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What is the background of the majority of American children?

5. How does Sylvia characterize fellow-teachers ?

6. How did Miss Barrett classify her fellow-teachers?

What did Sylvia install the Suggested Box for?

Why is she still the Alien and the Foe to most of the children?

What is the most frightening thing about her pupils?

What rules must the teachers and pupils abide by?

What makes up the greater part of the dropouts in New York City?

Is there anything children like/dislike about Sylvia’s manner of teching?

What arguments do the students give for and against the system of marks at schools?

What suggestions did Samuel Bester make after he had attended one of Sylvia’s lessons. What did he like about her lesson?


1. Which FOUR of the following are given in the reading passages?

    a) high standards of American education;

    b) the teacher’s approval of the way the kids are supposed to teach;

    c) the students’ unwillingness to think;

    d) initiative and enthusiasm are not encouraged in New York city schools;

    e) the students’ extracurricular activities;

    f) a severe criticism of Sylvia’s lesson;

    g) the students’ ideas of improving the process of teaching.

Complete each sentence with the phrases from the text.

    1. The books we are required to teach …

2. I have let it …

3. But I am still the Alien and the Foe …

    4. The frightening thing is

    5. This comes from …

    6. As far as marks,

    7. Exams show more …

    8. Don't allow one student …

    9. Avoid elliptical …

    10. Don't allow the lesson …

Elucidate the meaning of the following words and word combinations taking into account the context they are used in.

Teaching “not the subject but the whole child”; the English Syllabus urges “individualization and enrichment”; to bring out the best in him; to enlarge his scope beyond the prescribed work; to “motivate and distribute books”; plain impossible; who manage to teach against insuperable odds; brilliantly endowed teacher; work their magic in the class; a field of faces; the rebellion against authority; in these distressful time; get to the bottom; teachers too stingy with the marks; they want your average; unfailing courtesy;



Find the words in the text that correspond to the following meanings.

a. _________ the improvement of the quality of something, especially adding something to it.

b. _________ absolutely.

c. _________ very keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do.

d. ______ fully grown and developed

e.  _____ to be subjected to an action, influence, or condition.

f. _____ the state of having more of something than you need

g.  _____ impossible to deal with

h.  _____ behaviour that obeys the accepted rules of society or a group, and is the same as that of most other people

i.  _____ unproductive of results or gains

j.  _____ (emulate)


Match the following common “work” expressions with their meanings.

Task n. – 1. A piece of work assigned or done as part of one’s duties: daily tasks. 2. A difficult or tedious undertaking: the task of building a nation. * take to task – to scold sb: The teacher took all of us to task for not doing our homework

Synonyms: task, job, chore, assignment. These nouns mean a piece of work that one must do. Task means a well-defined responsibility that is something burdensome and is usually required by sb. else: The receptionist’s main task is to answer the telephones. Job often means a short-term piece of work: We spent day doing odd jobs around the house. Chore often means a minor, routine, or odd job: I have to finish my chores before I’m allowed to go out. Assignment usually means a task given to one by a person in authority: For tonight’s assignment, read the first chapter.

task force n. A temporary grouping of forces and resources for a specific goal: a military task force.

(Essential Academic Vocabulary)

A permanent job


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