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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Text A. Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary.  Fail-Safe Protection System

 Fail-Safe Protection System

The Siemens BUE 95F fail-safe level crossing protection system is characterized by a modular design and low maintenance requirements. It is designed for use on main and urban railways. BUE 95F was approved for trial operation by the Swiss federal office for transport in 1999 and approved by the German federal railways authorities in January 2001.

BUE 95F is adaptable and can be configured for single or double-track lines, and multiple-track layouts in station areas. It has a main signaling interface to the interlocking and up to eight monitoring signals. It can have up to 16 wayside signals or flashing lights, up to 8 barrier drives, audible alarms, and a manual switching device.

The system’s electronic controller consists of components of the dual-channel automation system, which is designed to provide safe operation. Two central processing units (CPU) are connected by fibre- optic cables. They operate using the same program, simultaneously executing identical functions and continuously monitoring each other.

A three-stage diagnostic system is integrated into BUE 95F. At the first, basic level, it can display failures on LED displays. It guarantees fast on-site diagnosis while evaluation of the other status indications. Faults displayed here include road signal, monitoring signal, barrier, contact, communication, power supply, etc.

A dynamic memory is integrated for more extensive diagnosis. About 512 indications are stored in this memory. Every activity and every irregularity of the system is recorded with date and time. Evaluation is possible via an interface using a service PC.

At the third level, the diagnostic system also provides for remote diagnosis. Data is transmitted by GSM into a control centre via a modem. Up to 30 level crossing protection systems can be combined here. Maintenance staff can also use remote diagnosis to know the status of any individual crossing protection system.

Several hundred systems are now in operation in Switzerland, Denmark, Greece, Egypt, China, and Germany.


Ex. 10. Search text A for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

надежная система защиты; одобрен для проведения испытания; двухканальная автоматическая система; два центральных процессора; оптико-волоконный кабель; одновременно выполняя идентичные функции; для более всестороннего определения; каждое нарушение работы системы; обслуживающий персонал.


Ex. 11. Give a short summary of text A. The following phrases may be helpful:The headline of the text is … - Текст называется …The text deals with … - Текст рассматривает (проблемы) …The point of the text is that … - Суть текста заключается в том, что …The text pays special attention to … - Текст обращает особое внимание на…In conclusion I’d like to … - В заключение я хотел бы … Text B. Scan the text and write down all the unknown words. Read the text trying to guess the meaning of the unknown words. Retell the text in Russian.

Pavel Petrovich Melnikov (1804 - 1880) was a Russian engineer and administrator who, in his capacity of Minister of Transport Communications, was in a large measure responsible for the introduction of railroad construction in Imperial Russia.

In 1825 Melnikov graduated from the Engineering Institute of the School for Communication Routes, taught here (professor of applied mechanics since 1833). In 1833 he joined the St. Petersburg Artillery School. In the summer of 1839 Melnikov and another colonel, Nikolai Osipovich Kraft (1798-1857), were sent to the United States to inspect its railroad system and recommend technology to be used in Russia. The travellers returned in the autumn of 1840. Based on his experience Melnikov suggested to adopt 5ft wide gauge for the planned Moscow-Saint Petersburg Railway. The gauge was approved as the new standard on 12 September 1842.

When construction of the Moscow-Saint Petersburg Railway started in 1842 Melnikov was named the construction manager of its northern part. Since 1862 he was the chief manager of the railway, during 1866-69 he served as the Minister of Transport Communications, during 1870-75 as a member of the Committee of Railroads.

Melnikov also worked in the area of water-based transportation systems and other engineering projects. He is the author of the first books in Russian about railroad construction.



Lesson EIGHT


    Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

engaged, major, advanced, totaling, peoplemover, schedule, equipment, both, entertainment, bandwidth, enable, interference;

circular line, steadily expanded, electromechanical system, digital transmission, interlocking functions, high-resolution colour images, wave-guide information network.


Ex. 2. These are the key words to Lesson 8. You are to copy them and memorize their meanings.

а peoplemover – автономный вагон для перевозки пассажиров (в черте города); an extension – железнодорожная ветка; block signaling – блокировка (путевая); а data management system – система управления данными; а (leaky) wave-guide – (щелевой) волновод; a wave-guide information network – волноводная информационная сеть; to interface – связывать, соединять; a point machine – стрелочный перевод; a high-resolution image – изображение с высокой разрешающей способностью; а two-way continuous transmission system – система дуплексной связи.


   Ex 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:         

to advance - продвигаться, развиваться;

to award (a contract) – заключить (контракт);

to be engaged in … – быть вовлеченным в …;

an entertainment – развлекательное мероприятие,

to entertain – развлекать(ся);

an expansion – развитие, рост,

to expand – расширять;

a range – ассортимент, номенклатура;

а schedule – расписание, график,

to schedule – планировать, включать в график,

on schedule – по графику,

 a tight schedule – жесткий, плотный график.

Read and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. When air is warmed it expands and becomes lighter. 2. The company has abandoned plans for further expansion. 3. Mitsubishi has brought out a new range of small cars. 4. The contract was awarded and the two sides came to terms with each other. 5. In the 1970s, many American cities were engaged in competition for economic growth. 6. At dinner I found myself engaged in a long and complicated conversation with the doctor’s wife. 7. According to the schedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 a.m. 8. We work to a very tight schedule when filming. 9. The building should be completed on schedule. 10. I’ve scheduled a meeting for tomorrow at 10.30. I hope everyone can attend. 11. Las Vegas is one of the biggest entertainment centers in the US. 12. We don’t have much time to entertain during the year so at Christmas we have a huge party and invite everybody. 13. The firm has been awarded a five-year contract to supply parts to a leading manufacturer. 14. The company has expanded the range of products recently. 15. We’re working to a tight schedule. 16. We’ll be stopping here for longer than scheduled. 17. Man has advanced the frontier of physical science. 18. They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall. 19. This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning. 20. They use the Internet as a tool to advance their research.


Ex. 4. A. Here are some important differences between British English and American English. Copy the words and memorize them.

American English British English Russian
antenna automobile battery beltway bulb cab crosswalk depot detour dorm(itory) drive driver’s license fix freeway, interstate gas intersection parking lot sidewalk railroad subway / Metro highway truck aerial motorcar accumulator / battery ring road valve taxi, cab pedestrian / zebra crossing station diversion hall(s) of residence / hostel motor driving license repair motorway petrol cross-roads car parking pavement railway tube / underground main road lorry антенна автомобиль аккумулятор кольцевая дорога лампочка такси пешеходный переход станция объезд, обход студенческое общежитие eхать на автомобиле водительское удостоверение ремонтировать шоссе бензин перекресток место парковки автомобиля тротуар железная дорога метро шоссе грузовик




B . This text includes seven words used in American English. Find them and replace them in British English words.

It was getting near lunchtime and I needed some gas, so I left the interstate and drove towards the nearest town. There was a gas station just outside the town and I decided to stop and have a look round. I put the car in a parking lot and took a cab to the centre. It was midday and very hot, so I stopped at a little café with tables on the sidewalk. I started talking to a truck driver, who gave me a history of the town, and afterwards he took me on a guided tour. It made a very nice break.


Ex. 5. Answer the following question beginning with I didn’t know. Mind the tenses.

Model: Where is the library?  →  I didn’t know where the library was.

1. How long does it take you to get to the airport? 2. What exam has she passed? 3. What time does the train arrive according to the schedule? 4. Is he engaged in this scientific research? 5. Have you ever been to Singapore? 6. Do metals expand when they are heated? 7. Have they awarded the contract for the construction of a circular line? 8. When is it scheduled to open a new metro station? 9. Will the new system integrate a large range of devices? 10. Does up-to-date technology protect communications against interference? 11. What time is the meeting scheduled at?   12. Is this company engaged in the entertainment industry? 13. How fast has your business expanded? 14. What has he done to advance his career? 15. How is the construction being advanced?


Ex. 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the word one:

1. It’s a good book, but his last one was better. 2. I’d like an ice-cream. Are you having one, too? 3. Our car’s always breaking down. But we’ve getting a new one soon. 4. She was wearing a new dress, the red one. 5. Our house is the one next to the school. 6. The students who are most successful are usually the ones who come to all the classes. 7. I’m only using this radio until I can buy a better one. 8. I’m going to keep those boxes. The ones I want to get rid of are in the garage. 9. I’d never seen a game like that one. 10. David and I are the only ones left who are not married. 11. My car tires are totally worn out. I’ll have to get some new ones.



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