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What Qualifications Must Appraisers Have?

All states require appraisers to be state licensed or certified in order to provide appraisals to federally regulated lenders. Some states require appraisers to be licensed or certified to provide appraisals for other parties as well. To become licensed or certified, you must pass an examination that is administered by your state’s appraisal board. Because state requirements vary, contact your state’s regulatory agency for specific requirements. The Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) of The Appraisal Foundation is authorized by Congress to establish the minimum requirements for Certified General Real Property Appraiser and Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser classifications, and the AQB provides recommended minimum requirements for the Licensed Real Property Appraiser and Trainee classifications. Descriptions for the four categories can be found on The Appraisal Foundation Web site.

Appraisers who become designated members of the Appraisal Institute have gone beyond these requirements. They have fulfilled rigorous education and experience requirements and must adhere to strict standards and a code of professional ethics. The Appraisal Institute currently confers the MAI membership designation on those who are experienced in the valuation of commercial, industrial, residential, and other types of properties. The SRA membership designation is held by those who are experienced in the analysis and valuation of residential real property.

Are There Different Categories of Real Estate (Real Property) Appraisers?

The Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) of The Appraisal Foundation is authorized by Congress to establish the minimum requirements for Certified General Real Property Appraiser and Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser classifications, and the AQB provides recommended minimum requirements for the Licensed Real Property Appraiser and Trainee classifications. Descriptions for the four categories can be found below (more information can be found on The Appraisal Foundation Web site:

Appraiser Trainee:

Someone who is qualified to appraise those properties, which the supervising certified appraiser is qualified to appraise.

Licensed Real Property Appraiser:

Someone who is qualified to appraise non-complex one to four units having a transaction value less than $1, 000, 000 and complex one to four residential units having a transaction value less than $250, 000. This classification does not include the appraisal of subdivisions.

Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser:

Someone who is qualified to appraise one to four residential units without regard to value or complexity. This classification does not include the appraisal of subdivisions. To be a state certified residential appraiser qualified to do appraisals for federally related transactions, a state must have requirements that meet or exceed this minimum standard.

Certified General Real Property Appraiser:

Someone who is qualified to appraise all types of real property. To be a state certified general appraiser qualified to do appraisals for federally related transactions, a state must have requirements that meet or exceed this minimum standard.

  • For trainee and licensed classifications, this is an AQB recommendation only. States are not required to utilize this guidance. Some states may have trainee or license programs that have very different requirements.

Interested in Learning How to Join the Profession?

Please visit our informational page on starting your career as an appraiser.

План оценки Профессия

Что такое оценка?

Оценка является мнение профессионального оценщика стоимости. Подготовка оценкой включает исследования в соответствующих областях рынка; сборка и анализ информации, имеющей отношение к собственности; и знание, опыт и профессиональное суждение оценщика., Оценки могут потребоваться для различных типов жилья, в том числе односемейных домов, многоквартирных домов и кондоминиумов, офисных зданий, торговых центров, промышленных объектов, и фермерских хозяйств. Причины для выполнения реальной оценки собственности так же, как разнообразны. Они, как правило, требуется, когда недвижимость продается, заложенное, облагаются налогом, застрахованы, или разработаны. Например, оценки подготовлены к:

  • Цели Ипотечное кредитование
  • Оценки Налоговые и призывы оценок
  • Переговоры между покупателями и продавцами
  • Правительство приобретение частной собственности для общественных нужд
  • Бизнес слияний или расторжения
  • Переговоры по аренде

Какова роль оценщика?

Роль оценщика, чтобы обеспечить объективное, беспристрастное и беспристрастные мнения о стоимости недвижимого имущества, предоставление помощи тем, кто владеть, распоряжаться, продавать, вкладывать средства в, и / или давать деньги под залог недвижимости. Оценщики собрать ряд фактов, статистических данных и другой информации, касающейся конкретных свойств, анализировать эти данные, а также разработать мнения стоимости. Каждое назначение оценка проблемы способность оценщика, чтобы положить аналитические навыки на практике, проявлять здравомыслие, и эффективно общаться.


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