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IV. Put the adjectives or adverbs into the correct comparative form adding “the”, “than”, “of” or “in” where necessary.

1. This is one of the most controversial (controversial) books I have ever read.

2. He's … (obstinate) person I have ever met.

3. She was chosen as one of … (well-dressed) women in the world.

4. I wish the film started … (early) because I'm too tired to stay up and watch it.

5. John is the … (old) the five children.

6. He's … (lazy) student in our class and hardly ever does his homework.

7. This car is the … (luxurious) the shop.

8. Her wedding ring is her … (precious) piece of jewellery.

9. The teacher wished she had a … (lively) bunch of students to participate in the class discussions.

10. If you were any … (meticulous) in your work, you would never get anything done.

11. This assignment is … (important) my others so I'm going to spend a minimal amount of time on it.

12. My brother is … (old) me by two years.

13. The … (recent) Woody Allen's films is called " Alice".

14. The children seemed … (quiet) usual so their mother decided to check on them.

15. That boy is the … (appealing) all the boyfriends she's had.

16. The … (long) she had to wait in the doctor's office, the … (impatient) she became.

17. It's a great honour to be a member as it's one of the city's … (exclusive) clubs.

18. I find German … (demanding) Russian, as it's more like English.

19. She's … (bad) typist in the whole office.

20. She's … (happy) now … she has ever been in her life.



Argumentative essay (For and Against)

An argumentative essay is a formal, impersonal piece of writing in which you are expected to consider a topic from opposing points of view and give a balanced consideration or your opinion.




Paragraph 1

The subject or topic. A statement of your opinion.

Comments on the way it is to be treated.

Main body (Development)

Paragraph 2

Arguments for. The main ideas supported with details, examples.

Paragraph 3

Arguments against. The main ideas supported with details, examples.


Final paragraph

A summary of your viewpoints. Own views and opinions.


Points to remember:

1. Make a list of the points for and against before you start to write.

2. Never write an argument for or against without supporting it with justification.

3. Start each paragraph with a key sentence which summarizes what the paragraph is about.

4. Do not use short forms (e.g. I’m, he’ll) or strong personal expressions. I think or I believe should only be used in the final paragraph where you can give your opinion.

5. Make use of suitable connectives:

To introduce points: Firstly/ To begin with/ In the first place; One point in favour of (against)… is, etc.

To add more points: Secondly/ What is more/ Furthermore, etc.

To make contrasting points: However/ On the other hand/ Although/ In spite of/ Conversely, etc.

To conclude: To sum up/ in conclusion/ On balance/ All things considered.

Write an essay on one of the following topics:

1. Ivan IV: Reformer or Tyrant?

2. Ivan the Terrible is one of the most fascinating, violent, and enigmatic figures in the history of Russia.



I. Lyrics: Create a poem or song lyrics on one of the topics or texts presented in this unit.

II. Discussion “Rewriting history”: Discuss how things might be different if some important events of the 16th century had not happened or had turned out differently.

Summing-up assignment

I. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the unit. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.

II. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find more information about Ivan IV Talk about what you discover with your partner(s) at the next lesson.


III. POSTER: Make a poster showing the life of people in the 16th century. Show your poster to your classmates at the next lesson. Did you all find out similar things?

IV. MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Write a magazine article about Ivan IV. Include an imaginary interview with him. Write about what he does every day and what he thinks about.

Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your articles.


V. LETTER: Write a letter to Boris Godunov. Ask him three questions about his life. Give him three suggestions on what he should do in his future. Read your letter to your partner(s) at your next lesson. Your partner(s) will try and answer your questions.



abolish (v) accusation (n) adherent (adj) alternate (v) arbitrary (adj) artisan (n) attempt (v) autocracy (n) banish (v) besiege stronghold betray (v) cede (v) consent (n) consolidate (v) conspiracy (n) corps (n) devastate (v) diminish (v) discrimination (n) distraught (adj) do away (v) domain (n) enforce laws enlightenment (n) estimate (v) execute (v) exile (v) fertile distraught feuding (adj) fits of rage forcibly (adv) harvest (n) heir (n) hereditary (adj) humiliation (n) massacre (v) merchant (n) moderating (adj) nobility (n) owe (v) peasantry (n) plague (n) plunder (v) power succession realm (n) regency (n) regency council repentance (n) representative (n) resistance (n) reverse (n) ruthlessly (adv) secular (adj) secure (v) serfdom (n) stern (adj) summon (v) treason (n) treaty (n) undermine (v) undertake campaigns wither away (v)

Module 4

In this module:

· The Time of Troubles, Romanov - rise to power, Aleksey Mikhaylovich, Culture of the 17th century;

· Modal verbs;

· Writing an argumentative essay or an essay expressing opinion;

· Role play on the Time of Troubles.


1. What period in Russian history is called the Time of Troubles? And why?

2. What do you know about the impostors of that time?

3. Who were the first Romanovs? What do you know about their policy?


Text 1

Time of Troubles


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