Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии





+ I am in tourism business. You (we, they) are in tourism business. He (she, it) is in tourism business. ? Am I in tourism business? Are you (we, they) in tourism business? Is he (she, it) in tourism business?


I am not in tourism business.

You (we, they) are not (aren't) in tourism business.

He (she, it) is not (isn't) in tourism business.



+ I (you, we, they) work at a travel agency. He (she, it) works at a travel agency. ? Do (I, you, we, they) work at a travel agency? Does he (she, it) work at a travel agency?


I (you, we, they) do not (don't) work at a travel agency.

He (she, it) does not (doesn't) work at a travel agency.


I. Make up interrogative and negative sentences:

+ He is a tourism manager.                      + He lives in Russia.

? Is he a tourism manager?                     ? Does he live in Russia?

- He is not a tourism manager.                 - He does not live in Russia.

1) They are our suppliers.

2) She handles tour groups.

3) You deal with customers.

4) You are a wholesaler.

5) These people are our tourists.

6) This travel agent gets a commission.

7) Those animators conduct shows and games.

8) This employee is an animator.

9) That tourism manager speaks foreign languages.

10) I know all the sights in our destination.

11) It is late to change the tour.

12) He has customers every day.

II. Make up alternative questions:

His friend is a guide. – Is his friend a guide or an interpreter?

2) He speaks English. – Does he speak English or French?

1) The tourism manager is in.

2) He plans business at the end of every year.

3) I am late today.

4) Animators conduct entertainment programmes for children.

5) They are easy-going people.

6) You work during your summer holidays.

7) The tour operator develops tours.

8) Travel agents sell tours retail.

9) The animator dances well.

10) You have a lot of work to do.

11) This is our chief animator.

12) Tour operators pay commission to travel agents.


III. Make up tail-questions:

Customers tip guides. – Customers tip guides, don't they?

Customers don't tip guides. – Customers don't tip guides, do they?

1) The guide conducts sightseeing tours.

2) The guide doesn't decide on discounts.

3) Tourism managers hire employees.

4) The general manager doesn't report to a department manager.

5) The tourism manager reports to the general manager.

6) You are not in tourism business.

7) We never get commissions from tour operators.

8) Tour operators are the main producers in tourist industry.

9) I'm not a good mixer.

10) The tour operator is a wholesaler.

11) Tour packages include transportation.

12) You don't work with museums.

IV. Make up special questions:

She is a knowledgeable tour guide.

a) Who is a knowledgeable tour guide?

b) What is she?

c) What kind of guide is she?

She handles tour groups in high season because she is a guide.

a) Who handles tour groups in high season?

b) What does she do in high season?

c) What does she handle in high season?

d) What kind of groups does she handle in high season?

e) When does she handle tour groups?

f) What season does she handle tour groups?

g) Why does she handle tour groups?


1) He decides on prices and discounts because he is a tourism manager. (Who, Why)

2) They arrange entertainment programmes because they are animators. (What, Why)

3) He is an experienced tour operator. (Who, What kind of...)

4) They are our new suppliers. (Who, What)

5) This tour operator pays us a 10 per cent commission. (Who, What)

6) Our tour operators develop new tours every season. (What, How often)

7) The booking agent handles bookings over the phone. (Who, How)

8) She is often away on business because she is a tour operator. (How often. Why)

9) You advertise your tour packages in mass media every month. (Where, When)

10) Travel agents always provide a travel insurance with the tour package. (Who, What kind of...)

11) They have customers every day. (When, How often)

12) The animator entertains passengers on a cruise ship. (Whom, Where)


V. Render the texts in plural. Start as follows:

Tour operators work in tourist companies. They develop tours also known as tour packages ...


VI. Open the brackets:

1) The tour guide (to speak) a few foreign languages.

2) The guide (not to know) all the sights in our destination. She (not to be) a local guide.

3) How often you (to travel) on business?

4) You (to be) a ticket agent? - No, I (to be) a travel consultant.

5) The chief animator (to supervise) the staff of animators?

6) How tour operators (to sell) their tour packages?

7) Travel agents (not to develop) tour packages.

8) Your travel agency (to sell) separate services? - Yes, it (to do). But we (not to offer) car rentals.

9) Where you (to find) your customers?

10) Your travel consultant (to be) in the office? - No, he (not to be) in. He (to be) away on business.

11) Her friends (to be) guides or interpreters?

12) Her friends (to work) or (to study)?


VII. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Менеджер туризма управляет туристской компанией. Он принимает решения о турах, ценах и скидках. Он управляет персоналом компании. Он не всегда находится в офисе. Он часто ездит по делам.

2. Я – гид-переводчик. Я не работаю в туристской компании. Я занимаюсь туристскими группами. Я провожу экскурсии. Я часто отвечаю на вопросы туристов. Я много перевожу с одного языка на другой.

3. Чем занимается туроператор? Где он работает? – Туроператор – главный производитель в индустрии туризма. Он работает с поставщиками и разрабатывает пакеты туров. Он реализует пакеты туров оптом. Иногда туроператор продает туры в розницу.

4. А кто такие аниматоры? Чем они занимаются? Аниматоры организуют и проводят развлекательные программы. Они вовлекают гостей в действие. Аниматоры очень артистичны. Обычно они очень общительные люди. Они хорошо говорят на родном и иностранных языках.

5. Турагент не разрабатывает туры. Турагент продает пакеты гуров клиентам в розницу. Турагент также предлагает различные отдельные услуги. Какие услуги предоставляет турагент? Турагент предоставляет билеты, экскурсии, аренду автомобилей, страховки.



+ I am working now. You (we, they) are working now. He (she, it) is working now. ? Am I working now? Are you (we, they) working now? Is he (she, it) working now?  


I am not working now.

You (we, they) are not (aren't) working now.

He (she, it) is not (isn't) working now.


I. Make up interrogative and negative sentences:

+ The student is speaking to his friend at the moment.

? Is the student speaking to his friend at the moment?

- The student is not speaking to his friend at the moment.

1) We are doing very well in languages.

2) I'm speaking English too slowly today.

3) Her English is getting better.

4) The travel agent is waiting for you.

5) The students are trying to grasp the difference.

6) I'm answering your question.

7) You are asking another question.

8) The booking agent is speaking over the phone right now.

9) The students are thinking about their careers at the moment.

10) The ticket agent is working on the computer now.

11) I'm spelling this word correctly.

12) My spelling and pronunciation are getting better.

II. Make up alternative questions:

V. Open the brackets:

1) Where is your manager? – He is in his office. He (to work) on the computer.

2) I (to read) your brochure. – You (to think) about the price, aren't you? – No, I (not to think) about it.

3) What you (to do) at the moment? – We (to look) through the papers.

4) Where your friends (to plan) to work after graduation?

5) Somebody (to wait) for you in the office. – I (not to go) there at the moment.

6) Who these customers (to look) for? – They (to look) for our tourism manager.

7) Your German (to get) any better? – I hope so. Why you (to ask)? – We (to plan) to give you a job.

8) What the ticket agent (to do)? – She (to issue) air tickets.

9) What exam the students (to take)? – They (to take) an exam in Destination Geography.

10) Where our guide (to go)? – She (not to go) anywhere. She (to wait) for us.


I. Transform the sentenced in the Present Continuous Tense into the sentences with to be soine to:

We are studying English now. – We are going to study English.

1) The students are choosing a career right now

2) I'm working on the computer now.

3) The travel agent is talking to the customers at the moment.

4) Is the tour operator developing a new tour?

5) Are the students taking exams in Destination Geography?

6) I'm not sitting for my exam in English.

7) She is not planning her career.

8) The students are not working full-time.

9) Is the customer tipping the guide?

10) My English is getting better.

11) Everybody is thinking about future.

12) Am I working here?

II. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Я собираюсь выучить два иностранных языка. – Какие иностранные языки ты собираешься изучать? – Английский и французский.

2) Кем вы собираетесь стать? – Мы собираемся стать менеджерами туризма. Но сначала мы собираемся поработать турагентами.

3) Где твои друзья собираются работать? – Они не собираются работать сразу после школы. – А что они собираются делать? – Они собираются учиться в туристском колледже.

4) Твой друг собирается работать летом? – Да, он собирается поработать в турагентстве или в гостинице во время каникул. – Когда он собирается начать работу? – Он собирается приступить к работе завтра.

5) Все собираются выбирать карьеру. Никто не собирается терять время зря. Я и мои одноклассники собираемся поступать в Институт туризма.




+ I am in tourism business. You (we, they) are in tourism business. He (she, it) is in tourism business. ? Am I in tourism business? Are you (we, they) in tourism business? Is he (she, it) in tourism business?


I am not in tourism business.

You (we, they) are not (aren't) in tourism business.

He (she, it) is not (isn't) in tourism business.



+ I (you, we, they) work at a travel agency. He (she, it) works at a travel agency. ? Do (I, you, we, they) work at a travel agency? Does he (she, it) work at a travel agency?


I (you, we, they) do not (don't) work at a travel agency.

He (she, it) does not (doesn't) work at a travel agency.



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