Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Тема 3.30 Английские писатели

Курсант должен



- лексику;



- рассказать биографию одного из знаменитых английских писателей.


Байрон, Шекспир, Диккенс. Их произведения.

Литература:  [8, стр.49]

Методические указания

Изучить упр.3, стр.49.

Прочитать и перевести текст (стр.49-50).


Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. Have you ever read books written by famous English writers?

2. What is your favorite English writer?

3. What do you know about him/her?


Тема 3.31 Английские ученые

Курсант должен



- лексику;



- рассказать биографию одного из знаменитых английских ученых.


Ньютон, Фарадей и их научные открытия.


Литература:  [8, стр.85]

Методические указания

Изучить упр.3, стр.85.

Прочитать и перевести текст (стр.86-87).


Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. Who is considered to be the farther of the electric motor?

2. Who made a great discovery in medicine?

3. Who discovered the Law of Universal Gravitation?


Тема 3.32 Английские музыканты

Курсант должен



- лексику;




- рассказать об известном английском музыканте или музыкальной группе.


Творчество группы «Биттлз».


Литература:  [8, стр.64]

Методические указания

Выполнить упр.3, стр.64.

Прочитать и перевести текст (стр.64-65).


Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. When did the Beatles become famous?

2. Where was the group offered its first «big job»?

3. When did things begin to go wrong for the Beatles?


Тема 3.33 Английские традиции

Курсант должен



- лексику;


- рассказать о традиции.


Церемония смены караула королевских гвардейцев. Выезд королевы. Открытие парламента.


Литература:  [8, стр.21]

Методические указания

Изучить упр.2, стр.21.

Прочитать и перевести текст (стр.22).


Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. What ceremony is of great interest for newcomer?

2. What do you know about Beefeaters?

3. Describe the uniform of Guardsman.


Тема 3.34 Английские праздники

Курсант должен



- лексику;



- рассказать о празднике.


Рождество. День святого Валентина.


Литература:  [8, стр.22]

Методические указания

Выполнить упр.2, стр.22.

Прочитать и перевести текст (стр.23).


Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. What British holidays do you know?

2. When is Christmas celebrated?

3. What do you know about Stonhenge?



Выполнение и оформление контрольных работ:

1. Каждая контрольная работа в данном методическом пособии дается в вариантах. Студент должен выполнить один из вариантов в соответствии с последними цифрами студенческого шифра.

2. Выполнить домашнюю контрольную работу следует в отдельной тетради. На обложке пишется фамилия, инициалы студента, выполняющего работу, шифр, номер контрольной работы.

3. Работа должна быть выполнена аккуратно, четким почерком.

4. Выполнять задания следует в последовательности, в какой они даны в настоящем пособии.

5. Работая с текстом, списать его сначала в тетрадь по-английски, в левой половине страницы, соблюдая абзацы. В правой половине писать перевод данного текста.

6. Выполняя задания на перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, сначала списывать начальный вариант.

7. В заданиях, где надо вставить предлог, в окончательном варианте подчеркнуть употребляемый предлог.

8. Если в задании надо поставить вопрос к предложению, необходимо списать предложение, а потом поставить вопрос.

9. Если контрольная работа выполнена не в соответствии с указаниями или не полностью, она возвращается студенту без проверки.

После изучения указанного материала приступайте к выполнению задания. все варианты контрольного задания начинаются с текстов. Прочтите памятку по работе над текстом.

Прежде чем приступать к чтению текста, особое внимание обратите на заголовок. Заголовок отражает тему, идею или проблему текста.

Когда вы читаете текст попытайтесь прочесть все сразу до конца без остановки. Старайтесь понять значение незнакомых слов из контекста. Когда вы отвлекаетесь для того, чтобы посмотреть слово в словаре, вы теряете нить повествования. вы можете посмотреть слова позже, если не уверены в том, что правильно догадались.

Как правило, тексты разделены на абзацы и каждый абзац содержит главную мысль. Попытайтесь понять ее.

Еще одним помощником при чтении могут быть слова-сигналы, например: first, then, next, after that, finally, помогут понять время и последовательность происходящих действий. Слова-сигналы than и суффиксы -er, -est, like, as ... as указывают на контраст и сравнение, because - на причину.

Особенно надежными помощниками при чтении являются интернациональные слова. Они могут полностью совпадать по написанию и по значению со словами русского языка, например: gas, fact, port, start, turbo или совпадая по значению, они могут иметь некоторые различия в написании, например: temperature, cylinder, operation, principal function, diesel, system.

Обращаясь к словарю, помните, что любое слово в словаре стоит в начальной форме, значит, по слову встретившемуся в тексте, надо определить его начальную форму, т.е. единственное число существительного, неопределенную форму глагола, положительную степень прилагательного и т.п.

Многие слова в английском языке имеют несколько значений. Выберите то значение, которое подходит по смыслу предложения.

Выписывая слова из словаря, пишите обязательно транскрипцию и ставьте ударение.

Работа со словами:

Записывайте слова на карточках. Обязательно пишите транскрипцию и ставьте ударение. Обозначайте грамматические признаки. На обратной стороне карточки пишите перевод этого слова на русский язык (exhaust manifold сущ., ед. ч. выхлопной коллектор; governor регулятор).

Вы можете сделать учебную картотеку с тремя конвертами. В первом конверте поместите карточки с новыми словами, во втором - карточки с теми, которые Вы учили, но еще не совсем запомнили, а третий - со словами, которыми Вы уже хорошо владеете. Учить слова начинайте с первого конверта, те слова, которые Вы выучили переходят во второй конверт. Если, повторяя слова второго конверта, Вы убедились, что знаете хорошо их - перекладывайте в третий, если забыли - обратно в первый. И не забывайте повторять слова из третьего конверта.

Вы можете делать список с новыми словами и повесить его дома, положить на стол и другие места.

Группируйте слова, которые тематически связаны друг с другом.

Вы можете записывать новые слова на кассету и постоянно слушайте воспроизведение этой записи.

Учите каждый день понемногу, чем один раз в неделю несколько часов.

Попробуйте выучить перед сном десять новых слов и повторите их на следующее утро. То, что учится перед сном и повторяется после просыпания, усваивается лучше.




Вариант № 1

1. Прочтите и переведите текст:

My Native Town

Му native town is Voronezh. I am proud to be its citizen. The history of Voronezh is bound up with the history of Russia.

The first mention of Voronezh can be found in the Russian chronicles dated back to the 12-th century. At that time а multy-towered fortress was erected on the right bank of the Voronezh River to shield off the Russian land from the nomadic tribes.

By the middle of the 16-th century Voronezh developed into а bustling, densely populated city. At the turn of the 17-th century Peter the Great built his first flotilla here. In 1812 in the bаttle of Borodino the Voronezh popular levy stood the ground. The Voronezh people participated in the revolts against the serfdom; they took part in Narodnic organizations, in three revolutions and in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 45.

Today Voronezh is one of the largest industrial cities of Russia. The trade mark of Voronezh can be seen on farm machinery, TV-sets, radio receivers, tyres and aluminium construction parts. The II-86 and II-96 aircraft came off the line here.

Voronezh is а city of science. It has dozens of research centres, а university, nine colleges. The city has rich cultural traditions. Its first drama-theatre lifted its curtain in 1802.

Voronezh land is proud of Koltsov's verses, Nikitin's poetry, Kramskoy's paintings, fairy tales. collected by А. Afanasyev, folk songs gathered by М. Pyatnitsky.

In Voronezh one can visit the Opera and the Ballet Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Philharmonic Society, the Russian Folk Choir, the Kramskoy's Fine Arts Museum, the Nikitin's Literary Museum and the Museum of Local Lore.

The city of Voronezh honours its past and is full of creative effort and vitality.


2. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола «to be»:

1). Pete ... very enthusiastic about English music.

2). My suitcase ... in the corner.

3). Where ... they from?

4). The weather ... fine yesterday.

5). Winter ... the coldest season.


3. Вставьте предлоги:

1). She is fond ... reading detective stories.

2). They are speaking ... serious things.

3). We have got many flowers ... home.

4). He was born ... spring.

5). This poem is written ... Pushkin.


4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1). How many people are there in your family?

2). When do you get up?

3). Who is your favourite writer?

4). Do you train at a sports club?

5). When does a doctor prescribe medicine?


5. Переведите на английский язык:

1). Она знает два иностранных языка.

2). Он всегда приходит в последний момент.

3). Мой друг так же интересуется этой проблемой.

4). В России много рек и озер.

5). У него есть младший брат.

6. Напишите сообщение на тему «Мой родной город».


Вариант № 2

1. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Learning Languages

The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. The total knowledge of mankind is known to double every seven years. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet.

Today English is the language of the world. Over 300 million people speak it as а mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada and the South African Republic. As а second language it is used in the former British and US colonies.

English is not only the national or official language of some thirty states which represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. It is the language of literature, education, modern music, international tourism.

Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially urgent today.

So far there is по universal or ideal method of learning languages. Everybody has his own way. Sometimes it is boring to study grammar or to learn new words. But it is well known that reading books in the original, listening to the ВВС news, communicating with the English speaking people will help а lot. When learning а foreign language you learn the culture and history of native speakers. One must work hard to learn any foreign language.


2. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола «to be»:

1). Good company ... an inseparable part of a good dinner.

2). There ... no need to worry.

3). I ... sure about the direction.

4). Autumn ... dull and rainy.

5). She ... very busy yesterday.


3. Вставьте предлоги:

1). My friend studies .. the university.

2). We waited ... you yesterday.

3). I entered ... the room quickly.

4). The performance lasts three hours and is over ... 6 p.m.

5). I am afraid ... dogs.

4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1). What is the best season for planting trees?

2). When do you usually have breakfast?

3). Do you call in a doctor when you have a headache?

4). Who does the cooking in your family?

5). When is your birthday?


5. Переведите на английский язык:

1). Он живет в большом городе.

2). Мы часто ходим в музей по воскресеньям.

3). Я смотрю образовательные программы по телевизору.

4). В комнате много цветов.

5). У них мало родственников.


6. Напишите сообщение на тему «Наш колледж».


Вариант № 3

1. Прочтите и переведите текст:

US Education

Americans place а high value on education. Universal access to quality education has been one of the nation's historic goals.

America's first college, Harvard was founded in 1636. In 1865 education was becoming available to all. The peculiar feature of American education is the absence of national administration. Each of the 50 states controls and directs its own schools. Most states require that children attend schools from the time they reach six or seven years old until they are sixteen or seventeen.

There is nо uniform school organization or curriculum throughout the nation, But certain common features exist. Preschool education is part of the elementary schools. Elementary and secondary schools consist of twelve years of classes which meet for about ten months а year, five days a week and five hours а day. Almost every elementary school curriculum includes English, mathematics, science, social studies, music, art and physical education. Many schools include classes teaching basic computer skills.

After graduating from secondary schools а growing number of Americans go on to higher education. American institutions of higher education include: technical training schools, community colleges; colleges offering four-year bachelor degree programmes; and universities which contain one or more colleges and graduate schools offering master's or doctoral degree programmes. The factors determining an institution's prestige are the quality of the teaching faculty; quality of research facilities; the number and competence of applicants for admission.


2. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола «to be»:

1). English ... my favourite subject last year.

2). Autumn ... full of colours.

3). They ... at home yesterday.

4). She ... such a hard-working girl.

5). We ... so glad to see you.


3. Вставьте предлоги:

1). Boxing is very popular ... my town.

2). He will ring me .. tomorrow.

3). It’s late. You must go ... home.

4). They are keen ... literature.

5). I read books ... music.


4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1). Where are sports competitions usually held?

2). Do you like to see cartoons?

3). What do you usually do for toothache?

4). Do you like vegetables?

5). How often does your mother do the rooms?


5. Переведите на английский язык:

1). Мы разговариваем только на английском на уроках.

2). Погода летом теплая и сухая.

3). Она принимает участие в концертах каждый год.

4). В музеях много картин.

5). Театры имеют много проблем в наши дни.


6. Напишите сообщение на тему «Мое увлечение».

Вариант № 4

1. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Environmental Protection

The scientific and technological progress of the twentieth century resulted in widespread mechanisation, automated lines computerised management, spaceships, atomic power stations, pipelines, new roads and highways.

But it cannot be denied that the price for rapid industrial development is very high: natural resources are exhausted, the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed; some species of flora and fauna disappear; city and industry waters, chemicals and fertilizers are endangering lakes, rivers and ponds. Big cities have а problem with air pollution: the “Killer Smog” caused some 3500 - 4000 deaths in London in December 1952. Progress can be blamed for аll these environmental problems.

In recent years the pollution problems have received great publicity. The Environmental movement associated with по political party has gained widespread trust and support. Environmental activists stress that the problem is caused by industrial pollution and the automobile. Long-established environmental groups warn that acid rains threaten many forests. The media's begun to campaign against the ugliness of billboards, tin cans and trash. Many people started to realise that to keep air and water clean, strict pollution control is necessary.

The protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming а political programme in every country. Numerous anti-pollution acts passed in different countries led to considerable improvements in environment. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters. Wildlife reservation models of undisturbed nature are being developed in some parts of the world.

But the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of а single country. Their solution requires the со-operation of all nations.


2. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола «to be»:

1). Jogging ... a very good exercise.

2). He ... in Moscow last week.

3). My hobbies ... collecting stamps and stones.

4). There ... many museums in my native town.

5). His hands ... so dirty.

3. Вставьте предлоги:

1). He goes ... ... swimming.

2). We know a lot ... interesting places ... Moscow.

3). They will be there ... 5 p.m. ... 7 p.m.

4). I go to school ... foot.

5). She wrote a letter ... her friend.


4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1). What films do you like to watch on TV?

2). Is it difficult or easy to treat pneumonia?

3). Do you go outside when it’s freezing hard?

4). What do we have traffic lights in our towns for?

5). Do you know the sights of your town well?


5. Переведите на английский язык:

1). Она знает литературу очень хорошо.

2). В нашей школе большой спортивный зал.

3). Наши спортсмены всегда выигрывают медали на Олимпийских играх.

4). Подростки слушают музыку каждый день.

5). У этого театра нет выдающихся актеров.


6. Напишите сообщение на тему «Моя профессия».


Вариант № 5

1. Прочтите и переведите текст:


The scientific and technological progress of the 20-th century has allowed people to overcome time and distance, to cover in the twinkle of an eye vast expanse of our planet. The whole world is open now. The limits аnd frontiers of the previous period have stopped tо exist.

We can choose any place on the planet and go there on business or for holiday. We can go to the place of our destination by sea and by air. We can travel by train.

If you want to get somewhere as quickly as possible the best way is to travel by air. It is better to book tickets in advance. On the appointed day you go to the airport by car. Soon you'll board the big air-liner аnd it will carry you to new lands. When on the plane you may look about. In front of you in the cockpit you'll see а pilot and his crew. Sоmе of the passengers are reclining in comfortable armchairs. There is а kitchenette in the rear part of the plane where the stewardesses are cooking. Presently we take off and in а few minutes the voice informs us about the altitude we are flying. Sometimes it is possible tо see the land. It is like а geographical map. Our plane is due to arrive in eight hours. Time passes quickly. The plane arriveds at the airport in time.

There are other ways of travelling. If you are an adventurer you can travel by hitch-hiking, bicycles or on horseback.


Coach tours are not expensive and I like them very much. They are planned as holidays and there is а chance to do а lot of sightseeing and have а good rest at the same time. Last year I went by coach through а few countries and enjoyed the tour very much.

During the ten-day holiday we visited Hungary, Austria and Italy. Sightseeing was combined with rest. For а few days we stayed at some lovely small hotels. There was по trouble with the luggage because it was taken саrе of at every night stop. Moreover hotels were carefully selected and booked in advance.


2. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола «to be»:

1). The best-known Moscow theatre ... the Bolshoy Theatre.

2). The trees ... very thick.

3). His English ... not so good as hers.

4). The bush ... white with blossom last year.

5). She ... keen on botany.


3. Вставьте предлоги:

1). They took part ... the Olympic Games.

2). She will go ... school ... next week.

3). I found a very interesting book ... him last week.

4). We are going to visit them ... summer.

5). It will be very kind ... you.


4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1). Is it difficult or easy to get tickets for evening shows?

2). When do you usually do shopping?

3). Are there usually many people at the skating-rinks?

4). How do you help about the house?

5). Do you like fishing?


5. Переведите на английский язык:

1). Подростки имеют преимущество в этом виде спорта.

2). Каждое лето мои родители уезжают на юг.

3). Мой друг помнит все даты и факты.

4). В нашем институте много студентов.

5). Он восхищается людьми с сильным характером.


6. Напишите сообщение на тему «Мой любимый вид спорта».




Вариант № 1

1. Прочтите и переведите текст с английского языка на русский (письменно):

Some months ago an exhibition "News of Shipbuilding" was held in St. Petersburg. The cadets of our group decided to visit it.

At the exhibition we saw the latest models of ships produced by the best shipbuilding firms of the world. Several firms showed general-purpose ships, some others displayed special-purpose ships, such as tankers, gas-carriers, reefers, which specialize in carrying particular kinds of cargoes.

Tugs, barges, salvage and other ships for specific duties were exhibited in the pavilions of West Germany and Great Britain. Many visitors were attracted by the production of two famous Finnish firms: one of them "Masa Yards" showing ice-breakers, and the other "Rauma — Repola" demonstrating dry cargo ships.

Му friends and I liked the exhibition very much. We were most impressed by container and ro-ro ships. But neither my friends nor I knew much about ro-ro ships. So we decided to ask one of the stand-attendants about this type of ships.

Cadet: Excuse me, you are а stand-attendant here, aren't you?

Stpnd -attendant: Yes, I am. Can I be of any help to you?

Cadet: We are interested in ro-ro ships. Why are they called so?

Stand-attendant: Well, ro-rо means roll-on and roll оff and the ships are called so because their bow and stern doors and ramps allow vehicles to drive on board and drive оff again.

Cadet: I see. What are the principal particulars of this ro-ro ship?

Stand-attendant: Her length overall is 168.8 metres breadth is 21,60 metres, draught is 6.45 metres and the deadweight is 5.990 tons.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1). What was the name of the exhibition?

2). What firms took part in it?

3). What kind of cargo do the ro-ro ships carry?

4). Were general-purpose or special- purpose ships displayed at the exhibition?


3. Дайте русские эквиваленты:

bow and stern door; to drive on board and drive off; gas-carriers, reefers; barges; salvage; dry cargo ships; draught.


4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую форму, переведите предложения на русский язык:

1). I saw him (to enter) the room.

2). ... you ever (to sail) to the USA?

3). He said he (to be) a seaman.

4). We should (to help) elderly people.

5). He can speak English ...?


5. Вставьте предлоги:

1). The Japanese port Kobe is one ... the largest harbors ... the world.

2). Kobe is linked ... more than 500 seaports ... 122 countries.

3). What are you busy ...? I’m busy ... the translation ... a very interesting article ... the newspaper “Morning star”.


6. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо:

1). ... Black Sea is ... very important Sea Route.

2). ... crew of our ship is rather skilled.

3). ... head of ... engine department is ... Chief Engineer.


7. Составьте диалог на тему «У врача».


Вариант № 2

1. Прочтите и переведите текст с английского языка на русский (письменно):

Stephen Lewis* of Australia, the winner of the Moscow News Competition "What Do You Know About the Russian Federation?" spent 20 days in Russia last month. When he returned to Australia he was interviewed by some correspondents. That' s what he told them about his visit to Russia:

“I’m greatly impressed by my stay in Russia and I will never forget the warm welcome I found there.

Before I went to Russia I had certainly read, а lot about the country's history, economy, natural resources and culture.

I learnt from my guidebook that the Russian Federation was founded in 1918, that the territory of the country was 17,1 million square kilometres, that it bordered on 13 countries and had the population over 147,5. million people. But when it took me 6 days to get from Vladivostоk to Moscow** I realized how really big the country was. I was given opportunity to visit 6 out of 20 Russian Federation republics which unite 100 nations and nationalities. During my stay in Russia I saw that much had been created for the economic, social and cultural development of all people.

I was shown so many places of interest in Russia that it's difficult to say which of them I liked best. I’ve seen modern industrial enterprises, famous, historical monuments and newly-built towns. Great achievements have been made in sрасе exploration, science and culture. But most of all I liked the Russian people. Before I visited the country I had been told much about their hospitality. But what I saw exceeded all my expectations***. Everyone was so kind and friendly. They аrе реасе-loving people I believe-we must do our best to promote friendship with Russia."

Пояснения к тексту

*Stephen Lewis — Стивен Льюис.

**It took me 6 days to get from Vladivostok to Moscow— У меня ушло 6 дней, чтобы добраться из Владивостока в Москву

***But what I saw exceeded all my expectations — Но то, что я увидел, превзошло все мои ожидания.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1). What is the territory of the Russian Federation?

2). How many countried does the Russian Federation border on?

3). When was the Russian Federation founded?

4). What can you say about the climate of the country?


3. Дайте русские эквиваленты:

to be impressed; to exceed; all the expectations; to promote; friendship; modern; industrial enterprices; national resources, space exploration.


4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую форму, переведите предложения на русский язык:

1). You shouldn’t (to go out) just now.

2). We (to have) breakfast now.

3). I (to sail) on board the m/v “Bratsk” last year.

4). ... our electrician (to repair) the pump?

5). When ... Moscow (to found)?


5. Вставьте предлоги:

1). The atomic-ice-breaker “Bratsk” was built ... 1959.

2). This city is famous ... it’s wonderful museums.

3). Moscow is situated ... the bank ... the River Moscva.


6. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо:

1). When did ... electricians repair ... electrical equipment.

2). Excuse me, can you tell me ... way to ... Fine Arts Museum?

3). Who is ... head of ... deck department?


7. Составьте диалог на тему «Твой любимый сезон».


Вариант № 3

1. Прочтите и переведите текст с английского языка на русский (письменно):

The Russian Federation is a great maritime state. The sea borders of our country are nearly 45000 km long and its shores are washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans. That is why* the merchant fleet has traditionally been the leading kind of transport in our country.

The Russian Merchant Marine is operated by 10 shipping companies which are self-financing or organizations. They successfully compete on the world chartering market. The ships flying the Russian flag call at 1200 ports of 120 countries of the world.

The Merchant Marine has over 750 sea-going vessels the total deadweight of which is 10 mln tons. Our modern cargo ships including container carries, ro-ro ships, railway ferries, lighters, atomic ice-breakers, tankers carry different kinds of cargoes to all the continents. Russian passenger lines transport millions people every year.

At the recent press conference** for Russian and foreign correspondents the Minister of Transport said that the Russian fleet was developing from year to year. He added that as a result of the economic reform the rights of the Russian shipping companies had been expanded and they were making good progress. It was also stressed that in future the Ministry would pay more attention to the development of ports, shipyards and ship repair plants. In conclusion the Minister said that much depended on the effective use of the sophisticated ships and up-to-date technology.

*that is why - вот почему;

**At the recent press conference - на недавней пресс-конференции.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1). How many shipping Companies are there in Russia?

2). What modern types of cargo ships do you know?

3). Why can we call Russia a great maritime country?

4). What is the result of the economic reform for these shipping companies?


3. Дайте английские эквиваленты:

омываться; являться ведущим видом транспорта; конкурировать на мировом фрахтовом рынке; развиваться год от года; слоистые суда; перевозить различные виды грузов.


4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую форму, переведите предложения на русский язык:

1). My friend just (to visit) a picture gallery.

2). The sailors (to check) the life-boats when the master came.

3). If the engineer (to repair) the main engine tomorrow the ship (to leave) the port in time.

4). What ship ... you (to sail) last year?

5). What ... you (to do) every evening?


5. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо:

1). The vessel belongs ... the Northern Shipping Company.

2). The vessel is to approach ... the port ... 10 minutes.

3). When are you to make entries ... the log-book?


6. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо:

1). All ... shipping companies of ... Black Sea are making ... good progress.

2). Who will tell you about ... Belfast?

3). ... officer on ... watch met us at ... gangway.


7. Составьте диалог на тему «Хобби».

Вариант № 4

1. Прочтите и переведите текст с английского языка на русский (письменно):

The arrival of the cargo ship Igarka was delayed due to а severe storm in the North Sea. The wind force was about 20 metres per second and as the Captain of the Igarka had reported to the shore station it was difficult for the ship to keep her course.

The ship could make only 2 or 3 miles реr watch as her propeller was seriously damaged. The damage to the propeller had occurred before the storm began, when а floating log struck against the propeller and damaged it.

Captain Gavrilov decided to continue the voyage and tо repair the propeller at the port of destination. The storm was becoming stronger and stronger and the wind reached the hurricane force. The ship had а list to starboard. Due to а considerable pitching and rolling the list was gradually increasing and soon it reached 25 degrees.

The situation was very dangerous, as the ship could capsize. The Master ordered Chief Officer to inspect the holds and to find out what caused the list.

Soon the Chief Officer returned to the navigating bridge and reported:

"The cargo in holds one and two has shifted to starboard, sir."

"Had you inspected the holds before leaving Glasgow?"

"Yes, but most probably the cargo wasn't рrореrlу fastened by the British stevedores."

Suddenly the list increased and they heard the voice of the Second Officer:

"Boatswain Gromov has fallen overboard!"

"Stop engine! Slow astern! Steady! Switch on the searchlight!"

the Master commanded.

Soon the ray of light pierced the darkness and the seamen saw the man who was fighting the waves to keep himself on the surface.

“Launch the life-boat. Eight hands in the boat!” ordered the Captain.”


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1). Why was the arrival of the “Igarka” delayed?

2). What was damaged?

3). What happened to Boatswain Gromov?

4). What did the Captain ordered?


3. Дайте английские эквиваленты:

сила ветра; держаться по курсу; бортовая и килевая качка; крен достиг ... градусов; спустить шлюпки; вызывать повреждения.


4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую форму, переведите предложения на русский язык:

1). We (to be) to France this year.

2). They (to load) by 5 p/m/ yesterday.

3). He (to repair) the pump from 5 to 7 yesterday.

4). The guide said to the tourists (to see) a lot of places of interest during their stay in St. Petersburg.

5). You should (to visit) the doctor.


5. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо:

1). The Kremlin is surrounded ... a high wall two kilometers long.

2). The ice-breaker “Yermak” proceeded the port ... destination.

3). The accident occurred ... mooring.


6. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо:

1). Our planet is ... only home we’ve got.

2). London is one of ... largest cities in ... world.

3). ... Master is responsible for ... ship her cargo and ... crew.


7. Составьте диалог на тему «Квартира».



Вариант № 5

1. Прочтите и переведите текст с английского языка на русский (письменно):

The Russian explorers Faddei Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev are among the most famous for their discovery of the Antarctic.

At the beginning of the XIX century it was still unknown if there was a continent in the Antarctic. All the attempts to enter the unexplored area had failed.

In 1819 another the expedition of two Russian ships the Vostok and the Mirny was arranged. The ships led by F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev left Kronstadt on July, 16, 1819. They were bound for the Antarctic. The first port of call was Portsmouth where they got food supplies and the necessary equipment. Then they crossed the Atlantic Ocean and sailed along the Brazilian coast. On their way the navigators mapped and described the southern coast of the Island of South Georgia and some small islands.

They proceeded further to the south in constant danger of running into huge icebergs. Foggy weather and stormy sea made the navigation very difficult.

On the 28th of January, 1820, the Russian ships crossed the Antarctic Circle and reached latitude 69o25′ South. In the mist the travelers saw a huge wall of the height of which was up to 45 - 50 metres. It was the Antarctic. The explorers wondered if it would be possible to beach somewhere there. They tried several times to do it but failed. So they decided to sail eastward forcing their way through the ice packs. The ships set a course for Australia and called at Port Jackson for more supplies.

On their way to the home port the mariners discovered some more new lands. On August 5, 1821, the Vostok and the Mirny anchored at Kronstadt.

The expedition lasted 751 days during which the ships covered 49,676 nautical miles. Besides the Antarctic continent Bellingshausen and his companions discovered 29 islands and one coral reef.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1). When was the expedition of two Russian ships arranged?

2). What did the navigators map and describe?

3). What did the explorers see in the mist?

4). How long did the expedition last?


3. Дайте английские эквиваленты:

взять курс на ...; следовать курсом; порт приписки; пересечь океан; причаливать; нанести на карту; бросить якорь.


4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую форму, переведите предложения на русский язык:

1). Her brother said he never (to see) this film before.

2). He asked her when she (to give) him this book to read.

3). When ... you (to get up)?

4). Look! Somebody ... (to speak) to your teacher.

5). Where ... you (to be) yesterday? I ... (to be) in the country.

5. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо:

1). ... Black Sea is ... very important sea route as it leads to. Sea of Marmara and ... Mediterranean through ... Bosporus and Dardanelles.

2). ... Russia is ... largest country in ... world.

3). ... Ruduar Kipling ... famous ... English writer was born in ... India.


6. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо:

1). Mike lives ... Oxford. He is a student ... Oxford University.

2). Jenny’s brother is a seaman, but he’s out ... work ... the moment.

3). Paul got married ... 18 May 1995.


7. Составьте диалог на тему «Спроси дорогу».




Вариант № 1

1) Translate the following text:


A magnet is an object that can attract certain materials to it self. Such materials known as magnetic materials are pure or alloyed iron, nickel and cobalt.

In order to explain the force between a magnet and any piece of ferrous metal, the space surrounding them is said to contain a magnetic field and to be traversed by lines of force. These lines of force therefore show the direction of the magnetic field, and are dense where this field is strong, where it is weak the lines are widely spaced.

A piece of iron or other magnetic material will always try to move towards the denser part of the field, or in other words it will be attracted towards one or other of the poles.

When an electric current passes through a conductor, a magnetic field is set up in the space surrounding the conductor, end the field strength depends upon the value of the current. Tike greater the current, the stronger the field Will be. If a wire is wound round a soft-iron core, this will become a magnet while a current is flowing in the wire, and will return more or less to its normal unmagnetized state when the current is switched off. Such arrangement is an electromagnet.

2) Give the English equivalents for: вольтметр, измерять, частота, пульсирующий ток, включать, заряд, изолятор, токонесущий, величина.

3) Give synonyms for following words: amount, speed, to alter, to produce, to switch off, velocity.

4) Translate into Russian, noting the predicate in the Passive Voice:

1. The essence of the electric current is explained by the movement of the smallest elementary particles, the free electrons.

2. There is always a possibility that too low a resistance will be connected across an electric supply.

3. Some laboratory tests may be required to determine the cause of some unusual insulation failure.

4. The line switch can be open and there will be no arcing or fluctuation of voltage.

5) Write about your town (city).


Вариант № 2

1) Translate the following text:


Conductors are a class of substances which allow a current to flow easily. As it is well known to conduct an electric current is the same as to transmit electrons.

Practically all the metals are conductors to a high degree, the conductivity ranging from silver to steel. In addition, there are many special alloys which have a resistance of a more than 50 times that of a copper conductor of the same size.

Copper is the most widely used material for the current-carrying parts of electrical machines, cables, switches, etc.

Aluminum and its alloys are used as conductors where weight must be kept to a minimum.

Silver, platinum and precious metal alloys are employed in small quantities to coat the surface of switch contacts and for the contact points on bells, relays, magnets etc., because of their ability to withstand burning and pitting by the electric sparking which may take place at such points.

Carbon is widely used as a current-carrying medium in electrical machinery. It is interesting to note that, unlike most other conductors, its resistance decreases as temperature rises.

2) Give the English equivalents for: клемма, аккумулятор, притягивать, отталкивать, одноименные полюса, цепь, ток, провод, проводник.

3) Give synonyms for the following words: equipment, power, rate, to rotate, to switch on, to provide.

4) Translate into Russian, noting the predicate in the Passive Voice.

1. Every electric current is made up of a particular combination of inductance, capacitances, and resistances.

2. Insulators are required to prevent leakage of the current into non-useful paths.

3. The induced E. M. F. can be controlled by a resistance in the field circuit or by varying the speed of the armature.

4. A stationary conductor may be exposed to a moving magnetic field of constant strength.

5) Write about your home port.


Вариант № 3

1) Translate the following text:


Insulators are a class of substances which offer an extremely high resistance to the passage of current. An insulator is also called a dielectric. It has very few free charges that are able to move under the influence of the electric field.

Insulating materials include practically all the non-metallic substances. They include wood, glass, porcelain, wax, cotton, silk, asbestos, rubber, mica, etc. Air is a very good insulator when dry.

The choice for a particular purpose depends upon one or more properties such as dielectric and mechanical strength, flexibility and ability to withstand a rise in temperature. Many insulators, such as silk, cotton and asbestos, are excellent when dry but deteriorate rapidly when moisture is absorbed.

All insulators carry a certain small leakage current, they act as an extremely high resistance which is called the ♦ insulation resistance* of the system.

There are two leakage paths in most electrical systems: (1) that between the conductors and (2) that from the conductors to earth.

The principal enemies of good insulation are moisture, high temperature and mechanical damage.

2) Give the English equivalents for: сопротивление, напряжение, разность потенциалов, электродвижущая сила, счетчик, источник питания, защищать, предохрани­тель, выключатель, емкость.

3) Give synonyms for the following words: value, movement, to cut, to turnout, to change, to drop.

4) Translate into Russian, noting the predicate in the Passive Voice:

1. The current-carrying capacity of fuses is dependent upon their size, the metal of which they are made, and the manner, in which they are mounted.

2. The electric forces are entirely determined by the strength of the magnet and the speed of rotation.

3. The resistance may be made low by the correct size of copper.

4. The readings of the measuring instruments must be taken more carefully.

5) Write your biography.


Вариант № 4

1) Translate the following text:


An electric current is a stream of electrons driven through a conductor. When two ends of a conductor are connected to two points at different potential, such as the terminals of a battery, we say that there is an electric current in the conductor.

The current will not flow unless there is an electric circuit. The electric current is considered to flow the negative to the positive terminal. The magnitude of the current depends simply on the rate of flow of electrons along the conductor. A difference of electric pressure is necessary to maintain a flow of electricity in a conductor. Different substances differ in electrical conductivity because of the ease with which their atoms give up electrons.

The general kinds of electric current are: (1) direct current, (2) alternating current, (3) oscillating current.

A direct current (D. C.) flows continuously through a conducting circuit in one direction only.

An alternating current (A. C.) continually reverses in direction. Starting from 7.ero, it grows in one direction, reaches a maximum value, drops to zero again, after which it rises in the opposite direction, reaches a maximum value, again dropping to zero. It is thus continually changing both in magnitude and direction.

2) Give the English terms for: индуктивность, ревер­сировать, магнитное поле, пересекать, полупериод, амперметр, соединять, прибор, поле, полюс.

3) Give synonym for the following words: installation, strength, to turn on, to decrease, to cut off.

4) Translate into Russian, noting the predicate in the Passive Voice:

1. Insulation resistance is measured by self-contained instruments.

2. Electric conductors are divided into distinct groups.

3. When the resistances are very great, the comparison Potential at different points may be made by means of

one electrometer.

4. A dielectric can be made of insulating material such as glass, mica, oil, paraffin, wax or air.

5) Write about our country.

Вариант № 5

1) Translate the following text:


Electromotive force (E. M. F.) is pressure measured in volts. Two main ways by which it is set up are: (1) dynamic action or movement of a conductor near a magnet; (2) chemical action as in electric cells. The potential difference (P. D.) is the voltage between two points in a circuit and is always less than the E. M. F. The voltmeter is connected in parallel with a circuit.

Current is measured in amperes by an ammeter which is connected in the circuit so that the current passes through the instrument.

Resistance is property of an electrical circuit which opposes the flow of a current and is measured in Ohm's. It depends upon length, sectional area, material, temperature etc.

Ohm's law relates the flow of current in a circuit to the voltage and resistance of that circuit, and is as follows: the current I (amperes) which flows in a circuit having resistance R (ohms) is proportional to the voltage E and inversely proportional to the resistance (E = IR).

2) Give the English equivalents for: постоянный ток, переменный ток, количество, утечка, положительный, отрицательный, протекать, противоположное направление, изменять, намагничивать.

3) Give synonyms for the following words: motion, condition, velocity, to cut in, to supply, to revolve.

4) Translate into Russian, noting the predicate in the Passive Voice:

1. The Ohm, the practical unit of resistance, is defined in terms of the Ampere and Volt.

2. Distribution of electric energy may be made either by a direct current or an alternating current.

3. Aluminum and its alloys are used when weight must be kept to a minimum.

4. When magnets are brought near together there is mechanical force exerted between them according to their strength and distance apart.

5) Write about the Russia.



1 Китаевич Б.В., Сергеева М.Н., Каменская Л.И., Вахмянин С.Н. Учебник английского языка для моряков. И., Рос-Консульт, 1992

2 Пенина И.П., Емельянова И.С. Английский язык для морских училищ. М., «Высшая школа», 2001

3 Пилацкий Е.С. Повседневный английский для моряков. Одесса, ЛАТСТАР, 1998

4 Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы

5 Голицинский Ю. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений, Санкт-Петербург, Каро,2002

6 Рыжков В.Д. Английский язык в бытовых и деловых ситуациях. 2 Уровень. К-д, Янтарный сказ.

7 Бонк Н.А. Английский язык «Шаг за шагом» т.2, - М. 2001

8 Знакомьтесь, Великобритания и США. Учебное пособие, 1999.


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