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Text 10 . M acroenvironment

The macro environment refers to all forces that are part of the larger society and affect the microenvironment. It includes concepts such as demography, economy, natural forces, technology, politics, and culture.

Demography refers to studying human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, and occupation. This is a very important factor to study for marketers and helps to divide the population into market segments and target markets. An example of demography is classifying groups of people according to the year they were born. These classifications can be referred to as baby boomers, who are born between 1946 and 1964, generation X, who are born between 1965 and 1976, and generation Y, who are born between 1977 and 1994. Each classification has different characteristics. This can be beneficial to a marketer as they can decide who their product would benefit most and tailor their marketing plan to attract that segment. Demography covers many aspects that are important to marketers including family dynamics, geographic shifts, and work force changes in any given area.

Another aspect of the macro-environment is the economic environment. This refers to the purchasing power of potential customers and the ways in which people spend their money.

The natural environment is another important factor of the macro-environment. This includes the natural resources that a company uses. The concern in this area is the increased pollution, shortages of raw materials and increased governmental intervention. As raw materials become scarcer, the ability to create a company’s product gets much harder. Also, pollution can negatively affect a company’s reputation if a company is known for damaging the environment. The last concern, government intervention can make it increasingly harder for a company to fulfil their goals as requirements get stricter.

The technological environment is perhaps one of the fastest changing factors in the macro-environment. This includes all developments from antibiotics and surgery to nuclear missiles and chemical weapons to automobiles and credit cards. As these markets develop it can create new markets and new uses for products. It also requires a company to update their own technology as it becomes outdated.

The political environment includes all laws, government agencies, and groups that influence or limit other organizations and individuals within a society. It is important for marketers to be aware of these restrictions as they can be complex. Some products are regulated by both state and federal laws. There are even restrictions for some products as to who the target market may be, for example, cigarettes should not be marketed to younger children. There are also many restrictions on subliminal messages and monopolies. As laws and regulations change often, this is a very important aspect for a marketer to monitor.

The final aspect of the macro-environment is the cultural environment, which consists of basic values and beliefs of a group of people. The values can also be further categorized into core beliefs, which passed on from generation to generation and very difficult to change, and secondary beliefs, which tend to be easier to influence. As a marketer, it is important to know the difference between the two and to focus your marketing campaign to reflect the values of a target audience.


Exercise 7 9 . Answer the questions.

1. What does the market environment refer to? What concepts does it include? 2. What is demography? Give examples of demography. 3. What is economic environment? 4. What does natural environment involve and what is the concern in this area? 5. What are the fastest changing factors in the macro-environment? What developments does it include? 6. What are the constituents of political environment? 7. What is cultural environment?


Exercise 80 . Give Ukrainian equivalents.

Gender, shortages of raw materials, become scarcer, to fulfil the goals, restrictions on subliminal messages and monopolies, marketer, to reflect the values of a target audience.

Exercise 81. Give English equivalents.

Купівельна спроможність, державне втручання, усвідомлювати, основні переконання, географічні переміщення.


Exercise 82. Match market segments divided according to age groups to their definitions.


1) the silver market a) born after Generation X
2) baby boomers b) born after baby boomers
3) Generation X c) twenty to twenty-nine years old
4) Generation Y d) eight to twelve years old
5) Generation Z e) born between 1946-1964
6) twentysomethings f) thirteen to nineteen years old
7) teens g) seniors over 70 years old
8) tweens h) born between the mid-1990s and the late 2000s


Exercise 8 3 . Learn the following words and word combinations.

solicitor – адвокат
tax preparation services – послуги із розрахунку податків
tangible – матеріальний
durable product – товари тривалого терміну використання
shopping habit – купівельні звички
convenience products – товари повсякденного вжитку
shopping products – товари попереднього вибору
specialty products – товари особливого попиту
unsought product – товари пасивного попиту (про купівлю яких зазвичай не думають)
staples – найважливіші товари; предмети першої необхідності
impulse goods – товари імпульсивного придбання
emergency goods – товари для екстрених випадків
household appliances – побутова техніка
brand identification – ідентифікація торгової марки
luxury goods – предмети розкоші
life insurance – страхування життя
home security systems – домашня система безпеки
blood donation – донорство крові

Exercise 8 4 . Read, translate and give the gist of text 11.


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