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Text 16. Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is an important part of performance management - the larger process of defining what employees should be doing, ongoing communication during the year, linking of individual performance to organization needs, and the evaluating of appraising of performance. Performance appraisal is one of the range of tools that can be used to manage performance. Because it is most usually carried out by line managers rather than HR professionals, it is important that they understand their role in performance management and how performance appraisal contributes to the overall aims of performance management. 

Performance appraisals usually review past behaviour and so provide an opportunity to reflect on past performance. But to be successful they should also be used as a basis for making development and improvement plans and reaching agreement about what should be done in the future. The survey carried out found that 65 % of organizations used individual annual appraisal, 27% used twice-yearly appraisals and 10 % used rolling appraisals.

However, it is a common mistake to assume that if organizations implement performance appraisals, they have performance management. This is not the case. Performance management is a holistic process bringing together many activities which collectively contribute to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organizational performance. Performance management is strategic in that it is about broader issues and long term goals and integrated in that it links various aspects of the business, people management, individuals and teams.

Performance appraisal on the other hand is operational, short to medium term and concerned only with the individual and their performance and development. It is one of the tools of performance management and the data produced can feed into other elements of performance management but in itself can never be performance management.

A common approach to assessing performance is to use a numerical or scalar rating system whereby managers are asked to score an individual against a number of objectives/attributes. In some companies, employees receive assessments from their manager, peers, subordinates and customers while also performing a self assessment.

The five key elements of the performance appraisal are: 1. Measurement – assessing performance against agreed targets and objectives. 2. Feedback – providing information to the individual on their performance and progress. 3. Positive reinforcement – emphasizing what has been done well and making only constructive criticism about what might be improved. 4. Exchange of views – a frank exchange of views about what has happened, how appraisees can improve their performance, the support they need from their managers to achieve this and their aspirations for their future career. 5. Agreement – jointly coming to an understanding by all parties about what needs to be done to improve performance generally and overcome any issues raised in the course of the discussion.

There is no one right way to conduct an appraisal. Some companies develop an appraisal form with space for appraisers to rate appraisees on aspects of their work such as their contribution to the team, role development, effectiveness, etc. The approach will depend on the nature of the business and the people involved. However as a minimum it is helpful to have a form to collect consistent information on the appraisal. This may be in the form of a free dialogue from appraisers with the opportunity for appraisees to reply and comment. As a general rule it is helpful to have some information on the following: 1. Objectives - whether they were achieved and if not the reasons why. 2. Competence – whether individuals are performance below, within or above the requirements of the role. 3. Training – what training the individual has received in the review period and what training or development they would like to receive in the future. 4. Actions – a note of any actions that need to be carried out by the individual or the appraiser.

There is a view that the content of appraisal discussions should be confidential to the individual and the appraiser. But increasing pressure to provide information to assess the contribution of people to organisational value makes it desirable that performance data be recorded and stored in such a way that it can be used to feel into indicators of human capital value.

Increasingly organizations are putting more emphasis on the kind of behaviour they want their employees to exhibit. Behaviour, particularly management behaviour, has been identified as a significant source of value. They are therefore not solely concerned with the achievement of objectives but how these were achieved. Some organizations are identifying a set of positive management behaviours for example and then rating against them. Others are identifying the behaviours associated with excellent service and rating against these in the appraisal process. Again the design of the process will depend on what is important to the particular business and the achievement of their business objectives and will therefore be influenced by the wider performance management process. It is important that people don’t achieve their objectives at the expense of their colleague’s morale.


Exercise 11 4 . Give Ukrainian equivalents.

To manage performance, ongoing communication, reaching agreement, long-term goals, rating system, agreed targets, to overcome issues, consistent information, performance data, at the expense of. 

Exercise 115. Find English equivalents.

Керування продуктивністю, загальні цілі, робити плани з розвитку і поліпшення, річне оцінювання, безперервне оцінювання, ширші питання, самооцінювання, розвиток, оцінювані особи, проводити оцінювання, надавати інформацію, досягнення цілей.


Exercise 11 6 . Answer the questions.

1. What is performance management? 2. What is performance appraisal? 3. What are common time frames of appraisals? 4. What is performance management concerned with? 5. What is a common approach to assessing performance? 6. What elements does performance appraisal consist of? 7. What must the consistent information for the appraisal include? 8. What is identified as a significant source of value in the organization and why?


Exercise 117. Translate into English.

1. Керування продуктивністю – більш широкий процес визначення того, що працівник має робити, постійне спілкування протягом року, зв’язок індивідуальної роботи з потребами організації й оцінювання результатів діяльності. 2. Оцінка результатів діяльності також відома як оцінка працівника – це метод, за допомогою якого оцінюють якість виконання роботи та працівника у показниках кількості, якості, вартості і часу. 3. Оцінка результатів діяльності є частиною просування по службі. 4. Однією з цілей оцінки результатів діяльності є надання зворотного зв’язку щодо роботи працівників. 5. Особа, яка проводить оцінювання, повинна переглянути фактори, які вплинули на роботу, як в межах, так і поза межами контролю оцінюваної особи. 6. Оцінювана особа повинна повідомити про цілі, які не були досягнуті. 7. В деяких випадках треба спрямувати оцінювану особу на процес самооцінювання, заохочуючи її оцінювати та аналізувати власну роботу. 8. Самооцінювання може спрацювати лише тоді, коли особа має чіткі цілі і стандарти, за якими себе оцінювати.

Exercise 11 8 . Analyze all infinitive constructions in the text. 


Exercise 11 9 .  Learn the following words and word combinations.

attain – досягати
precise – точний
disobey – не підкорятися
empowerment – повноваження
be compatible – бути сумісним
demise – передача влади
conductor – диригент
requirement – вимога
requisite – необхідний
decisive – переконливий

Exercise 120. Read, translate and give the gist of text 17.


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