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Прилагательные для описания города

Самое важное в описании города – это то, какое впечатление он производит на людей, его посетивших. И тут вам на помощь придут следующие прилагательные, которые вы можете использовать в английском:


· Ancient – древний.

· Historic – исторический.

· Attractive – привлекательный.

· Lovely – милый.

· Bustling – шумный, суетливый.

· Contemporary – современный.

· Lively – оживленный.

· Picturesque – живописный.

· Charming – очаровательный.

· Touristic – туристический.

· Dull – тусклый.

· Boring – скучный.


Транспорт в городе


Путешествуя по городу, вы будете пользоваться общественным транспортом (public transport). Стоит выучить, как называют поезд (train), железнодорожную станцию (railway station), трамвай (tram), троллейбус (trolley bus), автобус (bus), метро (tube/subway) и пароход (steamer).


Места, которые можно посетить


Достопримечательностей (sights) в каждом городе масса. Находясь в другом городе, вы, вероятно, захотите посетить театр (theatre), музей (museum), кинотеатр (cinema)/ Насладиться музыкой можно в концертном зале (concert hall) или в опере (opera house). Любителям архитектуры можно посоветовать посетить церковь (church), собор (cathedral) или замок (castle).

Учатся дети и студенты в школе (school), колледже (college), университете (university), а книги берут в библиотеке (library). Названия всех этих учреждений помогут вам найти любую достопримечательность или выбранное вами место для посещения, так как вы сможете составить необходимый маршрут.

Подкрепиться можно в кафе (café ) или ресторане (restaurant). Любителей совершать покупки привлекут огромные торговые центры (shopping malls). Обычные же магазины и супермаркеты именуются соответственно shops иsupermarkets (department stores). А также каждому туристу следует знать, как по-английски называют банк (bank), аптеку (drugstore), больницу (hospital), полицейский участок (police station), отделение почтовой связи (post office).

Как указать направление на английском

А теперь представим, что нам нужно рассказать или понять, как добраться к какому-либо музею. Вы можете вежливо спросить прохожего, используя следующее предложение:


Could you please tell me where the (place) is? – Не могли бы Вы, пожалуйста, сказать, где (что-то) находится?


Фраза Перевод
On На
At У
In В
On the right Справа
On the left Слева
At the corner На углу
Near, next to Рядом, возле
In front of Напротив
Between Между
Across Через
Along Вдоль
Above Над
Below Ниже
Opposite to Напротив
Behind За


Для студентов, пропустивших занятие №2

ЗАДАНИЕ №1 Переведите текст и выделите главные члены предложения


1) Food gives us energy, makes us grow and helps to stay healthy. We need to eat something from all the food groups every day. Fruit and vegetables, cereals and grains, fats and sugar, meat and protein and dairy

2) Fruit and vegetables give us lots of vitamins and minerals and help us grow and stay healthy. We should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. A portion is one piece of fruit, a serving  of vegetables or a glass of juice.

3) Cereals and grains are things like bread, rice, potatoes and noodles. These foods give us the energy we need. Half of what we eat every day should come from this group.

4) Fats and sugars are things like oils, biscuits, sweets, chocolate and ice cream. These foods give us energy and are important for our nervous system. But too much of this food can make you fat and can be bad for your teeth. You should not eat more than two sweet or fatty things a day.

5) Meats and proteins are foods like chicken, fish, duck, eggs, nuts, beans and tofu. These foods give us important minerals and help us to build and repair our bodies. We need to eat a little of this food every day (about 10% of our food).

6) Dairy foods are things like milk, yoghurt and cheese. These foods give us calcium which helps to make our teeth and bones strong. You should eat some of these foods every day, but you can also get calcium from spinach and dried fruit.

Задание №2.Напишите предметы на картинке по- английски

Задание №3. Переведите предложения.

1. What drink would you like before dinner?

2. What kind of soup are you serving today?

3. I'll just have a ham sandwich.

4. I'll have a T-bone steak with fried potatoes.

5. Would you like fried, baked or mashed potatoes?

6. What kind of juice do you have?

7. I would like a bottle of water.

8. I would like a cup of coffee (tea).

1. food 2. foodstuffs 3. fast 4. a restaurant 5. a fast food restraunt 6. popular 7. famous 8. to be famous 9. to be known 10. to be well known 11. to be considered 12. to get rapid popularity 13. healthy 14. healthy food 15. tasty 16. delicious 17. coffee 18. a cup of coffee 19. leaded coffee 20. unleaded coffee 21. to wait 22. a waiter 23. a waitress 24. an ice-cream 25. sugar 26. to establish 27. was established 28. greasy 29. burger 30. ham 31. dessert 32. salad 33. chicken 34.  How about … 35. fried 36. potatoes 37. pizza 38. a recipe 39. to bake 40. baked goods 41. to serve 42. fresh 43. an order 44. to order 45.  I`d like 46. what would you like… 47. to try 48. a steak 49.  sweet 50. something

ЗАДАНИЕ №4 Сделайте кроссворд, сканворд или филворд из слов ниже. Выучите эти слова

Для студентов, пропустивших занятие №3

ЗАДАНИЕ №1 Переведите текст и выделите главные члены предложения

Healthy Food

All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. There are different kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Different kinds of food contain different nutrients.

Before we cut down on fat, sugar and salt, we have to know more about the kind of food. The biggest problem comes when these things are hidden in other foods: biscuits, crisps, sausages, meat pies, soft drinks and so on. The best way is to get into the habit of checking the ingredients and nutritional value on the sides of packets although this isn't always easy to do. Another thing to know is, for example, that we really need fat to live, it's an essential part of our diet and physically we couldn't exist without it. But we all know that to eat much fat is bad for our health. The matter is that there are different kinds of fat. There are fats that are good for us and fats that are bad for us. Eating less of the bad ones and more of the good ones can actually help us to live longer! Bad fats are the saturated fats, which are in animal productions, like red meat, butter and cheese.

Friendly fats are the unprocessed fats which are in foods like nuts and seeds, olives, avocados and oily fish, including tuna. One more thing to know is that when food is cooked, its structure changes. It can change the vitamin and nutrient contents of food. Nowadays so much of the basic food we eat — meat, fish, fruit and vegetables — is grown using chemicals.

Although fertilizers and pesticides increase the quantity of food and help to improve its appearance, there is a growing concern about the effects of these chemicals in the food chain. Today there is another problem. It is modified food, which is cheaper that ordinary one. There is a rumour that such food can cause cancer and other problems. Nobody knows, either it is just an imagined fear or a real problem. This problem could be solved and examined, but it will take some time.The food we eat, depends on lots of things. Taste is a big factor. Culture, religion and health also play a part in what food we eat. Advertising and social factors also have a big influence.

Income is also an important factor. That is why money, rather than a lack of knowledge about how to eat well, is at the heart of the problem. Finally, there are three main messages to follow for healthy eating: First, we should eat less fat, particularly saturated fat. Secondly, we have to cut down on sugar and salt. Thirdly, we have to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.




1. страдательные причастия modified – страдательное причастие от глагола - to modify grown – страдательное причастие от глагола - to grow made – страдательное причастие от глагола - to make imagined – страдательное причастие от глагола - to imagine solved – страдательное причастие от глагола - to solve cooked – страдательное причастие от глагола - to cook examined – страдательное причастие от глагола - to examen   *некоторые слова из текста saturated fats - насыщенные жиры friendly fats – ненасыщенные жиры unprocessed - непереработанный   2. будущее время will - показатель будущего времени (не переводится)   3. модальные глаголы have to … должен   4. сослагательное наклонение could – мог бы, могли бы    



ЗАДАНИЕ №2 выполните упражнение к тексту.

 Подчеркните или выделите другим цветом эти словосочетания в самом тексте.


Упражнение к тексту: Find in a text above English equivalents for:


1. питательные вещества – 2. белки, жиры и углеводы – 3. снизить потребление жира – 4. питательная ценность – 5. насыщенные жиры –   6. удобрения и пестициды – 7. модифицированная пища – 8. пища может вызвать рак – 9. полезные жиры – 10. составная часть нашего рациона –  



Для студентов, пропустивших занятие №4

ЗАДАНИЕ №1 Найдите 3 скороговорки на английском языке с тематикой « FOOD » и выпишите их с переводом.

ЗАДАНИЕ №2 Переведите текст и выделите главные члены предложения В КАЖДОМ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИИ

                        Popular and interesting Russian food


Блины or blini

The French have their crepes, the Americans have their pancakes, and the Russians have their blinis.   A blini is a very thin circle of dough.

Пельмени or pelmeni

Pelmeni is translated literally to “ear-shaped dish.” It is very similar to ravioli. Tiny pockets of cooked dough, pelmenis are usually filled with meat. They are simple to cook and easy to eat, and are most delicious with melted butter and sour cream.  

Суп or soup

Russians love soups!  Russians have a big variety of soups:  rassolnik - chicken soup with pickles, salanka - meat soup with olives and sausages,  okroshka - cold soup made of chopped vegetables,  orange borsh - cabbage soup,  soup s frikadelkami - meatball soup,

uha - fish soup  and the list goes on.

There is one secret that makes Russian soups so good – podjarka. Podjarka is a pre-frying of chopped onions, graded carrots and a little of garlic in vegetable oil.  When carrots take on a golden hue and onions become transparent " podjarka" is added to the soup.

Borsch beet soup is really the most popular. Its recipe differs from family to family. Common borsch ingredients are beets, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, meat, and a variety of spices. Its finishing touch is sour cream, melting in the soup.  

Салаты or salads

Russian salads are composed of many different chopped ingredients, they are held together by a good portion of mayonnaise. Sometimes the ingredients are quite simple, like mayo, ham and cheese salad, and sometimes they are packed with every vegetable – carrots, garlic, peas, pickles, cabbage.

Напитки or beverages

Russians are most famous not only for vodka but for delicious national drinks. Russians drink tea, coffee, and a variety of juice.  Russians produce a beverage called Kvas, a drink made from fermented bread.  Another delicious traditional Russian drink is mors - a juice of boiled berries. And, of course, the Russian tea is famous for samovar ceremony.

Interesting Russian food

Russia has an unusual cuisine.  Two of its most unique foods are salo ( pig fat ) and cow's tongue. You need a strong stomach to eat them.  Another weird Russian dish is stooden also called kholodetc.Its name derived from the word " kholod" meaning “cold”.  It is a gel made of cooked meat with garlic and other ingredients which are placed in a fridge until the broth turns into a gel.  It is also considered " Vodka's best friend"


ЗАДАНИЕ №3 Составите 5 вопросов к тексту на английском языке и дайте полный ответ на вопросы (также на английском языке)



Для студентов, пропустивших занятие №5

Задание №1


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