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Complimenting People on Clothes

It is better not to ask the price of someone's clothes unless you know the person very well.

A. What a nice cardigan!

В. Does it look all right?

A. Yes, and it matches your scarf perfectly.

В. I got it for £ 28.50 in a sale.1

A. It's incredible.

1a sale: when goods are sold cheaply in the shops - often in spring and autumn.



-I like your new rain­coat.

-Is it a good fit?

-Yes, it looks fabulous.

-It only cost me £ 29.

-Well, that was very good value.



-You're looking very smart in that new jacket.

-Does it suit me?

-Yes, and I like the color, too.

-You know I only paid £ 27.75 for it.



-That's a very nice blazer you're wearing.

-Do you really like it?

-Yes, and it goes well with your new pullover, too.

-You'll never believe it, but it only cost £ 29.50.

-Very reasonable indeed.   




In certain cases, visitors to the U.K. can claim a refund on VAT (value-added tax) on their purchases. Ask for a form at the shop. Credit cards are now acceptable in shops, department stores and even some supermarkets.

-Are you being served?

-No. What have you got in the way of1 brown suede jackets, size 42?

-Sorry, but we're sold right.     

-Are you likely to be getting.     

-I should think so, yes. If you leave your phone number, I'll ring you.

1in the way of brown suede jackets: in brown suede jackets.




-Is anybody looking after you?    

-No. I’m after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.

-The best I can do is a 36.

-Could you order me one?

-I should imagine so, yes. If you leave your address, I'll contact you.



- Are you being attended to?

- No. I’m trying to find a navy blue raincoat, size 42.

- I can do the size, but not the color.

- Do you think you could get one for me?

-Yes, of course. Look in again Monday week.1

1Monday week: a week from next Monday.




-Are you being seen to?

-No. I’m looking for a pinstriped suit with a 34 waist.

-I’m afraid I can't help you at the moment.

-Will you be having any more in?

-I doubt it, but you might be lucky at our High Street branch.





Shopping покупки, хождение за покупками. Видно, что эта фор­ма образовалась от глагола to shop, а тот, в свою очередь, от суще­ствительного shop (магазин).

Sales tax — налог на продажу всего, кроме основных продуктов питания, взимаемый в большинстве штатов

Ad (разговорное сокращение от advertisement ) объявление, реклама

Good buys удачные покупки. Здесь мы видим, как из глагола to buy образовалось существительное buy (покупка)

Real bargains очень удачные покупки. Основное значение слова bargain сделка.

Sale продажа, распродажа

Interest интерес, про­центы

Cash наличные деньги

Charge кредит.

N о object не имеет значения

Речевые формулы

I prefer... Я предпочитаю...
I like... better. Мне больше нравится…
I'd rather... Лучше бы я...
I'd rather not … Лучше бы я не...




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