Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Mid-year resources and tools

· Share this Feedback Writing Assistant tool with your colleagues when asking them for feedback, and use it yourself when providing feedback

· Review this career conversation guide, useful for both counselors and counselees

создание информационного продукта согласно потребностям целевых групп

- администрирование

- редактирование


Yoga для гармонизации дыхания и равновесия невыведения из себя

1. Optimize the time of processing and transferring

Be familiar with shortcut keys for easier and quicker navigating and using computer software programs.

Learn how to use special functions to find information and people more quickly on the EY Home Page.


В прогрессе Add добавить. Что в нашла способ удобного поиска


2. Cultivate pronunciation and intonation capability

Attend a chorus lesson to enhance the ability control the voice: speed, volume.

Studying English and Russian pronounciation by learning to read poetry with tone and rhythm.

Practice tongue twisters to improve their pronunciation and articulation


3. Create a good team atmosphere in the call-centre

Participate in EY Academy of Business stress-management training program

Be able to manage and resolve interpersonal and workplace conflicts in a positive way without need for any over-the-shoulder interference with management.

Be ready to back up and support colleagues

Create a work schedule that accommodates the interests of call-operators. Send it for approval in due time.

Keep work up to schedule


4. Be a helpful and an apparent member of EY team

Expand the horizons through interactions with people from various departments.

Help colleagues from other departments (HR, for example, respond to the invitation from Academy of Business to run through texts and materials with a fresh eye and to give feedback and editing advice)

Be a visible and an apparent member of the team participating in quizzes, polls and competitions among EY employees (foto contests and etc.)

Ввела в курс дела новых сотрудников

Поддерживаю дружескую атмосферу взаимоподдержки


1. Be familiar with job responsibilities in the full scope

Fast surfing for information and delivering it to clients in an appropriate way

No complaints from clients

2. Improve Business Telephone Etiquette

An ability to remain calm and professional when dealing with difficult callers

Ready to pass the exam

3. Create a good team atmosphere in the call centre

Keep up to date with information

Share information with colleagues; to acquaint new employees with an affair

Be involved in meetings about call centre policy

A work schedule that accommodates the interests of call-operators


According to the words of my colleague in the feedback about my work I do my best to create friendly atmosphere in the call –center.
are managing and resolving interpersonal and workplace conflicts in a positive way.




1. Optimize the time of processing and transferring

Be familiar with shortcut keys for easier and quicker navigating and using computer software programs.

Learn how to use special functions to find information and people more quickly on the EY Home Page.


ADD This year I’ve found the easier way to find people from EY offices in other countries and. I shared new skill over the call-center members.


2. Cultivate pronunciation and intonation capability

Practice yoga and meditation twice a week (minimum) for harmonization of breath , mind and body. So Aggressive caller can’t made me lose my temper.

Attend a chorus lesson to enhance the ability control the voice: speed, volume.

Practice tongue twisters to improve their pronunciation and articulation

3. Improve my English by studding in English Global

Familiarize myself with new sections. “Email templates” (complaints, congratulations, invitations, meetings, compliments, requests, orders, effective e-mails) and “Common writing problems”. Do all exercises in those sections.


4. Create a good team atmosphere in the call-centre

Participate in EY Academy of Business stress-management training program

Be able to manage and resolve interpersonal and workplace conflicts in a positive way without need for any over-the-shoulder interference with management.

Be ready to back up and support colleagues

Create a work schedule that accommodates the interests of call-operators. Send it for approval in due time.

Keep work up to schedule


5. Be a helpful and an apparent member of  team

Expand the horizons through interactions with people from various departments.

Help colleagues from other departments during their rush period.

Be a visible and an apparent member of the team participating in quizzes, polls and competitions among Eemployees (foto contests and etc.)


ADD This year I trained two new call-center members. I created appropriate conditions for their effective and fast learning.


Ввела в курс дела новых сотрудников

Поддерживаю дружескую атмосферу взаимоподдержки



Я стараюсь выстроить человеческие отношения и понять мотивацию сотрудника. Ведь всегда есть что-то ещё кроме денег. В таком случае человек чувствует личную ответственность и понимает, что ему будет стыдно ошибиться.


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