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For each of the adjectives, write the name of a book or a film. Compare your answers with your partner.


Read the following news report and complete the spaces.

Good afternoon. Here is the six o’clock news. I’m Frank Lane.

We have just received news about an a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ robbery in the city centre. It seems that a gang of four robbers has been caught by the police outside the Metropolitan Bank this morning. We have some more information from our crime correspondent, Gill Parkes, who is at the scene. Gill, can you tell us more about what has happened there today?

‘Thanks Frank. Well it seems that the gang was a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ at 11.00 o’clock this morning as they left the bank. Apparently they had been planning this raid for the last three months. During that time, members of the gang had been f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ by the police who had s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that a major crime was about to happen. When the gang left the bank with a large sum of money they were met by police who had surrounded the building. When the police ordered the criminals to stop, shots were fired but luckily no-one was injured. The four members of the gang are now being q_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by the police at the local police station. They have been c_ _ _ _ _ _ and are due to appear in c_ _ _ _ tomorrow lunchtime and it is almost certain that they will plead g_ _ _ _ _. If f_ _ _ _ guilty, it is likely that they will be s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to at least fifteen years in prison as this is the minimum sentence for armed robbery. That’s all for the moment, back to you in the studio, Frank.’


Now check your answers with the vocabulary on page 104.


Translate into English:

1. Ви були коли-небудь в Австралії? –Так, це був не перший мій візит до Австралії, я був там уже двічі.

2. Коли діти повернулися з прогулянки , їхня мати вже приготувала смачну вечерю.

3. Коли вони пішли з вечірки? – Всі розійшлись до 10 години вечора.

4. Він запитав Джейн, що вона знає про ту історію. Він хотів знати, чи було це правдою.

5. Меліса не бачилася з сестрою 15 років, тому дуже нервувала в аеропорту.

6. Поліцейський запитав свідків, чи бачили вони щось підозріле.

7. Девіда запитали, чи давно він очікує менеджера компанії. Він відповів, що очікує його вже півгодини.

8. Клер поцікавилась, де Майкл працює. Виявилося, що він працює в одній престижній компанії.

9. Вчитель запитав учнів, чи всі вони зробили домашнє завдання.

10. Він хотів знати, скількома мовами перекладено цей роман.


Rules and freedom


1. airplane safety announcement

2. airports

3. although

4. annoying rules

5. as a result

6. bars and pubs

7. beaches

8. be not allowed to smoke

9. be permitted to park here

10. board the bus

11. besides

12. despite this

13. do badly

14. do well

15. do nothing

16. do your best

17. do a course

18. do economics at university

19. do French (at school)

20. do homework

21. do the housework

22. do the ironing

23. do overtime at work

24. do the shopping

25. do the washing up

26. do some work

27. do yoga / aerobics

28. do some exercise

29. do military service

30. compensation culture

31. credit card

32. for that reason

33. greed

34. get rich quickly

35. have to be careful

36. have the car clamped

37. household chores

38. however

39. I don’t really have any strong opinions about this.

40. I completely agree

41. I agree in some ways but…

42. I don’t really agree

43. I’m afraid I don’t agree at all.

44. I think it’s wrong to do…

45. in the end

46. injury

47. It should be against the law to do…

48. It should be made legal for people to do…

49. It should be made illegal for people to do…

50. It should be banned

51. It depends on the situation / person

52. it’s too harsh

53. it’s too liberal

54. it’s ridiculous

55. it’s sensible

56. it’s fair / unfair

57. motor vehicle

58. One thing for sure

59. ought to pay a fine

60. People should have the right to do this.

61. People should be fined for speeding.

62. People should be sent to prison for doing this.

63. Personally, I think / don’t think

64. roads

65. shouldn’t leave your mobile on

66. slip on sth.

67. sue

68. the most bizarre case

69. There should be capital punishment for anyone who commits murder

70. therefore

71. They are used to dealing with requests for compensation

72. They didn’t get on with their companions.

73. They regularly get complaints from holidaymakers.

74. There should be penalties for excessive claims.

75. There should be limit on payouts.

76. train stations

77. trip over something

78. What’s more





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