;

c) the auxiliary of the Perfect forms.


1. A design has to be “new”, i.e. must not have been publicly disclosed before application for registration is made.

2. The article to which the design has been applied can be made, imported, sold or hired under terms agreed with the registered owner.

3. The owner also has the right to take legal action against an infringer.

4. Some further conditions have to be satisfied.


Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

1. to satisfy further conditions

2. to be publicly disclosed

3. application for registration

4. to be materially different

5. outward appearance

6. a patent is concerned (with)

7. to hire out an article

8. to let others use

9. under terms agreed with the owner

10. to take legal action (against)

11. to claim damages

12. to deter a would-be infringer


Try to use the above word combinations in sentences of your own.


Answer the questions.

1. A design has to be “new”. This statement implies three essential parts. What are they?

2. What does a registered design apply to?

3. What is a patent concerned with?

4. What is the exclusive right of the registered owner of a design?

5. What kind of legal action can the registered owner take?

6. What is the preventive role of the design registration?



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