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Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases used in the text. Translate them into Russian/Belarusian.

– to make the school fit the child;

– a child is innately wise and realistic;

– downtrodden children;

– love breeds love;

– to storm at pupils;

– interference and guidance on the part of adults;

– a generation of robots.


Fill in the gaps with the right particle or preposition where necessary.

1. The teacher did not approve … Julie’s behaviour.

2. The overwhelming majority of conventional schools don’t benefit … renouncing … discipline.

3. The school principal approved … the new timetable.

4. The schools were fighting endlessly to combat … truancy.

5. These children are unable to fit … ordinary society when they leave school.

6. He was wearing a uniform which didn’t fit … him.

7. The minister tried to account … the high unemployment rates among school-leavers.

8. I am always surprised … the docility our pupils show when punished.


Which of these adjectives would normally be used with each of the nouns below. Translate the collocations into Russian/Belarusian.

E x a m p l e: innate – innate ability


Adjectives: docile, optional, truant, downtrodden, innate.

Nouns: talent, population, intelligence, child, conduct, courses, animal, pupil, dignity, game, ability.

Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation. Consult you functional vocabulary at the end of the Unit.


1. In my country we have to do nine basic/core subjects and then we can choose several others.

2. At this school we put a strong emphasis on academic/scholarly achievement.

3. In England bodily/corporal punishment was abolished 40 years ago.

4. On Friday afternoons we had lessons with trainee/apprentice teachers.

5. In this country we have some end of year tests but most of our marks come from progressive/continuous assessment.

6. At 16 we have the choice of doing more vocation/employment oriented courses, such as business studies and accounting.

7. He was expelled from school for playing/going truant too many times.



Speech activities

Give extensive answers to the following questions.

1. What are the freedoms that children at Summerhill enjoy?

2. In what ways does a child usually have to fit a school? To what extent do you think Summerhill fits a child?

3. What do you understand by the last sentence of the extract? What were you afraid of when you were young?

4. Dr. Neill holds quite strong views on education. Which of these views do you agree with? Which of his ideas could be applied to our educational system?

Give arguments for and against the following statements.

1. Learning is important – but not to everyone.

2. Teaching methods are of no importance nowadays.

3. Creation is killed in the classroom.

4. Marks and exams sidetrack proper personality development.

5. “Most of the school work … is simply a waste of time. It robs youth of its right to play and play and play” (A.S.Neill).


Listening сomprehension

You will hear an interview with Ian Beer, the headmaster of Harrow School and a radio programme on the subject of independent schools today. Before listening study the following vocabulary.


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