Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии



1. Let's talk about family. What role does it play in each person's life?

2. Do you have your own family traditions?

3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family?

4. What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?

5. Why are there many one-parent families? How does the state help such families?


1. Let's talk about your family. What is family for you?

2. Are there any things that you do with your parents together?

3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family relationships?

4. What can you advise a person who wants to have a close and happy family?

5. Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many
children should there be in a family?

№ 3

1. Let's talk about your family. Why is family important for you?

2. Are there any family traditions that you follow?

3. What will you ask a British teenager about his/her relatives?

4. What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their
parents and grandparents?

5. They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other
because of the generation gap. What do you think about this problem?


1. Let's talk about your family. What role does it play in your life?

2. Are you on good terms with your parents and grandparents?

3. What will you ask a British teenager about his/her family?

4. What can you advise people who want to get on well with their parents?

5. They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other
because of the generation gap. What do you think about this problem?




1. Let's talk about your future career. What would you like to become?

2. Does a person need to possess special qualities to become a good specialist in this
or that particular field? Why?

3. What questions will you ask your future employer at a job interview?

4. Give me some advice on how to behave at a job interview to create a positive
impression on the employer.

5. Some people think that it is necessary to have a good command of a foreign
language to get a good job. Do you agree with this?


1. Let"s talk about your future career. What kind of job would you like to have in

2. Do you want to have a part-time job, when you are a student? Why (not)?

3. What questions will you ask your future employer about your future job?

4. Give me some advice on what I need to think about when choosing a job.

5. Some people think that it is necessary to have good communication skills in order
to get a good job. Do you agree with this?

N 3

1. Let's talk about your future career. What is your idea of an ideal job?

2. Is there any profession you wouldn't like to go into? Why (not)?

3. What questions will you ask your future employer at a job interview?

4. Give me some advice on how to create a positive impression on the employer at a
job interview.

5. Some people think that it is necessary to have computer skills to get a good job.
Do you agree with this?


1. Let's talk about your career. What would you like to do in future?

2. Is there any kind of job you would never choose? Why?

3. What questions will you ask your future employer when applying for a job?

4. Give me some advice on what I need to think about while choosing my future

5. Some people think that it is necessary to speak a foreign language well to get a good
job. Do you agree with them?





1. Now let's talk about food. What can you tell me about eating habits in your family?

2. Do you like cooking? Why (not)?

3. What questions will you ask a friend who has invited you to a pot-luck party?

4. Which national dishes can you recommend a tourist to taste in Belarus?

5. Scientists say that fast food is unhealthy but teenagers can't stop eating it. What
do you think about it?


1. Now let's talk about food. What can you tell me about eating habits in Belarus?

2. Do you personally follow the rules of a healthy way of life? Why (not)?

3. What questions can you ask a British friend about their national cuisine?

4. Can you tell me how to cook one of your favourite dishes?

5. Most of the families want to have a big kitchen in the flat, but at the same time
they have a meal together less and less often. What do you think about it?


1. Now let's talk about food. What can you tell me about eating habits in your family?

2. Do you often invite guests to have a meal together?

3. What questions can you ask a British friend about their eating habits?

4. Which cafes would you recommend to visit in your place? Why?

5. Scientists say that fast food is unhealthy but people go on eating it. What do you
think about it?


1. Now let's talk about food. What do people eat in Britain?

2. Do you know many recipes?

3. What questions can you ask a waiter when you are ordering a meal in a cafe?

4. My friend wants to know more about national cuisines. Which national dishes
would you recommend him to taste?

5. A lot of pupils refuse to have meals at school. What do you think about it?




N 1

1. Let"s talk about shopping and money. What do you know about the history of

2. Do yoo like shopping? Why (not)?

3. What questions will you ask a shop assistant to help you to choose a purchase?

4. What can yew advise a person who wants to buy many things (clothes, foodstuffs,
etc.) box fe_ little time?

5. Parents usually give pocket money to their children. How do you usually spend
your pocket money?


1. Let's talk about shopping. Who does the shopping in your family?

2. Is Minsk a shopper's paradise? Why (not)?

3. What questions will you ask your friend who has bought an expensive telephone?

4. What can you advise a teenager who wants to buy a birthday present for his/her

5. Some teenagers think that parents should pay them for doing their household
chores. Do you share their opinion?



1. Let's talk about shopping. Are you a shopaholic?

2. Are your parents happy about the way you spend your money? Why? Why not?

3. What questions can you ask your friend about the best shopping places in his/her
native city town?

4. Advise me on how to make my own budget.

5. Parents usually give pocket money to their children. But some people think they
shouldn't do it as teenagers don't work. What do you think about it?


1. Let's talk about shopping. Who does the shopping in your family?

2. Is it easy to buy a good birthday present? Why? Why not?

3. What questions will you ask a shop assistant to help you to choose a purchase?

4. Foreigners like going shopping in Minsk. Advise them where to go and what to

5. Do you agree that if you have problems, money can help you to solve them? Why





1. Let's talk about your hobbies. What do you like doing in your free time?

2. Do you find it useful to go to the theatre or cinema? Why (not)?

3. What questions can you ask a British friend about his/her free time?

4. Give me some advice on what to do in my free time.

5. Many parents think that children should spend less time playing computer games,
that they should play outside or do some sport instead. What do you think about


1. Let's talk about your hobbies. What do you do in your free time?

2. Is cinema still important? Why (not)?

3. What questions can you ask a British friend about his/her hobbies?

4. Can you recommend me to watch one of the films you have seen recently?

5. Many parents complain that children don't read books. Why do you think children
are not interested in reading?


1. Let's talk about your free time activities. What are your hobbies?

2. Do you find it useful to read books? Why (not)?

3. What questions will you ask a British teenager to find out what kind of reader he/
she is?

4. Many parents don't like the music their children listen to. They often argue about
it. What can you advise them to do to get along with each other?

5. Do you think it is possible to enjoy yourself without spending much money?


1. Let's talk about your free time. What hobbies do teenagers have?

2. Do you consider some creative person very special? Why?

3. What questions would you like to ask a celebrity?

4. Give me some advice on what book to buy for my teenage neighbour.

5. Many parents often complain that teenagers don't want to spend their free time
with them. What do you think about this?



1. Let's talk about mass media: TV, newspapers, radio. Which of these does your
family like"'

2. Is there any means of communication you can't live without? Why (not)?

3. What questions will you ask the participants of Dom 2, a TV reality show?

4. I'd like to watch an interesting programme on TV. What can you advise me?

5. Many people say that newspapers and radio are not as popular as TV and very soon
they will lose their importance. What is your point of view?


1. Let's talk about mass media: TV, newspapers, radio. Which of these do your family

2. Are all means of mass media popular among your schoolmates? Why?

3. What questions will you ask a newsreader about his/her work?

4. Unfortunately. I don't have enough time to surf the net, but I'd like to do it. Which
sites would you recommend visiting?

5. Can the internet replace all the other means of mass media? What is your point of


1. Let's talk about mass media: TV, newspapers, radio. Which of these do your family
use? Why?

2. Do you think all means of communication will exist in the future? Why (not)?

3. WThat questions will you ask people who live without a TV set, computer or radio?

4. My cousin spends a lot of time chatting in Contact and it makes all the family angry.
What can you advise him and the family to do in this situation?

5. Nowadays many people don't write letters as often as in the past. Do you think it's


1. Let's talk about mass media: TV, newspapers, radio. Which of these do your family like?

2. Do you consider all means of communication very effective? Why?

3. What does your mother usually ask you about your school day when she comes
home after work?

4. Writing letters is one of the means of communication. Unfortunately, many people
are losing this skill. Can you advise me how to write a good letter?

5. Some people believe that success at work depends on how good your communication



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