Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Put in the prepositions where necessary


1. Modern life is impossible … travelling.

2. Almost all people are fond … travelling.

3. Thousand … people travel either … business or … pleasure.

4. People can travel … air … train … sea.

5. Many people prefer trains and plains … business trips … all other means … travelling.

6. Many people like … travel … car.

7. You can see many places … a short time, you can stop … any place.

8. A very popular method of travelling is travelling … foot.

12. Find the end of the following sentences

1. Modern life is impossible                                        a) are fond of travelling


2. Speed, control, and safety are the main              b) comfortable seats, sleeping cars

advantages                                                                and dining cars


3. Modern trains have                                                  c) foreign countries and different                      

                                                                                            places of interesting

4. Almost all people                                                     

                                                                                      d) comfort and pleasure combined

5. Large ships can visit                                                                  

                                                                                      e) is hiking

6. Nowadays a very popular method

of travelling                                                                        f) without travelling


7. With a train you have speed,                                      g) of trains and plains

Say «What mean of travelling is it? »


1) Nowadays this method of travelling is very popular. It is travelling on foot. Walking tours are very interesting.

2) This method of travelling is the fastest and the most convenient, but it is the most expensive, too.

3) This method of travelling is slower than by plain, but it has its advantages. Here you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. There are also comfortable seats, sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey enjoyable.

4) Many people like to travel by this method of travelling. It is interesting too, because you can see many places in a short time, you can stop anywhere you wish and spend as much time as you like at any place.

5) This method of travelling is popular mostly as pleasure journeys. Large ships can visit foreign countries and different places of interest.

Answer the questions on the text


1. Are many people fond of travelling?

2. Why do people travel every day?

3. What means of travelling do you know?

4. What is the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling?

5. What advantages has travelling by train?

6. What cars have the modern trains?

7. Why do many people prefer travel by plain or by train?

8. Why are sea voyages popular mostly as pleasure journeys?

9. Why do many people like to travel by car?

10 What is a very popular method of travelling nowadays?

Make up the plan of the text.



Тема «Why We Should Learn English? »

Текст « Why We Should Learn English? »

Грамматика – степени сравнения прилагательных

Глагол To be


                                         Why We Should Learn English?

Vocabulary on the text

 Language – язык; knowledge – знания; especially efficient – особенно; Great Britain – Великобритания; the United States of America – соединённые штаты Америки; Australia – Австралия; New Zealand – Новая Зеландия; the Irish Republic – республика Ирландия; Canada – Канада; South American Republic – Южно-американская республика; British and US colonies – британские и американские колонии; the United Nations Organization – Организация объединённых наций; science – наука; technology – технология; business – бизнес; communication – общение.

Give the Russian equivalents

Should learn English, the language of the world, the main and the most efficient means of information, the major international language, as a mother tongue, the native speakers, аs a second language, takes a lot of time.

Give the English equivalents

Знание иностранного языка, в мире, один из официальных языков, средства массовой информации, официальный язык, в различных областях, политические организации, хороший специалист.

Make the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives

Important, efficient, major, modern, long, slow, good.


5. Fined in the text the sentences with the degrees of comparison of the adjectives and translate them into Russian.


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