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Answer the questions to the chapter.

a) What was common and different in Bobby and Frankie? What are their relations like?

b) What are Frankie’s and Bobby’s attitudes towards Badger?

c) Do you agree with Frankie that if somebody had pushed the deceased it would have been more exciting?

Chapters 4 – 5.

1. Translate into Ukrainian and write your explanations of the words.

obvious (p.17) –

to clear up (p.18) –

suspicion (p.21) –

solemn (p. 20) –

relief (p.19) –

ridiculous (p.22) –


2. Make up all possible combination of words.

Ominous                                                 suicide
Obvious                                                  intention
Ridiculous                                              dismiss
Peculiar                                                 reproach                                                     
To seek for                                             affection
Abrupt                                                    sorrow
Sacred                                                    cliff
To postpone                                            witness

Find synonyms in the chapters.

evidently, vivid (p.19) –

different, diverse (p.20) –

to dash, gleam (p.20) –

comforting, calming, relaxing (p.18) –

to disappear (p.21) –

to depressing, pessimistic (p.21) –


4. Seek for phrases meaning and describe the situations where they were used.

Бути в боргу перед кимсь (p.20) –

Роз’яснити (p.18) –

Брудна гра (p.21) –

Вилетіти з голови (p.23) –

Усвідомлювати щось (p.19) –

Покінчити з життям (p.18) –

Робити кроки (p.19) –

Зітхнути (p.17) –

Здригнутись (p.18) –

Ознаки насилля (p.17) –

Висловити таким чином (p.16) –

5. Get ready to stage the conversation on the spot between.

a) Bobby & his father

b) Bobby & Frankie (in the train and after the inquest)

c) the colonel & Mrs. Cayman

d) Bobby & Mrs. Cayman

Chapter 6 – 7.

1. Use the proper preposition from the chapter.

To rely … smb (p.24), to be an authority … smth (p.24), to be surprising … smb (p.24), a view .. smth (p.26), to be capable … smth (p.27), to make use … smth (p.28), to disapprove … smth (p.28), to flash … smb’s mind (p.29), to be a surprise … smb (p.29), to specialize … smth (p.32), lack … smth (p.33), to be sweet … smb (p.34).


2. Make up your own sentences with the words.

to count on (p.26) –

deliberately (p.30) –

sufficient (p.23) –

offhand (p.31) –

to benefit by (p.31) –


Find synonyms to the words.

just, only, simply (p.24) –

indistinguishable, unclear (p.24) –

throw, cast, toss  (p.29) –

self – respect, self – esteem (p.31) –

reluctantly (p.31) –

to deserve (p.29) –   

frank, candid, honest (p.25) –


Answer the questions.

a) How often do you give vent to your feelings? When usually?

b) What would you recommend to those who suffer from inferiority complex?

c) When do we usually clear our throat?

d) Can you restrain yourself when something is on the tip of your tongue?

5. Translate into English .

a) Не може бути, щоб він хотів добитись свого любою ціною (p.26).

b) Він напевно вже прибрав усіх на своєму шляху (p.31) до перемоги.

c) Я б не відмовилася від вашої пропозиції (p.26) за інших обставин.

d) Вона не могла підсипати йому отрути з тим, щоб помститись (p.31).

e) Ви б не програли тричі поспіль (p.28), якби частіше тренувались цього року.

f) Він не міг більше виносити напруги (p.28) через постійні сварки і покинув роботу.

 6. Remember the situations where the phrases were used.

to refuse smb’s offer (p.26) –

to let a chance go (p.26) –

to say offhand (p.31) –

to give vent to one’s feelings (p.24) –

to count on (p.26) –

to be bound (p.24) –


Answer the questions to the chapters.

a) Do you think it was wise of Bobby to refuse the offer in order not to let his friend down? What would you do if you were Bobby?

b) What arguments could Bobby’s father use to persuade him to take the job?

c) Why did Bobby refuse to visit Frankie’s party? Do you think it was the right decision?

d) Do you find the line of argument of Frankie flawless about the reason of Bobby’s poisoning?


Write short character sketches of the main characters of the story.


Chapters 8 – 9.

1. Write all the possible parts of speech.

verb noun adjective adverb
      shrewdly (p.39)
to assume (p.35)      
  access (p.38)    
to exaggerate (p.43)      
    poisonous (p.41)  


2. Write out & translate all the sentences with the pattern Modal Verb + Perfect Infinitive.

3. Make up all possible combination of words.

  to benefit by                          indignation

  to exaggerate                         grief

  to foresee                               glance

  significant                              revenge

  to alter                                   sequel 

  obvious                                  violence


 4. Answer the questions.

a) What can you do just out of sheer curiosity?

b) When is it particularly hard for you to set to work?

c) What’s situated in the vicinity of your house?

d) What’s the best way to start making inquiries into something mysterious?



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