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Guideline for self-study of students for practical lesson

Guideline for self-study of students for practical lesson

Module I. Dermatology and Venereology

Thematic module 7. Writing an Educational Case History of a Dermatological Patient.

Writing an Educational Case History of a Dermatological Patient.

LESSON 15, 16, 17

Practical skills of writing an educational case history of a dermatological patient. Curacy 1, 2.

The defence of the educational case history of a dermatological patient.

Theme urgency

The first step of any contact with a physician is the medical history. In order to classify a cutaneous eruption, the dermatologist will ask detailed questions on the duration and temporal pattern of skin problems, itching or pain, relation to food intake, sunlight, over-the-counter creams and clothing. When an underlying disease is suspected, an additional detailed history of related symptoms will be elicited.

When examining patients without overt dermatologic problems, the examiner should always note skin, hair, and nail abnormalities, as well as lesions such as scars, pigmentation, or moles (nevi) that may be peripheral to the chief complaint but important to the patient's medical evaluation.

Concrete Objectives:

Students must know:

1. Conditions of examination of dermatological patient.

2. General methods of examination of patient.

3. Special dermatological methods of examination.

4. The interrogation scheme for a dermatological patient.

5. The laboratory methods for the examination of a dermatological patient.

6. Main principles of the treatment of skin diseases.

7. Principles of medical deontology in case of examination of dermatological patient.

Students should be able to:

1. To fill the proper medical documents.

2. In accordance with scheme to describe in educational case history complaints, anamnesis of morbi, anamnesis of vitae, information of the patient's general condition and the condition of the separate organs and body systems, data of laboratory research, to conduct differential diagnostics, to determine final diagnosis, to prescribe the treatment and prophylaxis of disease.

3. In the part of objective examination in detail to describe general properties of the skin and its appendages.

4. Especially carefully and in detail to describe the status localis.

5. To describe the primary and second elements of rash.

Tasks for self-study during preparation for lesson.

3.1. Theoretical questions for the lesson:

1. The interrogation scheme for a dermatological patient.

2. Interrogation of a dermatological patient about the general medical history and history of his life (anamnesis morbi and vitae).

3. Description of the organism's general condition according to organs.

4. Inspection of the healthy skin areas, mucous membranes and the skin appendages.

5. Description of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes (status localis).

6. Special dermatological methods of examination.

7. Special laboratory methods of examination.

The subject-matter:

The passport data

Surname and first name, age, gender, home address, occupation, admitting date, admitting diagnosis, clinical diagnosis.

Present complaints

First of all those complaints are described that concern the diseases and have caused the patient’s hospitalization. These main complaints are in detail informed. Except for the main complaints the other ones are described, too.

The preliminary diagnosis and its substantiation

Taking into consideration the data of morphological and clinical states of diagnostics you substantiate the previous diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis

It is conducted with diseases that have similar dermatological symptoms, taking into account all essential indications on every stage of diagnosis.

Routine examination

You have to write general condition and prescription of your patient for 2 days of curacy.

The epicrisis

The main data from all previous sections of the patient’s history are summarized.


The basic:

1. Guideline for self-study of students by preparation for practical lesson 15, 16, 17.

2. Yu. K.Skripkin and M.V. Milich. Skin and Venereal Diseases, English translation, Mir Publishers, 1981, p. 76-84.

The additional:

  1. Fitzpatrick et al. Dermatology in General Medicine, 4th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
  2. Fitzpatrick. Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 3rd Edition, 1997.
  3. J.A.A. Hunter, J.A. Savin and M.V. Dahl. Clinical Dermatology, 3rd Edition, 2002, p.29-34.
  4. P.N Behl, A. Aggarwal, Govind Srivastava. Practice of Dermatology, 9th Edition, 2002, p.32-46.

Guideline for self-study of students for practical lesson


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