Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Stylistic Semaseology and Its Expressive Resources.

Analysis of semantics and use of semantic capacities of a word in stylistic purposes as a problem in Stylistics. The stylistic distinction of the content of a word in terms of denotation and connotation. Types of connotation distinguished: emotive, expressive, evaluative, stylistic, pragmatic, etc. Private and general emotive associations. Dictionary / contextual meaning. General rules and laws of shifts of meaning. Patterns of combination of meanings producing a certain stylistic effect.

The Classification of Functional Styles.

Functional perspective in Stylistics and the notion of functional style. General overview of functional style systems. Critical analysis of the criteria suggested for functional classification of styles by I.R.Galperin, Y.M.Skrebnev, I.V.Arnold and other Russian scholars. Sociolinguistic perspective of language variation.

Stylistic Stratification of the English Vocabulary System.

Construction of different yet interrelated classifications of the English vocabulary system based on the criteria of historical perspective, territorial restrictions and function (referential use in a particular communication area). The guiding role of confinement of words to various spheres of speech communication, which allows the distinction between stylistically neutral sphere of vocabulary and the two stylistically marked poles of stratification: literary and colloquial strata. Precise description of the above mentioned strata.


Norm and the Deviation from the Norm as a Stylistic Factor.

 Half-marked Structures and Their Expressive Resources.

The distinction between the norm as an abstract idea and the norm realised in concrete texts. The notion of the literary norm. Admissible and inadmissible variations within the norm. Defeated expectancy principle. The theory of grammatical gradation. Marked, semi-marked and unmarked structures. Half-marked structures as a variety of defeated expectancy.

Theoretical Phonetics

Теоретическая фонетика английского языка

The Theory of Phoneme.

Phonological Analysis of English Speech Sounds.

Phoneme theory: the Prague school. N.Trubetskoy, R.Jakobson and their contribution in phonology. The phoneme as a set of distinctive features. Three criteria for classifying phonological oppositions. Privative, gradual and equipollent oppositions. Constant and neutralizable oppositions. The inventory of DFs offered by R. Jakobson, G. Fant and M. Halle. The advantages of the inventory.

Methods of phonological analysis. The aim of phonological analysis. The distributional method. The two laws of phonemic and allophonic distribution. Contrastive distribution. Complementary distribution). Free variations of sounds.

The notion of differential meaning introduced by descriptivists. The drawbacks of the purely distributional method. The semantic method.


Программа теоретических вопросов

По дисциплинам лингвистического цикла

Для отделения немецкого и второго иностранного языков

Theoretische Grammatik der deutschen Sprache

Теоретическая грамматика немецкого языка

Prinzipien der Eingliederung der Wortarten.

Diskutables in der Wortartentheorie.

Begriff der Wortart (Wortklasse). Prinzipien der Eingliederung der Wortklassen (semantisches Prinzip, syntaktisches Prinzip, morphologisches Prinzip und komplexes Prinzip), deren Vor- und Nachteile. Systeme der Klassifikation der Wortarten und ihre hierarchische Organisation. Diskutables in der Theorie der Wortarten (die Zahl der Wortklassen, die Zusammensetzung einer Wortklasse und die Grenzen zwischen den Wortklassen).



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