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1. Study the glossary:

Business is going well - дело процветает

To close down - закрыться

Corporation - корпорация

Depression - депрессия

To equip - оборудовать

Equipment - оборудование

To establish - основывать

To flourish - процветать

Highly-profitable company - компания, приносящая высокую прибыль

Income - доход

Interest - процент

Investment - вложение

Job - работа

To keep accounts - вести бухгалтерский учёт

Legal advice - юридическая консультация

To manage - управлять

Payment - плата

Profit - прибыль

Public company - акционерное общество открытого типа

Small business - мелкий бизнес

To specialize in - специализироваться на

At a standstill - в застое, на мёртвой точке

To survive - выживать

To take over - взять под свой контроль

Unemployed - безработный

Well-established company - известная компания, с именем




Firm = company

Profit - money gained by business

Income - money which one receives regularly ( payment for work? Interest from investments)

This company made a profit of $ 100,000 last year.

He lives within his income.

To employ    employed   unemployed

                   (having a job) (not having a job)

the unemployed - people without jobs


Read the text and fill in the table.

Colourworld is a well-established company. They have been in business since 1955. They produce paints, brushes and solvents.


Nobody can do without the shoes by Kangaroo. And it's no wonder that theirs is a highly profitable business. They started their business in the 70s.


Smallwood and Sons specialize in producing office equipment. The company was founded 50 years ago and flourished at that time. But now their business is at a standstill.


company foundation production character
Colourworld Kangaroo Smallwood and Sons      


Read and translate the text.

Miss Dream owns a small business. She started her business only a year ago. Last year she hired 10 young women who work in Miss Dream's Care center.

Parents leave their children at the day care center in the morning on their way to the factories and offices. They take their children back home in the afternoon.

The children enjoy staying at the day care center because they have much fun there.

Miss Dream's business is going well and she thinks of hiring more girls to help her take care of the children.


Answer the questions.

1/ Is the day care center organized by Miss dream a private enterprise?

2/ How large will the staff of the center be soon?

3/ Why does Miss Dream think of hiring new employees?


Make up 7 sentences using the words from columns 1,2,3.

Mr. Stanton Is at a standstill
Mr. Zeissen flourished modern electronic equipment
This company bought 100 engineers
Brown and Sons produces a factory in France
His business employs in the 60s
Many firms closed down in the USA
a junior partner

Read and translate the text.


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