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Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld. 50 Gold Crowns +15 Gold Crowns upkeep

Arabian Merchant 4 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 7

Weapons/Armour: Scimitar (counts as a sword).

Skills: A Merchant may choose from Academic skills when he gains a new skill (he also has his own special skill that he can choose – see below).

Special Rules

Haggle: As in the Academic skill in the rulebook.

Pawnbroker: The Merchant is skilled in finding the best price for sold items and as such gains an extra 2D6 gold per item that the warband sells (up to its full value) if he was not taken out of action in the battle.

Marketeer: The Merchant has many useful contacts in the black market underworld and foreign traders to locate many special items. After each battle (if he wasn’t taken out of action) the Merchant can visit one of three markets: the Black Market, Foreign Wares and the Fencer, in search of items for the warband. Roll a D6 on the relevant table to see what items are on offer.

Black Market

A den of thieves and underworld brigands the black markets of Mordheim sell and procure all manner of illicit substances and are regularly frequented by the infamous members of the Assassins guild…

D6 Items

1 Nothing available.

2 Dark Venom or Black Lotus (D3 doses)

3 Crimson Shade (D3 doses)

4 Mandrake Root or Madcap Mushrooms (D3 doses)

5 Stiletto Blade (need ‘Weapons Training’ to use) +1 attack per turn at -1 strength.

6 Blow Pipe (need ‘Weapons Training’ to use)

Foreign Wares

Traders from across the seas can be found in the shady taverns and street corners on the outskirts of Mordheim. They have many exotic and wondrous items for sale, but at a hefty price…

D6 Items

1 Nothing available.

2 Venom Ring

3 Lamp of the Djinn or Monkey’s Paw

4 Magic Carpet or Tufenk

5 Elven Cloak

6 Cathayan Silks


Fencers have an eclectic range of items ‘procured’ from sources best left unspoken. Offered at incredible prices, traders should be wary for their word is not their bond and such items are often ‘flawed’…

D6 Items

1 Halfling Cook Book

2 Ithilmar Weapon

3 Gromril Weapon

4 Tome of Magic

5 Hunting Rifle or Elven Bow

6 Brace of Duelling Pistols

All the items purchased through the Merchant’s market contacts are at their base price (i.e., do not add the random gold modifier for items). All items bought from the Fencer are also at half price but after the item is used once roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the item breaks and is useless – an elaborate fake!

Merchant Skills

Stone Cutter: The Merchant has the skill to refine wyrdstone shards to increase their value. Whenever a warband sells its wyrdstone the Merchant may try to refine the source. Roll a D6 to discover how much additional gold the wyrdstone is worth.

D6 Gold

1-2 Lose 2D6 gold crowns.

3-5 Gain 2D6 gold crowns.

6 Gain 3D6 gold crowns.

Guardian: The Merchant has ‘acquired’ a bodyguard to protecting from harm in the coming battles. The bodyguard will only protect the Merchant and cannot fulfil warband objectives or search, loot or any function other than protecting the Merchant and as such will remain within 1" of the Merchant at all times. The bodyguard doesn’t gain experience and isn’t paid (it is assumed he has been ‘gifted’ to the Merchant as a favour from one of his contacts).

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Bodyguard 4 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 8

Equipment: Sword, light armour, shield and helmet.

Special Rules

Intercept: the bodyguard will intercept any model shooting at or charging the Merchant. Any attacks will be directed at him and if charged place the bodyguard in front of the Merchant to protect him. The bodyguard will not charge unless the Merchant also charges and cannot intercept an attack if already engaged in combat.



The Barbarians are massive men who are bred for battle from birth and use their training to inflict pain and suffering on the enemies that they consider to be weak and their prey, as well as rival tribes.

50 Gold Crowns +15 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Barbarian may be hired by any Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic, and Chaotic warbands except for Skaven, Greenskins and Beastmen.

Rating: The Barbarian increases a warband's rating by 15 points plus 1 point for each Experience point the Barbarian has.


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