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This Chapter Is A Summary to Prepare You to Learn


Learning the Morse code is acquiring a NEW set of HABITS. It is a skill subject governed by the same principles that apply to learning tennis, shorthand, typing, playing a musical instrument, etc. Regular consistent, repetitive PRACTICE sets in concrete what we do and the way we do it.


Some people have managed to master the Morse code without any help. Others have used poor methods, and both have all too often given up when they came to a plateau, short of proficiency. Today methods are available which almost guarantee success, and a number of fine courses exist using these methods.


These principles are outlined below and will get the beginner off on the right foot and bring him to proficiency. If you are one who has gotten stuck, use them to get back on track. They offer the most rapid way to success in learning the telegraph code and achieving a real mastery of it.


PREPARED - prepared with the right ATTITUDES, and with knowing WHAT to do and HOW do it. This can mean the difference between success and failure.

Your ATTITUDE toward learning is crucially important: It is essential PREPARATION for success.


· Have a "CAN-DO-IT" attitude, because it is easy to learn. If you don't tell people that learning the code is hard, it won't be. If you really want to learn it, you can. Approach it as if it were impossible to fail. Motivate yourself.

· Keep a RELAXED ATMOSPHERE, free of tension, pressure, and any sense of hurry and anxiety.

· ENJOY the learning process itself.



Comments: Whenever we think of anything as "hard," it creates a stumbling block, and that tends to discourage us. - Most people find that competition during the initial stages hinders learning. - In actual reading and copying code, any anxiety or undue concern about "getting it all", or too intense interest in what is being received, or trying to outguess what is coming next, can cause us to miss out some of what follows. - People who do things well do not struggle with them. - "Relaxed receptiveness" works.

Get your first impression of the code characters by LISTENING to them - BY EAR - the way you will actually use them.

Throw away all printed code charts and any trick memory methods people offer - they will inevitably slow you down and may even discourage you as you advance.


Comments: The reason learning the code by eye or by mental pictures will slow you down is because our visual and auditory (hearing) memories are completely separate from and unrelated to each other. Trying to learn by charts or "sounds likes" slows down learning because they make us go through one or more needless steps each time we hear a character. In both cases the mind has to go through a conscious analytical or translation exercise for each signal. See Chapters 4 and 13.


From the very first, learn to hear each code character as a UNIT OF SOUND, a whole pattern, a rhythm.

At first each character should be sent fast enough, preferably from about 18 to 25 wpm or even faster, for us to hear it as a unit, and with a wide space before and after it. Never, never try to analyze it into parts. This is most important.


The Code Character is the Letter.

For example, when you hear "didah" and recognize it immediately as being "A" - you are "hearing" the letter "A." Associate the code signal with the printed letter so intimately that when you hear or think of the one, the other immediately pops into mind. Our mental "equation" should be immediate, like this:


"didah" "A",
and "A" "didah".


Instant recognition is what we strive for.





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