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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Task 3. Write about the visit to the clothing shop using the table.

Much before the shopping You look through fashion journals, your wardrobe and display windows and decide what things you need. You look for the sales and discounts you can get while buying new things.
Meanwhile You go to the changing booth and try on all clothes you have chosen. You put away loose or narrow pieces and pick up the pieces that fit you.
In the shop You carefully check the rows and the counters for the things that suit you.
Finally You’ve chosen the right cloth; you go to the cashier desk to pay for it.
Luckily The clothes you’ve chosen are on sale and you can buy them at bargain prices.
If You have a discount card, the cashier will give you a discount and you’ll get your purchase at a lower price.
In the end The shop assistant wraps your purchase, puts it into a shopping cart and you leave the shop.

Task 4. Where do you (your family) prefer to shop for food? Compare the three usual places for food shopping and speak about their advantages and disadvantages using the table.

    Advantages   Disadvantages  
Supermarket convenient, variety of goods under one roof, comfortable and luxurious impersonal atmosphere, crowded at peak shopping times, people often buy more then they plan
Small shop close to your house can go shopping anytime, usually the atmosphere is friendly and shop assistants know people, fresh food you do not always find what you want, can be crowded
Food market in the open air, reasonable prices, you may bargain and get lower price unpleasant in bad weather, sometimes food is sold from the ground, doubts about food quality

Task 5. Read the text and fill in the table giving the name of the similar stores in Ukraine or your native city.

Big Shops

A supermarket is often called a grocery store — it is a self-service store with different departments offering food and household things. It typically has such food departments as meat, fresh produce, dairy, bakery, canned and packaged goods and non-food departments such as house hold cleaners, newspapers, clothes and pet supplies. The special feature of a supermarket is that it usually occupies a single level and is situated near a residential area to be convenient to consumers. Very often supermarkets work 24/7 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A department store usually sells non-food products and includes such departments as apparel, furniture, home appliances, jewellery, cosmetics, etc. The department stores are not as popular now as they used to be.

A hypermarket is a superstore, which combines a supermarket and a department store. It occupies a very huge territory usually at a single level and may allow you to do all week’s shopping in one place. It usually has one check-out area, though sometimes different departments can sell their products independently.

A shopping mall is one or several buildings forming a complex of shops and services. The visitors can easily walk from unit to unit using wide halls, escalators and stairs. Very often in the centre of the mall there is a food court, where different fast food restaurants open into a big space full of tables and chairs ( a shared sitting area ). Modern malls are inward-facing (no windows, all stores open into a large hall) and make customers spend more in a controlled environment. The term ‘shopping mall’ is used in North America, while in Europe they are called ‘ shopping centres ’ or ‘ shopping precincts ’. In Hong Kong and Bangkok we can find vertical malls that consist of a number of stores accessible by elevators and escalators.


Shop Description Example

Task 6. Read the text. For questions (1–8) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

New markets

Making a long trip to the supermarket and (1) _________ for hours used to be the normal weekly routine for British and American shoppers. But since the 1990s, there is a better way to get your (2) _________. Supermarket shopping on the Internet has boomed in the UK and the USA.

The major supermarkets have their own websites, and if you (3) _________ online with them, for a small extra sum such as $8/£ 5 the supermarkets will do your shopping for you and (4) _________ it to your door. If you shop with them regularly, they’ll ‘remember’ your favourite items so you can order them next time without searching for them!

These days thousands of people in the UK and the States regularly do their supermarket shopping in this (5) _________. In contrast, in many rural areas of Britain there has been a return to the traditional outdoor market. Farmers’ markets, where farmers (6) _________ their products directly to the customer, had practically died out in Britain because of the attraction of the large supermarkets, but they have been resurrected recently, both to help farmers make more profits, and to provide customers with ‘real’ food again, such as fresh meat, eggs, vegetables and preserves. Organic food has become very popular, and some producers (7) _________ a ‘box service’, where they deliver a weekly box of fruit and vegetables to your door. Customers can’t (8) _________ the food — they just receive whatever is in season — but it is guaranteed to be fresh and free from chemicals, and now you can often order these online too!


1 A standing  B queuing  C speaking D talking

2 A grocery    B grocery’s C groceries D groceries’

3 A send        B get          C talk        D order

4 A deliver     B send       C mail       D bring

5 A track       B way        C railway  D truck

6 A buy         B spell       C sell         D get

7 A run          B sell         C deliver   D queue

8 A selecting  B selective C selection D select

Health and Healthcare


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